fstat fileId ?item?|?stat arrayvar? Obtain status information about an open file. The following keys are used to identify data items: o atime - The time of last access. o ctime - The time of last file status change o dev - The device containing a directory for the file. This value uniquely identifies the file sys- tem that contains the file. o gid - The group ID of the file's group. o ino - The inode number. This field uniquely identifies the file in a given file system. o mode - The mode of the file (see the mknod system call). o mtime - Time when the data in the file was last modified. o nlink - The number of links to the file. o size - The file size in bytes. o tty - If the file is associated with a terminal, then 1 otherwise 0. o type - The type of the file in symbolic form, which is one of the following values: file, direc- tory, characterSpecial, blockSpecial, fifo, link, or socket. o uid - The user ID of the file's owner. If one of these keys is specified as item, then that data item is returned. If stat arrayvar is specified, then the information is returned in the array arrrayvar. Each of the above keys indexes an element of the array contain- ing the data. If only fileId is specified, the command returns the data as a keyed list. The following value may be returned only if explic- itly asked for, it will not be returned with the array or keyed list forms: o remotehost - If fileId is a TCP/IP socket connection, then a list is returned with the first element being the remote host IP address. If the remote host name can be found, it is returned as the second element of the list. This command is provided by Extended Tcl.