
October 1993


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

     This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not
     to be quoted in other publications without permission from the

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.

These reports should be submitted via network mail to:

     Ann Westine Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)

     NSF Regional reports - To obtain the procedure describing how to
     submit information for the Internet Monthly Report, send an email
     message to mailserv@is.internic.net and put "send imr-procedure" in
     the body of the message (add only that one line; do not put a

Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu".

     Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or
     EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-
     info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For

             To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
             Subject: getting imrs

             help: ways_to_get_imrs

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993



     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3

  Internet Projects

     ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING  . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
     BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC.,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15
     CONCERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16
     INTERNIC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
     ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
     JVNCNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28
     LOS NETTOS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29
     MERIT/MICHNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29
     MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
     MERIT/NSFNET INFORMATION SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33
     NORTHWESTNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 35

     PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37

  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 39

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


                   IETF MONTHLY REPORT for October, 1993

     1. The 28th meeting of the IETF, co-hosted by SESQUINET and Rice
        University, was held in Houston, Texas from November 1-5, 1993.
        The first meeting of the IETF in 1994 will be held in Seattle,
        Washington from March 29 through April 1, 1994. This meeting is
        being hosted by NorthWestNet.

        Following the March 1994 meeting, it looks like the IETF will
        be in Toronto in July, and in the San Francisco Bay Area in the
        fall. Once the final arrangements have been made, notifications
        will be sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that
        information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in
        the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow

     2. The IESG has determined how documents from the IPng candidates
        will be treated when they are submitted to the IESG for
        publication as RFCs.

        a. All IPng-related documents will be submitted for publication
           as RFCs in normal fashion; that is, as soon as the working
           group and the area directorate recommends that the IESG
           review them for publication. All IPng-related RFCs will be
           published with Experimental status. All IPng-related RFCs
           will remain in Experimental status until a single IPng is

        b. At some point, one IPng shall be selected, and it will be
           moved onto the standards track as defined in RFC1310 (or its
           successor). An Applicability Statement will be prepared to
           assign a status of "Recommended" as the Common IPng for
           Internet interoperability.

        c. Once a "Common IPng" protocol has been selected, the other
           (former) IPng candidates will be treated in normal fashion.
           That is, they may eventually be moved to Historic status, or,
           if recommended by the working group and area directorate,
           they may be moved onto the standards track. However, because
           there can be only one level three protocol with a status of
           "Recommended as the Common IPng for Internet
           interoperability", an Applicability Statement must be
           prepared that clearly distinguishes between the subject
           protocol and the "Recommended Common IPng".

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     3. The IESG approved or recommended the following nine Protocol
        Actions during the month of October, 1993:

        o  MOSPF: Analysis and Experience as an Informational document

        o  OSPF Version 2 as a Draft Standard

        o  Multicast Extensions to OSPF as a Proposed Standard

        o  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) as a Draft Standard

        o  PPP in HDLC Framing as a Draft Standard

        o  Common DNS Data File Configuration Error as an Informational

        o  Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes. as an
           Informational document

        o  FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR) as an
           Experimental Protocol

        o  Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point Protocol
           as an Informational document

     4. The IESG issued four Last Calls to the IETF during the month of
        October, 1993:

        o  Classical IP and ARP over ATM <draft-ietf-atm-classic-ip-05>
           being considered as a Proposed Standard

        o  OSPF Version 2 <draft-ietf-ospf-version2-04> being considered
           as a Draft Standard

        o  Multicast Extensions to OSPF <draft-ietf-mospf-multicast-04>
           being considered as a Proposed Standard

        o  Telnet Environment Option
           <draft-ietf-telnet-envmnt-option-02> being considered as a
           Proposed Standard

     5. Two Working Groups were created during this period:

           Internet Stream Protocol V2 (st2)
           Routing over Large Clouds (rolc)

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

        Additionally, two Working Groups were concluded:

           Internet Message Extensions (822ext)
           Network News Transport Protocol (nntp)

     6. A total of 88 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month
        of October, 1993:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )

      (idpr)     o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Inter-Domain
                    Policy Routing Protocol (Version 1)
      (x400ops)  o  Operational Requirements for X.400 Management
                    Domains in the GO-MHS Community
      (none)     o  IDRP for IP <draft-hares-idrp-05.txt>
      (atommib)  o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
                    Interface Type <draft-ietf-atommib-sonet-01.txt>
      (ospf)     o  The OSPF NSSA Option
      (avt)      o  Issues in Designing a Transport Protocol for Audio
                    and Video Conferences and other Multiparticipant
                    Real-Time Applications
                    <draft-ietf-avt-issues-01.txt, .ps>
      (wnils)    o  Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service
      (x400ops)  o  Postmaster Convention for X.400 Operations
      (pem)      o  MIME-PEM Interaction <draft-ietf-pem-mime-03.txt>
      (x400ops)  o  C=US; A=IMX <draft-ietf-x400ops-admd-03.txt>
      (avt)      o  RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications
                    <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-04.txt, .ps>
      (avt)      o  Sample Profile for the Use of RTP for Audio and
                    Video Conferences with Minimal Control
      (pppext)   o  PPP in X.25 <draft-ietf-pppext-x25-02.txt>
      (pppext)   o  PPP in Frame Relay
      (pppext)   o  PPP over ISDN <draft-ietf-pppext-isdn-03.txt>
      (dns)      o  DNS Support for IDPR <draft-ietf-dns-idpr-02.txt>
      (iiir)     o  Resource Transponders
      (rolc)     +  NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)
      (nir)      o  A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval:
                    Tools and Groups

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

      (none)     o  Randomness Requirements for Security
      (iiir)     o  A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information
                    Service <draft-ietf-iiir-vision-01.txt>
      (telnet)   o  Telnet Environment Option
      (cat)      o  FTP Security Extensions
      (frnetmib) o  Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay
                    Service <draft-ietf-frnetmib-fr-04.txt>
      (uri)      o  Uniform Resource Names
      (ifmib)    o  Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II
      (atm)      o  Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5
      (isn)      o  FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to Commonly
                    Asked "Primary and Secondary School Internet User"
                    Questions <draft-ietf-isn-faq-02.txt>
      (atm)      o  Classical IP and ARP over ATM
      (decnetiv) o  DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions
      (pppext)   o  PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)
      (tn3270e)  o  TN3270 Enhancements
      (upsmib)   o  UPS Management Information Base
      (none)     o  Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux)
      (thinosi)  o  Octet sequences for upper-layer OSI to support basic
                    communications applications
      (atommib)  o  Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management
      (tn3270e)  o  TN3270 Current Practices
      (none)     o  Mapping between X.400 P772 and RFC-822
      (pppext)   o  Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point
                    Protocol <draft-ietf-pppext-requirements-01.txt>
      (pppext)   o  The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP)
      (none)     +  Simple Mobile IP (SMIP)

