rfc9711v3.txt   rfc9711.txt 
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CBOR map entries and JSON name/value pairs. CBOR map entries and JSON name/value pairs.
Each claim defined in this document is added to the $$Claims-Set- Each claim defined in this document is added to the $$Claims-Set-
Claims group socket. Claims defined by other specifications MUST Claims group socket. Claims defined by other specifications MUST
also be added to the $$Claims-Set-Claims group socket. also be added to the $$Claims-Set-Claims group socket.
All claims in an EAT MUST use the same encoding except where All claims in an EAT MUST use the same encoding except where
otherwise explicitly stated (e.g., in a CBOR-encoded token, all otherwise explicitly stated (e.g., in a CBOR-encoded token, all
claims must be encoded with CBOR). claims must be encoded with CBOR).
This specification includes a CDDL definition that is derived from This specification provides a CDDL definition for most of the
the normative text in [RFC7519] and [RFC8392]. These definitions are elements defined in [RFC7519] and [RFC8392]. These definitions are
in Appendix D and are not normative. in Appendix D and are not normative.
Each claim described has a unique text string and integer that Each claim described has a unique text string and integer that
identifies it. CBOR-encoded tokens MUST only use the integer for identifies it. CBOR-encoded tokens MUST only use the integer for
claim keys. JSON-encoded tokens MUST only use the text string for claim keys. JSON-encoded tokens MUST only use the text string for
claim names. claim names.
4.1. eat_nonce (EAT Nonce) Claim 4.1. eat_nonce (EAT Nonce) Claim
An EAT nonce is either a byte, a text string, or an array of bytes or In JSON, an EAT nonce is either a text string or an array of text
text strings. The array option supports multistage EAT verification strings. In CBOR, an EAT nonce is either a byte string or an array
and consumption. of byte strings. The array option supports multistage EAT
verification and consumption.
A claim named "nonce" was defined for JWT and registered with IANA in A claim named "nonce" was defined for JWT and registered with IANA in
the "JSON Web Token Claims" registry, but it MUST NOT be used because the "JSON Web Token Claims" registry, but it MUST NOT be used because
it does not support multiple nonces. No previous "nonce" claim was it does not support multiple nonces. No previous "nonce" claim was
defined for CWT. To distinguish from the previously defined JWT defined for CWT. To distinguish from the previously defined JWT
"nonce" claim, this claim is named "eat_nonce" in JSON-encoded EATs. "nonce" claim, this claim is named "eat_nonce" in JSON-encoded EATs.
The CWT nonce defined here is intended for general purpose use and The CWT nonce defined here is intended for general purpose use and
retains the "Nonce" claim name instead of an EAT-specific name. retains the "Nonce" claim name instead of an EAT-specific name.
An EAT nonce MUST have at least 64 bits of entropy. A maximum EAT An EAT nonce MUST have at least 64 bits of entropy. A maximum EAT
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value used as the first part of a MAC address, and MA-S (formerly value used as the first part of a MAC address, and MA-S (formerly
known as OUI-36) is a 36-bit value. Many companies have already known as OUI-36) is a 36-bit value. Many companies have already
obtained an OEM ID from the IEEE registry. A CID is also a 24-bit obtained an OEM ID from the IEEE registry. A CID is also a 24-bit
value from the same space as an MA-L but is not for use as a MAC value from the same space as an MA-L but is not for use as a MAC
address. IEEE has published Guidelines for Use of EUI, OUI, and CID address. IEEE has published Guidelines for Use of EUI, OUI, and CID
[OUI.Guide] and provides a lookup service [OUI.Lookup]. [OUI.Guide] and provides a lookup service [OUI.Lookup].
Companies that have more than one of these IDs or MAC address blocks Companies that have more than one of these IDs or MAC address blocks
SHOULD select one as preferred and use that for all their entities. SHOULD select one as preferred and use that for all their entities.
Commonly, these are expressed in hexadecimal representation as Commonly, these are expressed in "hexadecimal representation" as
described in [IEEE.802-2014]. It is also called the canonical described in [IEEE.802-2014]. When this claim is encoded, the order
format. When this claim is encoded, the order of bytes in the bstr of bytes in the bstr is the same as the order in the "hexadecimal
is the same as the order in the hexadecimal representation. For representation". For example, an MA-L like "AC-DE-48" would be
example, an MA-L like "AC-DE-48" would be encoded in 3 bytes with encoded in 3 bytes with values 0xAC, 0xDE, and 0x48.
values 0xAC, 0xDE, and 0x48.
This format is always 3 bytes in size in CBOR. This format is always 3 bytes in size in CBOR.