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

      (ripv2)    +  RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information
      (none)     o  Naming and Structuring Guidelines for X.500
                    Directory Pilots <draft-rare-nap-x500naming-01.txt>
      (sip)      +  Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP): Overview of
                    Routing and Addressing Extensions to SIP
      (none)     +  MIME Multipart/Header-Set
                    <draft-crocker-headerset-00.txt, .ps>
      (pppext)   +  PPP Reliable Transmission
      (ids)      +  A Revised Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations
      (none)     +  SGML-based Personal Contact Information (SPCI)
                    <draft-adie-spci-00.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  SGML-based Hierarchical Attribute/Value Encoding
                    (SHAVE) <draft-adie-shave-00.txt, .ps>
      (dns)      +  Incremental Transfer and Fast Convergence in DNS
      (snadlc)   +  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA Data Link
                    Control <draft-ietf-snadlc-sdlc-mib-00.txt>
      (none)     o  MIME Content Type for BinHex encoded files
                    <draft-faltstrom-macmime2-01.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  MIME Content-types for SGML Documents
      (ifmib)    +  Management Information Base for Management of
                    Network Connections
      (none)     +  MIME Encapsulation of Macintosh files - MacMIME
                    <draft-faltstrom-macmime1-00.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  MIME Content Type for BinHex encoded files
                    <draft-faltstrom-macmime2-00.txt, .ps>
      (bgp)      +  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol and IDRP
                    for IP in the Internet
      (none)     +  Internet Architecture Extensions for Shared Media
      (none)     o  SMTP Service Extensions for Binary Transmission of
                    Large MIME Messages
      (none)     +  Application/Signature
      (none)     +  Row creation with SNMPv1
      (snadlc)   +  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA Data Link

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

                    Control <draft-ietf-snadlc-mib-00.txt>
      (svrloc)   o  Service Location Protocol
      (none)     +  SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining
      (pppext)   +  PPP Stacker LZS Compression Protocol
      (none)     +  SMTP Service Extensions for Command Streaming
      (pppext)   o  The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP)
      (ripv2)    +  RIP Version 2 MIB Extension
      (none)     +  Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture:
                    an Overview. <draft-braden-realtime-outline-00.txt,
      (none)     +  A Service Model for an Integrated Services Internet
                    <draft-shenker-realtime-model-00.txt, .ps>
      (pem)      +  An Alternative PEM MIME Integration
      (none)     +  Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1
                    Functional Specification <draft-braden-rsvp-00.txt,
      (pppext)   +  PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol
      (none)     +  Selecting a Direct Provider
      (modemmgt) +  Modem MIB <draft-ietf-modemmgt-mdmmib-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Multipart/References MIME Content-Type
      (iiir)     +  WAIS over Z39.50-1988 <draft-ietf-iiir-wais-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Introduction to White Pages services based on X.500
      (iab)      +  The MultiProtocol Internet
      (osids)    +  Connection-less Lightweight Directory Access
                    Protocol <draft-ietf-osids-cldap-00.txt>
      (none)     +  SC6 Documents on Liaison with the IETF in the CIDR
                    Environment <draft-houldsworth-sc6-documents-00.txt>
      (osinsap)  +  Guidelines for OSI NSAP Allocation in the Internet
      (sip)      +  Extensions to DNS to support SIPP
      (idmr)     +  IGMP Router Extensions for Routing to Sparse

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

      (idmr)     +  IGMP Router Extensions for Routing to Dense
                    Multicast-Groups <draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-dense-00.txt>

      (pppext)   +  PPP Hewlett-Packard Packet-by-Packet Compression (HP
                    PPC) Protocol <draft-ietf-pppext-hpppc-00.txt>

     7. There were 16 RFC's published during the month of October, 1993:

        RFC     St   WG        Title
        ------- --  --------   -------------------------------------
        RFC1528 E   (none)     Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
                               Subdomain: Remote Printing -- Technical
        RFC1529 I   (none)     Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
                               Subdomain: Remote Printing --
                               Administrative Policies
        RFC1530 I   (none)     Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT
                               Subdomain: General Principles and Policy
        RFC1531 PS  (dhc)      Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
        RFC1532 PS  (dhc)      Clarifications and Extensions for the
                               Bootstrap Protocol
        RFC1533 PS  (dhc)      DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions
        RFC1534 PS  (dhc)      Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP
        RFC1535 I   (none)     A Security Problem and Proposed
                               Correction With Widely Deployed DNS
        RFC1536 I   (dns)      Common DNS Implementation Errors and
                               Suggested Fixes.
        RFC1537 I   (dns)      Common DNS Data File Configuration Error
        RFC1538 I   (none)     Advanced SNA/IP : A Simple SNA Transport
        RFC1539 I   (none)     The Tao of IETF - A Guide for New
                               Attendees of the Internet Engineering
                               Task Force
        RFC1541 PS  (dhc)      Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
        RFC1542 PS  (dhc)      Clarifications and Extensions for the
                               Bootstrap Protocol
        RFC1543 I   (none)     Instructions to RFC Authors

     St(atus):  ( S)           Internet Standard
                (PS)           Proposed Standard
                (DS)           Draft Standard
                ( E)           Experimental
                ( I)           Informational

     Steve Coya (scoya@cnri.reston.va.us)

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993



     Network Status Summary

     A major T3 network hardware & software upgrade is planned to begin
     deployment on November 6th.  This upgrade will include several T3
     router performance enhancements.  New rcp_routed routing software
     was deployed in October.  New GateD routing software is expected to
     begin deployment in November.  A new CNSS node was installed in
     Albuquerque, New Mexico to support T3 services.

     October Backbone Traffic and Routing Statistics

     The total inbound packet count for the network (measured using SNMP
     interface counters) was 43,689,832,748 on T3 ENSS interfaces, up
     21.9% from September.  The total packet count into the network
     including all ENSS serial interfaces was 51,080,653,716 up 22.4%
     from September.

     Major T3 Network Upgrade Planned

     Starting on November 6th, a major upgrade to the T3 ANSnet/NSFnet
     Service will be deployed.  We are calling this the "Phase-5
     upgrade" since it represents the 5th major change to network
     infrastructure that we have made since 1991.  The infrastructure
     upgrade to the T3 network will begin deployment on Friday 11/6 in
     Seattle and Denver, and will continue at each T3 ENSS site and CNSS
     POP location during pre-scheduled weekend maintenance windows
     through 12/18.  The major changes included in this upgrade are:

     o     Upgrade of all DS3/HSSI router serial interface adapters (T3
           CNSS and ENSS) to support full DS3 bandwidth.  The router
           adapter bus interface cards will also be upgraded to double
           the packet switching rates per interface.

     o     The architecture for interconnection among CNSS routers at
           each MCI POP location will be upgraded from point-to-point
           links to a common FDDI ring.

     o     The T3 DSUs on each DS3 interface will replaced with a T3
           bandwidth manager (T3Plus BMX45) to accommodate T3 CNSS-CNSS

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

           circuits and a Larscom Access-T45 DSU on each end of a T3
           ENSS-CNSS circuit.

     o     New system software and microcode will be installed (already
           in progress) prior to the hardware deployment to support the
           increased adapter performance.  Routing software has already
           been deployed to support the new CNSS FDDI ring architecture.

     Deployment Schedule Summary

     The upgrade will be deployed in six steps, commencing on Friday
     evening November 6th, and ending on the weekend of December 18th.
     the upgrade will be suspended for the week of Thanksgiving.  Some
     deployment details and the deployment schedule follow below:

     -     The T3Plus BMX45N bandwidth managers will be installed
           on the first POP visit.  CNSS sites will have multiple
           visits to upgrade the backbone links.

     -     T3 ENSS sites are visited once and are upgraded
           concurrent with the adjacent DS3 linked CNSS.

     -     The ANS NOC will create a planned maintenance trouble
           ticket with the ENSS site well in advance of maintenance
           and will confirm with the site a few days in advance.

     -     All parts will be delivered to the ENSS site on the
           Thursday preceding the scheduled Friday evening upgrade.

     Deployment Schedule Detail

     Step    Date   ENSS  CNSS
     ----  -------  ----  ----
     1   11/06/93  E143  Seattle    Seattle ENSS and Seattle POP
                   E142  Denver     Salt Lake City ENSS and Denver POP
                   E141  Denver     Boulder ENSS and Denver POP

     2   11/13/93  E128  San Fran   Palo Alto ENSS and San Fran POP
                   E144  San Fran   FIX-W ENSS and San Fran POP
                   E130  Chicago    Argonne ENSS and Chicago POP
                   ----  Seattle    2nd visit for Seattle-San Fran
                                    link upgrade

     3   11/20/93  E135  L.A.       San Diego ENSS and Los Angeles POP
                   E179  N. Mex.    Sandia Labs ENSS & Albuquerque POP
                   E172  N. Mex.    Phillips Labs ENSS & Albuquerque POP

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

                   E139  Houston    Houston ENSS and Houston POP
                   ----  San Fran   2nd visit for San Fran.- L.A.
                                    link upgrade

     4   12/04/93  E129  St. Louis  Champaign ENSS and St. Louis POP
                   E140  St. Louis  Lincoln ENSS and St. Louis POP
                   E138  Atlanta    Atlanta ENSS and Atlanta POP
                   ----  Greensboro Greensboro POP
                   ----  Denver     2nd visit for Denver-St. Louis
                                    link upgrade
                   ----  Chicago    2nd visit for Chicago-St. Louis
                                    link upgrade
                   ----  Houston    2nd visit for Houston-St. Louis
                                    link upgrade and for Houston-Atlanta
                                    link upgrade

     5   12/11/93  E131  Cleveland  Ann Arbor ENSS and Cleveland POP
                   E132  Cleveland  Pittsburgh ENSS and Cleveland POP
                   E137  New York   Princeton ENSS and New York POP
                   ----  Chicago    3rd visit for Chicago-Cleveland
                                    link upgrade

     6   12/18/93  E133  Hartford   Ithaca ENSS and Hartford POP
                   E134  Hartford   Boston ENSS and Hartford POP
                   E136  Wash D.C.  College Park ENSS and Wash D.C. POP
                   E145  Wash D.C.  FIX-East ENSS and Wash D.C. POP
                   E146  Wash D.C.  DARPA ENSS and Wash D.C. POP
                   ----  Cleveland  2nd visit for Cleveland-Hartford
                                    link upgrade
                   ----  Greensboro 2nd visit for Greensboro-D.C.
                                    link upgrade
                   ----  New York   2nd visit for NY-Hartford link
                                    upgrade and for NY-D.C. link

     Rcp_routed Routing Software Changes

     Rcp_routed maintenance continued in preparation for the upcoming T3
     network upgrade and GateD deployment.  The "Both IBGP and EBGP
     Aggregation" version or rcp_routed was deployed early in October.
     The "Both IBGP and EBGP Aggregation" version further improves
     performance, and also allows the CNSS nodes to be interconnected
     using a FDDI ring rather than point-to-point interfaces within the
     carrier POPs.

     A new version of rcp_routed will be installed in early November.
     This version more efficiently processes policy information (see

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Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


     Routing Stability Measured on the T3 Network

     Internal routing stability measurements are made by monitoring
     short term disconnect times (disconnects of five minutes duration
     or less).  This is intended as a measure of stability rather than
     complete connectivity.  Steady improvement that has been observed
     since June.

            MONTH               overall              excluding configs
            ------              -------              -----------------
            January              99.1%                      99.5%
            February             99.0%                      99.5%
            March                97.5%                      99.1%
            April                96.1%                      97.2%
            May                  97.4%                      98.0%
            June                 95.5%                      96.6%
            July                 97.3%                      97.7%
            August               97.5%                      97.9%
            September            98.1%                      98.5%
            October              98.0%                      98.3%

     The figures above exclude logs collected at the ENSS200 router
     which was used to provide temporary T3 connectivity for a trade
     show. While there was no stability problems with this node, it was
     never xntp time synchronized and its skewed timestamps tended to
     make any minor instabilities during that week appear longer than
     they were.  Stability figures for ENSS200 are included by virtue of
     the logging information collected on it's IBGP neighbors.

     Severe route flap outside of ANSnet affected rcp_routed in October.
     A rogue application was discovered walking through the IP address
     space, starting with the class A numbers and transmitting UDP echo
     packets to these destinations.  This affected routers outside
     ANSnet, which had difficulty processing the ICMP unreachable
     messages to be sent.  The volume of route flaps affected ENSS nodes
     with a very large number of configured peer network announcements
     (5000-8000 networks).  The efficiency of the run time search
     through configured policy information in rcp_routed was improved to
     prevent this in the future.  ENSS136, ENSS144, and ENSS145 were
     affected.  The source network responsible for the rogue application
     was isolated and the UDP echo packets have since ceased.

     ENSS160 (ANS Elmsford) experienced numerous crashes due a hardware
     failure which was subsequently fixed.

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     ENSS138 saw instability associated with the cutover of a new T3
     circuit.  Instabilities were recorded as part of the cutover.

     Other than the specific problems cited above, power problems on the
     customer premise was responsible for the greatest amount of
     measured instability.

     A new router system software build was installed at a few T3 ENSS
     sites, causing limited instability of on the order of 10 minutes.
     Two new versions of rcp_routed were installed during October.
     Route convergence has improved, limiting the disruption of a
     backbone wide routing daemon install to about 5 minutes.

     The number of nodes experiencing more than 30 minutes accumulated
     has been significantly reduced.  The vast majority of nodes had
     less than 15 minutes of accumulated instability over the course of
     the month.  The breakdown by sites is as follows (these figures
     include instabilities recorded during configuration runs):

        MONTH     >5 hr   >2 hr   > 1hr  >30 min   >15 min  <= 15min
                <98.7%  <99.7%  <99.87% <99.93%   <99.97%  >=99.97%
        January      0       0       1       8        19        55
        February     0       0       1      24        19        41
        March        0       4      18      23        23        22
        April        2       2       3      13        12        57
        May          0       4      33      32        15         5
        June         3      21      35      18        12         3
        July         0      12      28      44         6         1
        August       1       5      28      21        17        15
        September    1      38      25      10         4        13
        October      0       3       3      10        25        50

     GateD Deployment Update

     During October we continued testing the initial GateD release for
     the T3 network that supports BGP4 and interoperability with
     rcp_routed.  A recent change resulting from testing involves
     improved protocol processing during large route downloads from the
     AIX kernel to the packet forwarding adapters.  We expect deployment
     of GateD to begin in November with support for external BGP version
     4 peers available soon thereafter.

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     Albuquerque POP Installation

     On November 5th a new CNSS node will be added to the T3 ANSnet in
     Albuquerque, New Mexico.  This CNSS will initially support two new
     T3 ENSS sites in Albuquerque (Sandia National Laboratories and
     Phillips Laboratories).  Within the next few months, additional
     CNSS equipment will be added to support the attachment of other
     networks in the Albuquerque region.

     Notable Outages in October '93

     UNAM (Mexico) suffered an extended circuit outages on 10/01 and

     E173 (ITESM) suffered an extended outage on 10/3 due to power

     EBS2 (Cern) suffered extended circuit outages on 10/5, 10/6, and

     E173 (ITESM) suffered an extended circuit outage on 10/11.

     E141 (Boulder) and E142 (Salt Lake) lost T3 connectivity on 10/12
     due to hardware problems due to hardware problems on a core router.

     Jordan Becker <becker@ans.net>


     Real-Time Multicast (Communications)

     Work in September concentrated on testing and demonstrating the
     various network capabilities developed in the project.  With the
     help of other DARTnet researchers, we performed several tests on
     the DARTnet testbed of multi-level flows, RCOs (Resource
     Coordination Objects), and shared streams.  These tests used a
     modified version of the "nv" video-conferencing program that
     supports multi-level video data flows (described in last month's
     report), and the standard version of the VAT audio-conferencing
     tool, which was used for a shared-stream-based audio conference.