In JSON-encoded tokens, this MUST be base64url encoded and always 4 In JSON-encoded tokens, this MUST be base64url encoded and always 4
bytes. bytes. IANA Private Enterprise Number-Based OEM ID IANA Private Enterprise Number-Based OEM ID
IANA maintains a registry for Private Enterprise Numbers [PEN]. A IANA maintains a registry for Private Enterprise Numbers [PEN]. A
PEN is an integer that identifies an enterprise, and it may be used PEN is an integer that identifies an enterprise, and it may be used
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guarantee interoperability. EAT chooses one general and explicit guarantee interoperability. EAT chooses one general and explicit
mechanism, the profile, to indicate the choices made for these mechanism, the profile, to indicate the choices made for these
implementation options for all aspects of the token. implementation options for all aspects of the token.
Below is a list of the various issues that should be addressed by a Below is a list of the various issues that should be addressed by a
profile. profile.
The "eat_profile" claim in Section 4.3.2 provides a unique identifier The "eat_profile" claim in Section 4.3.2 provides a unique identifier
for the profile a particular token uses. for the profile a particular token uses.
A profile can apply to evidence results, attestation results, or A profile can apply to evidence, attestation results, or both.
6.1. Format of a Profile Document 6.1. Format of a Profile Document
A profile document does not have to be in any particular format. It A profile document does not have to be in any particular format. It
may be simple text, something more formal, or a combination of both. may be simple text, something more formal, or a combination of both.
A profile may define, and possibly register, one or more new claims A profile may define, and possibly register, one or more new claims
if needed. A profile may also reuse one or more already defined if needed. A profile may also reuse one or more already defined
claims either as is or with values constrained to a subset or claims either as is or with values constrained to a subset or
subrange. subrange.
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their content. The "manifests" claim (Section 4.2.15) and the their content. The "manifests" claim (Section 4.2.15) and the
"measurements" claim (Section 4.2.16) are examples of this, allowing "measurements" claim (Section 4.2.16) are examples of this, allowing
the use of CoSWID and other formats. A profile should specify which the use of CoSWID and other formats. A profile should specify which
formats are allowed to be sent, with the assumption that the formats are allowed to be sent, with the assumption that the
corresponding CoAP content types have been registered. A profile corresponding CoAP content types have been registered. A profile
should require the receiver to accept all formats that are allowed to should require the receiver to accept all formats that are allowed to
be sent. be sent.
Further, if there is variation within a format that is allowed, the Further, if there is variation within a format that is allowed, the
profile should specify which variations can be sent. For example, profile should specify which variations can be sent. For example,
there are variations in the CoSWID format, such as a profile that there are variations in the CoSWID format. A profile might require
requires the receiver to accept all variations that are allowed to be the receiver to accept all variations that are allowed to be sent.
6.4. The Constrained Device Standard Profile 6.4. The Constrained Device Standard Profile
It is anticipated that there will be many profiles defined for EAT It is anticipated that there will be many profiles defined for EAT
for many different use cases. This section gives a normative for many different use cases. This section gives a normative
definition of one profile that is good for many constrained device definition of one profile that is good for many constrained device
use cases. use cases.
The identifier for this profile is "urn:ietf:rfc:rfc9711". The identifier for this profile is "urn:ietf:rfc:rfc9711".
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tokens. When this is the case, the JC<> CDDL construct is used to tokens. When this is the case, the JC<> CDDL construct is used to
give both the integer and string values. give both the integer and string values.
7.2.4. CBOR Interoperability 7.2.4. CBOR Interoperability
CBOR allows data items to be serialized in more than one form to CBOR allows data items to be serialized in more than one form to
accommodate a variety of use cases. This is addressed in Section 6. accommodate a variety of use cases. This is addressed in Section 6.
7.3. Collected CDDL 7.3. Collected CDDL
See [EAT-GitHub] for additional information and stub files, when
using the CDDL presented in this section to validate EAT protocol
7.3.1. Payload CDDL 7.3.1. Payload CDDL
The payload CDDL defines all the EAT claims that are added to the The payload CDDL defines all the EAT claims that are added to the
main definition of a Claims-Set in Appendix D. Claims-Set is the main definition of a Claims-Set in Appendix D. Claims-Set is the
payload for CWT, JWT, and potentially other token types. This is for payload for CWT, JWT, and potentially other token types. This is for
both CBOR and JSON. When there is variation between CBOR and JSON, both CBOR and JSON. When there is variation between CBOR and JSON,
the JC<> CDDL generic defined in Appendix D is used. Note that the the JC<> CDDL generic defined in Appendix D is used. Note that the
JC<> generic uses the CDDL ".feature" control operator defined in JC<> generic uses the CDDL ".feature" control operator defined in
[RFC9165]. [RFC9165].
skipping to change at line 3180 skipping to change at line 3182
ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert-12, 8 January 2025, ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert-12, 8 January 2025,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-cose- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-cose-
cbor-encoded-cert-12>. cbor-encoded-cert-12>.