     The shared-stream experiment uses RCOs to propagate reservation
     information for each VAT audio source, which share common bandwidth
     where the flows overlap in the network.  The Fair Share resource-

Cooper                                                         [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     enforcement mechanism was used to enforce the bandwidth
     reservations for the multicast flows.

     Inter Domain Policy Routing

     During the months of September and October, we made considerable
     progress on our implementation of multicast and multipath routing
     for IDPR.  This involved changes to the procedures for generating
     routes, setting up paths, and distributing routing information.
     Although only minor changes to the IDPR protocols are required to
     support both multicast and multipath routing, the software for
     route generation and path setup required extensive redesign to
     support these features.  We expect to start testing in December.

     Karen Seo <kseo@BBN.COM>


     CONCERT has received two NSF Connections Grants allowing for the
     connection of 16 Universities / Colleges/ Community Colleges in the
     State of North Carolina.

     The communications research group's resource management experiment
     has been slowed down a bit due to switching to Solaris 2.2.
     However, the real time (RT) scheduling class in Solaris 2.2 seems
     to be useful for a number of networking and multimedia experiments.
     For example, we expect to use this support in implementing a leaky
     bucket mechanism and in implementing an audio echo cancellation

     Work is underway to port the University of Virginia,
     Charlottesville implementation of XTP(version 3.6) for the IBM RISC
     6000 platforms running AIX to the Cray-YMP-EL running UNICOS. This
     implementation of XTP is more efficient compared to the KRM version
     (KRM 1.6 and 1.7) that was ported to the Cray earlier this year.

     An updated version of the packet video catalog listing packet audio
     and video packages (based on the previous work of to Chris Adie)
     will be  placed on the ftp site ftp.concert.net early this week.
     This is a live document and will be updated periodically as new
     packages are announced and existing ones evolve.

     by Tom Sandoski <tom@concert.net>

Cooper                                                         [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993



          Contact Information:

          Reference Desk Information
               Toll-free hotline     +1 800 444-4345
               email                 info@internic.net
               Fax                   +1 619 455-4640

          InterNIC Suggestions or Complaints
               Suggestions     suggestions@internic.net
               Complaints      complaints@internic.net

          NSF Network News
               newsletter subscriptions
               newsletter comments

          Listserv lists
               net-happenings   listserv@internic.net
               net-resources    listserv@is.internic.net
               nics             listserv@is.internic.net

               Host Name        is.internic.net
               Host Address

          Postal address
               InterNIC Information Services
               General Atomics
               P.O. BOX 85608
               San Diego, CA 92186-9784

          NIC Fest '93

          The first annual NIC Fest workshop was held November 6 in San
          Diego.  The daylong workshop was held in conjunction with the
          ACM SIGUCCS '93 conference. NIC Fest was specifically designed
          for network information center (NIC) management, staff, and
          other  personnel who provide support for Internet users.
          Approximately 130 NIC staffers from around the country, as
          well as Japan,  Hong Kong, Germany and Canada attended the
          conference. The following midlevel networks were represented:

Cooper                                                         [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

          MIDnet, BARRnet, OARnet, CICnet, NYSERNet,  PREPnet,
          Northwestnet, VERnet, MOREnet, Merit, and CERFnet. All
          participants listed some kind of NIC support functions, often
          help-desk, documentation,  and/or training.

          Speakers included:

          Alan Emtage, Vice President of Research and Development,
           Bunyip Information Systems, and co-developer of Archie

          David R. Conrad, Technical Contact for the Asia Pacific
           Network Information Center in Tokyo, Japan

          Jane Smith, Assistant Director, Clearinghouse for Networked
          Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR)

          Joyce Reynolds, Technical Staff, ISI; Area Director, IETF User
          Services (Internet Engineering Task Force)

          The InterNIC Team:
            Susan Calcari, InterNIC Information Services
            Subu Subramanian, InterNIC Directory and Database Services
            Scott Williamson, InterNIC Registration Services

          NIC Fest Featured The Following:

          InterNIC Services and Discussion

          A summary and discussion of InterNIC services presented by
          Susan Calcari of Information Services, Subu Subramanian of
          Directory and Database Services, and John Zalubski of
          Registration Services.

          Network Tools, Parts I and II

          An overview of the network tools currently available and how
          they work.  Presented by Jane Smith of the Coalition for
          Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) and Alan
          Emtage of Bunyip Information Systems, the discussion also
          included future developments of the tools.

          NIC Projects, Part I

          Joyce Reynolds of the Information Sciences Institute and
          Director of the User Services Area of the Internet Engineering
          Task Force (IETF) presented a broad overview of the IETF Areas
          and working groups, and NIC projects being undertaken around

Cooper                                                         [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

          the US.

          NIC Projects, Part II

          In this part of the discussion, Joyce Reynolds presented an
          overview of NIC Projects from around the world.  David Conrad
          of the Asia Pacific NIC presented a discussion on the ongoing
          development of his NIC.


          InterNIC Information Services will release a special
          introductory issue of NICLink, a CD-ROM subscription product
          to be issued quarterly.  The NICLink CD will contain the
          InfoSource, the Information Services online information
          database that highlights the information resources of the
          Internet.  Additional information, images, electronic books,
          and software from the Internet will be included in future
          issues.  The CD-ROM will be compatible with Macintosh, PC
          Windows, and some UNIX configurations.  The software used to
          present the data is Interleaf's WorldView, which incorporates
          full database search functions as well as hypertext linking
          capabilities to provide a powerful, easy-to-use interface.

          Contact the Information Services Reference Desk or the
          InterNIC Store on the InfoSource for details.

          NSF Network News

          The September issue of the _NSF Network News_ has been
          published and is arriving in mailboxes in all 50 states and 44
          countries.  The newsletter will be distributed in hard copy
          and electronic formats.  There is no subscription fee, except
          for international suscribers who want to receive hard copy
          format. A $30 annual fee will be charged to defray the cost of
          overseas shipping and handling.  The primary electronic format
          will be ascii which will be emailed to users.  A PostScript
          version will also be available.  In addition to subscription
          delivery, the newsletter will be placed online in the

          Each issue of the newsletter includes maps of US and
          international internet connectivity.  The _NSF Network News_
          is also available in ASCII format in the InfoSource.  The
          ASCII version does not contain the connectivity information.

Cooper                                                         [Page 19]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

          For more information, or to subscribe, email to

          Reference Desk

          The following table gives a summary of the Reference Desk
          contacts for October.

               Method      Contacts      % of Total
               -------     --------      ---------
               Email         230            12
               Phone        1694            84
               Fax            67             3
               US Mail        14           < 1
               Other           0           n/a
               -------     --------      ---------
               Total        2005           100

     by Paul Wilson <wilsonp@is.internic.net
     and Karen D. Frazer <kfrazer@is.internic.net>


     Since there are many potential users whose sole access to the
     Internet is through electronic mail, InterNIC Directory and
     Database Services supports a mail server that gives access to many
     of our services.

     Complete instructions for use of the mail server are available by
     sending mail to mailserv@ds.internic.net and putting the word
     "help" (without the quotes) in the BODY of the message.

     We have tried to make as many services as possible available
     through the mail server, including access to all files available
     via FTP and the ability to search our Directory of Directories.  A
     few of our services (e.g. Netfind) require interaction between the
     user and the service, so they are not available through the mail

     The basic services available include:

     - access to all files on our server that can be reached by FTP

     - access to X.500 and WHOIS directory searches

     - directory of directories searches by topic

Cooper                                                         [Page 20]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     - keyword searches of our document collection

     We also support access to archie by mail.  For compatability with
     the rest of the archie world, archie is accessed by sending mail to
     "archie" rather than sending mail to "mailserv".

     To help spread the load a bit, there are a few restrictions on use
     of the mail server:

     - each message is limited to 15 queries and file transfer requests

     - the information returned by file transfer is limited to 500K

     - CPU time for message processing is limited to 15 seconds

     One frequent cause of errors with the mail server is that the
     command is put on the "Subject:" line rather than in the body of
     the message.  Since our server accepts multiple commands per
     message, we accept commands from the body of the message rather
     than the "Subject:" line.

     A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
     a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and
     we will send information about listing your resource in the
     Directory of Directories.

     by Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net>


     I. Significant Events

     During the month of October, the InterNIC changed the menu
     selections on the 1-800 number.  Customers calling the numbers are
     now being referred to #1 Information Services, #2 Directory and
     Database Services, and #3 Registration Services.  This change
     reduced confusion for callers and for InterNIC staff members.

     The Internet continues to grow every month.  According to our
     statistics there are over 12,252 domains in the InterNIC database
     and we also registered a record 729 inverse addresses as well. The
     Internet is becoming more popular than it's ever been and the
     general public is reaping the benefits.

Cooper                                                         [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     II. Registration Statistics October

     Hostmaster Email              3,127
     Postal/Fax Applications         233
     Telephone Calls               1,360
     Domain Registered               577
     Inverse Addresses               729
     Class C's Assigned            6,676
     Class B's Assigned               46
     ASN Assigned                     55

                        Connections          Retrievals
     Gopher Sessions    47,358               15,267
     Wais Sessions      17,952               31,974
     Ftp Sessions        6,301               26,204
     Telnet Sessions    43,318
     Mail Server           754

     by John Zalubski <johnz@rs.internic.net>



     Atomic Project

     Our principal research this month has focused on three topics:

        1) Installation and testing of the 100' ATOMIC cables.

        2) High-level design of the PC-ATOMIC interface for
           the Gateway 486 DX66V personal computer.

        3) Release of ATOMIC Software.

        4) Testing of a 64-processor Mosaic board.

     1) We have installed two ATOMIC cables and have integrated them
        into normal operation of the LAN. One cable is 100' long and the
        other is 120' long. Each have been tested at about 300Mb/s and
        have been running for several weeks without significant

     2) We have been actively examining various design alternatives for
        this VL-Bus ATOMIC interface card.  Recently we have decided to
        replace the Memoryless Mosaic chips in our design with the
        forthcoming Lanai chip that should be available in January.

Cooper                                                         [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

        Pinouts will be available in December, so our complete board
        layout will begin at that time.  The Lanai chip is optimized for
        network interfacing and will include some features for real-time

     3) We have moved the Address Consultant code into the kernel This
        makes the code more portable to operating systems other than SUN
        OS and allows sites without a source license to install the
        ATOMIC device driver into their systems. The code has been made
        available to selected sites with ATOMIC hardware.

     4) We recently installed a 64-processor Mosaic-C board as the main
        switch in our LAN. It provides 16 bidirectional ports for
        connecting hosts or other switches. We have verified its correct
        operation and are working on integrating it into the network.

        Annette DeSchon, Bob Felderman, Greg Finn
        ISI High Performance Computing and Communication Division

        Mike Gorman, Jeff LaCoss
        ISI Integrated Systems Laboratory


     Jon Postel, Joyce Reynolds, Bob Braden, Ann Cooper, Steve Casner,
     Deborah Estrin, and Paul Mockapetris attened the IETF meetings in
     Houston, TX, October 30-Nov 5.  Joyce Reynolds, attended the EARN's
     Network Services Conference in Warsaw, Poland, October 9-17. Joyce
     Reynolds attended CERFnet NIC Fest as keynote speaker, November 5-

     16 RFCs were published this month.

        RFC 1528:  Malamud, C., (Internet Multicasting Service)
                   and M. Rose, (Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.),
                   "Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
                   Remote Printing -- Technical Procedures, October

        RFC 1529:  Malamud, C., (Internet Multicasting Service)
                   and M. Rose, (Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.),
                   "Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
                   Remote Printing -- Administrative Procedures, October

Cooper                                                         [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

        RFC 1530:   Malamud, C., (Internet Multicasting Service)
                   and M. Rose, (Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.),
                   "Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
                   General Principles and Policy, October 1993.

        RFC 1531:  Droms, R., "Dymanic Host Configuration Protocol",
                   Bucknell University, October 1993.

        RFC 1532:  Wimer, W., "Clarifications and Extensions for the
                   Bootstrap Protocol", Carnegie Mellon University,
                   October 1993.

        RFC 1533:  Alexander, S., (Lachman Technology, Inc.) and
                   R. Droms, (Bucknell University), "DHCP Options
                   and BOOTP Vendor Extensions", October 1993.

        RFC 1534:  Droms, R., "Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP"
                   Bucknell University, October 1993.

        RFC 1535:  Gavron, E., "A Security Problem and Proposed Correction
                   With Widely Deployed DNS Software", ACES Research Inc.,
                   October 1993.

        RFC 1536:  Kumar, A., (ISI) J. Postel, (ISI) C. Neuman (ISI),
                   P. Danzig, (ISI), and S. Miller (USC), "Common DNS
                   Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes",
                   October 1993.

        RFC 1537:  Beertema, P., " Common DNS Data File Configuration
                   Errors", CWI, October 1993.

        RFC 1538:  Behl, W., B. Sterling (McDATA Corp), W. Teskey, (I/O
                   Concepts), "Advanced SNA/IP : A Simple SNA Transport
                   Protocol, October 1993.

        RFC 1539:  Malkin, G., "The Tao of IETF", Xylogics, Inc.,
                   October 1993.

        RFC 1540:  Internet Architecture Board, J. Postel, Editor,
                   "Internet Official Protocol Standards", October 1993.

        RFC 1541:  Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
                   Bucknell University, October 1993.

Cooper                                                         [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

        RFC 1542:  Wimer, W., "Clarifications and Extensions for
                   the Bootstrap Protocol", Carnegie Mellon University,
                   October 1993.

        RFC 1543:  Postel, J., "Instructions to RFC Authors", ISI
                   October 1993.


     Ann Cooper gave a presentation about the US Domain, at the IETF
     USWG working group meeting in Houston, Texas, November 3rd.

     For more information about the US Domain please request an
     application via the RFC-INFO service.  Send a message to RFC-
     INFO@ISI.EDU with the contents "Help: us_domain_application".  For

                     To: RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU
                     Subject: US Domain Application

                     help: us_domain_application


     EMAIL/FAX/PHONE         517
     Total Contacts          517

     DELEGATIONS             257
     Total                   517

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: modifications, application
     requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions
     about names, referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic,
     resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and
     whois listings.