[CC-Example] [CC-Example]
Eurosmart, "Secure Sub-System in System-on-Chip (3S in Eurosmart, "Secure Sub-System in System-on-Chip (3S in
SoC) Protection Profile", Version 1.8, October 2023, SoC) Protection Profile", Version 1.8, October 2023,
<https://commoncriteriaportal.org/nfs/ccpfiles/files/ <https://commoncriteriaportal.org/nfs/ccpfiles/files/
ppfiles/pp0117V2b_pdf.pdf>. ppfiles/pp0117V2b_pdf.pdf>.
"Entity Attestation Token IETF Draft Standard", commit
62c726b, January 2024,
[EAT.media-types] [EAT.media-types]
Lundblade, L., Birkholz, H., and T. Fossati, "EAT Media Lundblade, L., Birkholz, H., and T. Fossati, "EAT Media
Types", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats- Types", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-
eat-media-type-12, 3 November 2024, eat-media-type-12, 3 November 2024,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-rats- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-rats-
eat-media-type-12>. eat-media-type-12>.
[GP-Example] [GP-Example]
GlobalPlatform, "GlobalPlatform Technology: TEE GlobalPlatform, "GlobalPlatform Technology: TEE
Certification Process", Public Release Version 2.0, Certification Process", Public Release Version 2.0,
skipping to change at line 3623 skipping to change at line 3630
] ]
] ]
] ]
] ]
} }
A.1.7. JSON-Encoded Token with Submodules A.1.7. JSON-Encoded Token with Submodules
The lines in this example are wrapped per [RFC8792]. The lines in this example are wrapped per [RFC8792].
=============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================
{ {
"eat_nonce": "lI-IYNE6Rj6O", "eat_nonce": "lI-IYNE6Rj6O",
"ueid": "AJj1Ck_2wFhhyIYNE6Y46g==", "ueid": "AJj1Ck_2wFhhyIYNE6Y46g==",
"secboot": true, "secboot": true,
"dbgstat": "disabled-permanently", "dbgstat": "disabled-permanently",
"iat": 1526542894, "iat": 1526542894,
"submods": { "submods": {
"Android App Foo": { "Android App Foo": {
"swname": "Foo.app" "swname": "Foo.app"
}, },
skipping to change at line 3769 skipping to change at line 3778
A.2.3. JSON-Encoded Detached EAT Bundle A.2.3. JSON-Encoded Detached EAT Bundle
In this bundle, there are two detached Claims-Sets: "Audio Subsystem" In this bundle, there are two detached Claims-Sets: "Audio Subsystem"
and "Graphics Subsystem". The JWT at the start of the bundle has and "Graphics Subsystem". The JWT at the start of the bundle has
detached signature submodules with hashes that cover these two detached signature submodules with hashes that cover these two
Claims-Sets. The JWT itself is protected using the Hashed Message Claims-Sets. The JWT itself is protected using the Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) with a key of "xxxxxx". Authentication Code (HMAC) with a key of "xxxxxx".
The lines in this example are wrapped per [RFC8792]. The lines in this example are wrapped per [RFC8792].
=============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================
[ [
[ [
"JWT", "JWT",
"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlYXRfbm9uY2UiOiJ5dT\ "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlYXRfbm9uY2UiOiJ5dT\
7R-TKhgAk85NyCOPQlbtGGjFM_3chnhBEOuM6qCo" 7R-TKhgAk85NyCOPQlbtGGjFM_3chnhBEOuM6qCo"
], ],
skipping to change at line 4116 skipping to change at line 4127
exp-claim-label = JC<"exp", 4> exp-claim-label = JC<"exp", 4>
nbf-claim-label = JC<"nbf", 5> nbf-claim-label = JC<"nbf", 5>
iat-claim-label = JC<"iat", 6> iat-claim-label = JC<"iat", 6>
cti-claim-label = CBOR-ONLY<7> ; jti in JWT: different name and text cti-claim-label = CBOR-ONLY<7> ; jti in JWT: different name and text
JSON-ONLY<J> = J .feature "json" JSON-ONLY<J> = J .feature "json"
CBOR-ONLY<C> = C .feature "cbor" CBOR-ONLY<C> = C .feature "cbor"
JC<J,C> = J .feature "json" / C .feature "cbor"
; A JWT message is either a JSON Web Signature (JWS) or a JSON Web ; A JWT message is either a JSON Web Signature (JWS) or a JSON Web
; Encryption (JWE) in compact serialization form with the payload ; Encryption (JWE) in compact serialization form with the payload
; as a Claims-Set. Compact serialization is the protected headers, ; as a Claims-Set. Compact serialization is the protected headers,
; payload, and signature that are each b64url-encoded and separated ; payload, and signature that are each b64url-encoded and separated
; by a ".". This CDDL simply matches the top-level syntax of a JWS ; by a ".". This CDDL simply matches the top-level syntax of a JWS
; or JWE as it is not possible to do more in CDDL. ; or JWE as it is not possible to do more in CDDL.
JWT-Message = JWT-Message =
text .regexp "[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" text .regexp "[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+"
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