Cooper                                                         [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


     K12.AZ.US       Arizona K12 Schools
     K12.GA.US       Georgia K12 Schools
     K12.IN.US       Indiana K12 Schools
     K12.KY.US       Kentucky K12 Schools
     K12.MS.US       Mississippi K12 Schools
     K12.NC.US       North Carolina K12 Schools
     K12.OH.US       Ohio K12 Schools
     K12.WV.US       West Virginia K12 Schools

     STATE.AZ.US     Arizona State Government
     STATE.GA.US     Georgia State Government
     STATE.IN.US     Indiana State Government
     STATE.KY.US     Kentucky State Government
     STATE.MS.US     Mississippi State Government
     STATE.NC.US     North Carolina State Government
     STATE.NM.US     New Mexico State Government
     STATE.OH.US     Ohion State Government
     STATE.VT.US     Vermont State Government
     STATE.WV.US     West Virginia State Government
     STATE.WY.US     Wyoming State Government

     LIB.AZ.US       Arizona Libraries
     LIB.GA.US       Kentucky Libraries
     LIB.IN.US       Indiana Libraries
     LIB.KY.US       Kentucky Libraries
     LIB.NC.US       North Carolina Libraries
     LIB.OH.US       Ohio Libraries
     LIB.WV.US       West Virginia Libraries

     TEC.GA.US       GeorgiaTechnical Schools
     TEC.IN.US       Indiana Technical Schools
     TEC.KY.US       Kentucky Technical Schools
     TEC.OH.US       Ohio Technical Schools
     TEC.WV.US       West Virginia Technical Schools

     CC.IN.US        Indiana Community Colleges
     CC.KY.US        Kentucky Community Colleges
     CC.OH.US        Ohio Community Colleges
     CC.WV.US        West Virginia Community Colleges

     GEN.IN.US       Indiana "general" subdomain
     GEN.KY.US       Kentucky "general" subdomain
     GEN.OH.US       Ohio "general" subdomain
     GEN.WV.US       West Virginia "general" subdomain

Cooper                                                         [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     MUS.IN.US       Indiana Museums
     MUS.KY.US       Kentucky Museums
     MUS.OH.US       Ohio Museums
     MUS.WV.US       West Virginia Museums

     19  Localities  in Georgia
     14  Localities  in Ohio
     164 Localities  in South Carolina


     EXCEED K12.TN.US        Exceed Inc. Consortium for K12 schools
     CI.DIAMOND-BAR.CA.US    Diamond Bar, California city gov't agencies
     CI.JAX.FL.US            Jacksonville Florida, City gov't agencies
     CI.PHOENIX.AZ.US        Phoenix Arizona, City gov't agencies
     CI.SANTA-MONICA.CA.US   Santa Monica City gov't agencies
     CO.LEE.FL.US            Lee County, Florida, county agencies
     INTERACT.K12.NV.US      Clark County Public Education Foundation
     OKLADOT.STATE.OK.US     Oklahoma Department of Transportation
     TELECOMM.CO.ORANGE.FL.US Orange County, Fl. Telecommunications
     ELHS.LIMESTONE.K12.AL.US East Limestone High School
     BLACKSBURG.VA.US        Blacksburg locality
     MONTGOMERY.K12.VA.US    Montgonery Virginia school district
     BEV.PVT.K12.VA.US       Private school in Blacksburg
     MONTGOMERY-FLOYD.LIB.VA.US Montgomery & Floyd County Regional Libr.
     MORGANTOWN.WV.US        Morgantown West Virginia
     BUCKHANNON.WV.US        Buckhannon West Virginia
     UEN.GEN.UT.US           Utah Educational Network
     DE LONG-SJ.CA.US        DeLong Family

     Ann Westine Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)


     This month, we publicly released mmcc, the multimedia conference
     control program.  Mmcc is a session orchestration tool that allows
     a user to explicitly invite others to participate in a conference,
     and alerts them to accept or decline.  Mmcc is an X-based tool that
     provides both point-to-point and multipoint teleconferences.  It
     automatically spawns underlying audio, video and groupware programs
     among members of a session, then tears them down at session
     completion.  Currently, mmcc brings up vat by default, and offers
     the option to start nv and wb, but in the future we'd like to
     support other MBone tools as well.  Mmcc will distribute a session
     key for confidential sessions.  In this preliminary version, the
     key is sent in the clear, so it is not secure, but eventually we
     expect to use other techniques for secure key distribution.

Cooper                                                         [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     Mmcc aims to supplement the large open-style sessions supported by
     the existing version of sd.  It complements the hailing-channel
     approach of public sessions with a more private session style for
     smaller conferences.  Thus, session advertisement is internal to
     the group of participating conferees.  The mmcc release software is
     available via anonymous FTP from "ftp.isi.edu:confctrl/mmcc.tar.Z".

     The Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) specification from the IETF
     Audio/Video Transport working group has been augmented to provide
     for application-specific option number assignment and to clarify
     and explain a number of points.  With these edits completed, the
     document has been submitted to the IESG for the "Last Call" before
     publication as an RFC.

     Joe Touch, Eve Schooler, Steve Casner
     (Touch@ISI.EDU, Schooler@ISI.EDU, Casner@ISI.EDU)


     JvNCnet-Global Enterprise Services, Inc.
     3 Independence Way,  Princeton, NJ  08540
     voice: 1-800-35-TIGER; 1-609-897-7300, fax 1-609-897-7310

     I.  How to contact GES:
         Network operations center (NOC):
             609-897-7319 and 609-897-7320; noc@jvnc.net
         Customer Service:
             609-897-7318 and 609-897-7337; support@jvnc.net

     II. Symposia Series (open to the public)

         A. OSI and X.400 and X.500: Planning and Implementation
            Date: December 7, 1993
            Instructors:  Sue Hares, Internet Engineer, Merit,Inc.
                          and Kevin Jordan, Senior Software Engineer
                          at Control Data Corp., Minneapolis.
            Contact:  hammer@jvnc.net

         B. Cisco Router Technical Training (open to the public)
            Title:  Cisco router configuration course
            Five day, hands-on class, to learn and practice the
            commands to configure routers on a multi-protocol
            network. Live network connectivity enhances the experience.
            Dates:  November 29-December 3, 1993
                    December 13-17, 1993
                    January 10-January 14, 1994
            For further details, send email to: training@jvnc.net

Cooper                                                         [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

         C. Partial list of new on-line members  (fully operational
            September and October, 1993)

            American Association of Medical Colleges, Washington,D.C.
            Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA
            Advanced Projects Research, Hightstown, NJ
            Toto Software, Waterbury, CT
            Casino Control Commission, Atlantic City, NJ
            C. Buckley, Plainsboro, NJ
            InfoWorks, Inc., Landenberg, PA
            Muze, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
            National Medical Care Lifechem  NJ
            D. Bischoff, Somerset, NJ
            LRP/Kodak, New Haven, CT
            D. Nevins, King of Prussia, PA
            New Technology Solutions, Inc., New York, NY
            NXT Interiors, New York, NY
            OKS Limited, Haverford, PA
            Periphonics Corporation, Bohemia, NY
            Pharmacopeia Inc., Princeton, NJ
            Scholastic, New York, NY
            Seth Godin Productions, Inc., Mt. Vernon, NY
            Smithco Engineering, Tulsa, OK
            G. Sobotka, Bridgeport, CT
            TDR, Morristown, NJ
            US Capital Insurance, White Plains, NY
            Western Connecticut Library Council, Inc, Middlebury,CT
            Michael W. Coon & Assoc., Inc., Bloomfield, NJ

     by Rochelle Hammer <hammer@jvnc.net>


     Walt Prue attended the regional techs meeting at the University of
     Michigan in Ann Arbor October 4th and 5th.

     Walt Prue (Prue@ISI.EDU)


     At the close of October, Merit has grown to ten member institutions
     and 60 affiliates.  Northern Michigan University in Marquette is
     the newest Merit Member.  NMU will initially have two 56Kbps
     attachments, one linking the university to the MichNet node at
     Michigan Technological University and the other to the backbone
     node in Grand Rapids.  NMU will host the Marquette MichNet dial-in,

Cooper                                                         [Page 29]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     as well as Michigan State University facilities.  The Rapid
     Response Manufacturing Center in Redford, Michigan will be
     connected at 56Kbps to the MichNet node at Wayne State University.
     The manufacturing technology and research organization, sponsored
     by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, will fund its
     MichNet connection through a grant from the National Institute for
     Science and Technology (NIST).

     Jackson Community College recently upgraded to a 56Kbps link with
     the assistance of an NSF Connections grant.  JCC also participated
     with Merit in upgrading the Jackson area MichNet dial-in service,
     bringing additional phone lines into the Jackson hunt group.  The
     new modems will also be compatible with Merit's planned Network
     Access Servers (NAS) scheduled for deployment throughout the
     MichNet backbone in 1994.

     The Livingston PortMaster at the University of Michigan MichNet
     site is now in production.  The dial-in access offered through the
     UM/MichNet NAS is currently limited to PPP (Point-to-Point
     Protocol) access only and requires authentication.  Access will be
     broadened to include dumb-terminal emulation in the future.  NAS
     configuration is specified for flexibility in modem speeds, error
     correction and data compression.

     Sandra Waite represented Merit/MichNet interests at "Building
     Consensus/Building Models for K12 Networking Assistance," a project
     funded by the National Science Foundation and carried out by FARNET
     and CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking).  This new
     initiative will work to bring together leaders in K12 education,
     networking and public policy to develop models for successful
     technical assistance to schools implementing school-based networks.
     Dana Sitzler, Merit K-12 Outreach Coordinator, participated in the
     National Information Infrastructure Education Forum in Washington,
     D.C.  Sitzler also presented information on "how to get connected"
     to the Internet and Merit's "Cruise of the Internet" at the
     Michigan Association for Educational Data Systems (MAEDS)
     conference in Bellaire, Michigan and the October Tech Expo held in
     Petoskey, Michigan.

     Sitzler and Ellen Hoffman, Merit's Development Director, attended
     the Great Lakes Council of Governors Summit on Information and
     Technology, held in Indianapolis, IN.  Laura Kelleher, Merit's
     Network Applications Coordinator, presented Merit's "Cruise of the
     Internet" at October meetings of MACUL and the Michigan Library
     Association.  Pat Smith, Merit Customer Service Coordinator,
     provided information resources at the MLA gathering.  A special
     edition of Merit's "Cruise of the Internet" and a hands-on
     demonstration of Internet tools and resources for 275 employees

Cooper                                                         [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     from various State of Michigan departments was designed and
     presented by Smith, Steve Burdick, Betty Van Dam and Ellen Hoffman.
     The State of Michigan has adopted TCP/IP as the networking standard
     for the state's departmental initiatives.

     Jo Ann Ward  (jaw@merit.edu)
     Merit Network, Inc. Information Services


     This report contains a summary of recent activities of Merit's
     Internet Engineering Group. These include development of
     capabilities in the Policy Routing Database system to represent,
     generate NSFNET/ANS backbone configuration files, and test new
     software, for deployment of the CIDR and BGP-4 routing
     architecture. Additionally, Merit staff have made progress on
     implementation of a "CIDR Aggregate Registry", described in RFC
     1482, for registration of aggregated routing information between

     In early October, Merit hosted a meeting of the Regional-Techs
     group, which discussed a number of topics related to coordination
     among providers for CIDR deployment and registration of routing
     information.  The Shared Whois Project (SWIP) is an ongoing joint
     project between InterNIC, RIPE NCC and Merit.

     Policy Routing Database Changes and CIDR Deployment

     In preparation for deployment of the GateD routing daemon on the
     ANS backbone, supporting the BGP-4 protocol for CIDR, changes were
     completed in the Merit/NSFNET PRDB in order to support inbound
     acceptance and outbound announcement of route aggregates.  The PRDB
     can now generate GateD configuration files for the ANSNET backbone.
     These files can include configuration for the new BGP-4 features.
     Merit engineers are cooperating with the ANS backbone engineering
     staff in testing GateD operation on the T3 research network, and in
     the initial deployment of the new version of GateD on the
     Washington DC to Geneva, Switzerland circuit.

     The initial production deployment of the PRDB changes for CIDR will
     include a change in the notation of network numbers to the
     classless format ("x.x.x/len"). This change will be visible to all
     external users of whois or the PRDB reports. The whois server
     commands will start using the new notation, and ans_core.now,
     country.now, and net-comp.now will be replaced with their new
     versions (currently produced as ans_core.cidr, country.cidr, and
     net-comp.cidr).  Prefix lengths of 8, 16, or 24 will be put into

Cooper                                                         [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     the PRDB for all existing nets with classes A, B and C

     The Network Announcement Change Request (NACR) templates, both e-
     mail and interactive client interfaces, will be changed to accept
     aggregated announcements. Once GateD is deployed, BGP-4 will be
     supported initially without announcing or accepting aggregated
     routes, however.  After BGP-4 appears to be stable, controlled
     experiments with aggregation will be done in cooperation with
     regional and midlevel networks.

     Still to be implemented in the database is the "proxy aggregation"
     as described in RFC 1482. In this case the backbone can be
     configured to aggregate on behalf of the regional network in
     response to the announcement of one or a set of network numbers
     comprising the total aggregate. This feature will be supported by
     the time NACR support for aggregation is made available.

     CIDR Aggregate Registry

     Changes to the Aggregate Registry function described in RFC 1482
     were made at the October Regional-Techs meeting. The original
     proposed functionality was split into a Aggregate Registry (one
     entry per aggregate, with source AS) and a possible separate Routed
     Net registry giving AS topology with aggregate announcements.
     Initially these registries will list only network prefixes which
     are not class A/B/C nets, but the longer term goal is to allow all
     nets regardless of class to be returned by the same server. The
     Aggregate Registry project will be implemented first as it is a
     relatively straightforward project, with the Routed Net Registry
     project being implemented next.

     It is expected that these registries will be of assistance in the
     global BGP-4 tunnel testbed led by Andrew Partan and Peter

     Regional-Techs Meeting

     A meeting of the Regional-Techs group was held in Ann Arbor on
     October 4-5. The focus of the meeting was to discuss CIDR
     Deployment, routing registration, and NSFNET transition issues with
     respect to coordination among network providers. The group decided
     that it will be important to broaden its scope to include any
     interested network providers rather than restrict the discussion to
     NSFNET-attached regionals and midlevels. It was decided that for
     the foreseeable future, Merit will continue to host the group, but
     meetings may be held at different locations with other network
     provider sponsors.  A suggestion for a new name for the group was

Cooper                                                         [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     North American Network Operators Group, though a name was not
     finalized and is open to discussion.

     A summary of the meeting is available for anonymous ftp:


     SWIP Project

     The Shared Whois Project is a joint project between Merit, RIPE NCC
     and InterNIC to synchronize data among the Internet numbering and
     routing registries, and implement various databases and implement
     automatic update procedures.  It is a goal of the three
     organizations to synchronize data by April, 1994 and begin to use
     the update procedures at that time. A working document can be found


     Mark Knopper (mak@merit.edu)


     Merit/NSFNET Information Services

     Merit will present another in its series of Networking Seminars
     January 27-28, 1994, in Orlando, Florida.  Making Your Internet
     Connection Count: Technology, Tools and Resources" will be held at
     the Walt Disney World Yacht Club Resort.  Co-sponsored by Florida
     State University and the University of Florida, this seminar
     includes an overview of Internet resources, popular tools for
     network access, and the national policies that affect its growth.
     Nationally known experts talk to attendees about network resources,
     getting connected and how the network is effectively being used
     today by universities, research organizations, libraries, and
     public schools.  Interactive breakout sessions each day make it
     possible to get your questions answered by experts.

     Scheduled topics and speakers include "The Telecommunications
     Future," the keynote address by Bob Hederick, President EDUCOM;
     "Information Delivery on the Internet--What's Next for Gopher?,"
     Mark McCahill, Gopher Developer at the University of Minnesota;
     University of Michigan Weather Underground, Perry Samson, Professor
     Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University
     of Michigan; Electronic Democracy, Jean Armour Polly, Manager of
     Network Development and User Training NYSERNet, Inc.; NSFNET and

Cooper                                                         [Page 33]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     the NII, Priscilla Huston, NSFNET Project Director, NSF; and the
     closing address by Donna Cox, Directory of Numerical Lab Programs,

     Internet connectivity will be available in a hands-on demonstration
     room, where seminar attendees can access the many resources on the
     Internet using the latest information delivery tools.

     The registration fee is $495 until December 23, 1993.  After
     December 23, the cost is $595.  This fee includes the two-day
     seminar, all seminar materials, receptions on Wednesday and
     Thursday evenings, lunches on Thursday and Friday, refreshments and
     access to Internet-connected computers.

     Limited scholarships will be available.  The deadline for
     scholarship applications is December 23, 1993.

     For more information, send an e-mail message to

     with the text
             send next.seminar

     This information is also available as the document
     /nsfnet/next.seminar on nic.merit.edu for retrieval using Anonymous
     FTP or in the Gopher server on nic.merit.edu, port 70, as Next
     Merit/NSFNET Seminar--Jan. '94.

     New information available on nic.merit.edu, the Merit Network
     Information Center Services host computer includes

     A directory devoted to the Proceedings of the annual Internet
     Society conference, INET '93, held in San Francisco during August
     1993.  Available as /conference.proceedings/inet93

     The description of EUnet Traveller, allowing Internet access via
     local dial-up within much of Europe.  Available as

     Lebanon and Guam are the newest international sites with
     announcement to the NSFNET backbone during October.  Foreign
     networks now number 7,539 of the total 17,979 networks announced to
     the NSFNET backbone.  Growth as reflected in the number of domestic
     and foreign networks having announcement to the NSFNET
     infrastructures, as well as network distribution by country over
     the term of the NSFNET project, are available as


Cooper                                                         [Page 34]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


     respectively on nic.merit.edu.

     The resources of nic.merit.edu are available through Anonymous FTP,
     electronic mail query and a Gopher client connecting to the Merit
     Network Gopher server on nic.merit.edu, port 70.

     Ellen Hoffman, Merit Development Director, attended the 1993 EDUCOM
     program, "Crafting New Communities."  Steve Burdick, Coordinator of
     Merit Multimedia Applications, traveled to the MacroMedia
     conference in San Francisco, CA.  Jim Williams, Associate Director
     for National Networking, represented Merit at meetings of the
     Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee and Western
     Cooperative Educational Telecommunications.  Eric Aupperle,
     President of Merit Network, and Williams attended the October
     FARNET meeting held in Washington, D.C.

     Jo Ann Ward (jward@merit.edu)


     NorthWestNet's Annual Meeting was held from October 12-15 at the
     Seattle Hilton with approximately 310 registered participants.  In
     addition to 5 keynote presentations and 21 track sessions, a 7.5
     hour, three part series on libraries and computing centers was held
     to examine the evolving relationships between these two groups.
     The series examined areas of overlap and conflict--from mission
     statements to solving users problems--and through dialogue began
     exploring the foundations of cooperative production and
     distribution of integrated, electronic information services.

     Keynote presentations included an inspired and fresh view of what
     the Internet and K-12 can bring to each other (Fred Dust, The Bush
     School); an overview of the current NSFNET backbone and NREN
     (Richard Mandelbaum, NYSERNet); a look at national NII policy under
     development (Charles McClure, Syracuse University); an examination
     of cooperative ventures and commercial interests in the development
     of the NII (Jim Elias, US West); and an overview of the current
     state of, and future opportunities for, NorthWestNet (Eric Hood,

     All NorthWestNet governance and representative committees--
     executive committee, board of directors, institutional
     representatives, technical services representatives, and user
     services representatives--convened in conjunction with the Annual

Cooper                                                         [Page 35]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


     Two major new services for NorthWestNet members were unveiled in
     October.  First, a NorthWestNet Gopher, that includes an online,
     searchable version of "The Internet Passport," was announced and
     made available to our member communities.  Second, the Willow
     graphical information retrieval tool, designed by the University of
     Washington, is also now available to the NorthWestNet member
     community for use in accessing online, text-based bibliographic

     We welcome our newest NorthWestNet member, R.S. Dow Neurological
     Sciences Institute.

     NorthWestNet                            info@nwnet.net
     15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202          Phone: (206) 562-3000
     Bellevue, WA 98007                      Fax:   (206) 562-4822

     Dr. Eric S. Hood, Executive Director
     Jan Eveleth, Director of User Services
     Dan L. Jordt, Director of Technical Services
     Anthony Naughtin, Director of Member Relations

     NorthWestNet serves the six state region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana,
     North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington.

     by Jan Eveleth <eveleth@nwnet.net>


     PREPnet New Members:

     Advanced Reactor Corp.           Pittsburgh, PA
     Allentown College                Center Valley, PA
     Sewickley Academy                Sewickley, PA
     Microserve Information Systems   Plymouth, PA
     Bentley Systems                  Exton, PA

     With these additions, PREPnet now totals 144 members.

     PREPnet News:
     PREPnet added a new staff member this month.  Amy Hauber was hired
     as the PREPnet NIC's Secretary.

Cooper                                                         [Page 36]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     PREPnet's Executive Director Tom Bajzek attended the FARNET meeting
     October 6-8 in Washington,D.C.  Tom is Secretary of FARNET.

     On October 12, Tom Bajzek and Daryl Dolan represented PREPnet at
     "Technology for Education," an exhibit presented by Computerware
     and Apple Computer at Fox Chapel Area High School, in Pittsburgh.
     Tom conducted a breakout session on Internet access.  With the help
     of Fox Chapel Area High School, PREPnet was able to do live
     demonstrations during the exhibition.  Several applications were
     shown, including e-mail, telnet, and gopher.

     PREPnet's NIC Manager Marsha Perrott met with representatives from
     the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and Bell of Pennsylvania
     regarding OSPF deployment.  During a conference call, an
     implementation plan was discussed.  The deployment on PREPnet's
     core should begin in mid-November.

     For information regarding connectivity options in the Commonwealth
     of Pennsylvania, contact the PREPnet NIC:

     305 S. Craig St.            E-Mail:     nic@prep.net
     2nd Floor                   Telephone:  (412) 268-7870
     Pittsburgh, PA  15213

     PREPnet NIC (nic@prep.net)


     We demonstrated multiway Internet and ISDN conferencing at Interop
     in Paris all week. Mark Handley also presented two papers, on the
     MIE project and on a comparison of the various multicast schemes
     proposed by the members of the IDMR group.

     We had ISDN calls to a variety of places, and then used the MICE
     CMMC to mix them into an Internet multiway conference with audio,
     video and whiteboards.

     An effective demonstration tool has developed - the use of the game
     person a word, which they then attempt to draw in a wb, and the
     other particpants attempt to guess what the word was. Winner is
     frst correct guess, and chooses next word.

     While running this, we have been working on a tool for helping
     diagnose mbone problems based on background monitoring of the
     topology with a triggered traceroute -g on any suspect route, via
     the first hop mrouted, to the destination one.

Cooper                                                         [Page 37]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     Two papers were accepted for the Journal of Distributed Systems
     Engineering, one on congestion control and another on dual window
     control in transport protocols - details available on request.
     [have to check the copyright on this journal]

     A paper on the Bilateral Policy Routing Protocol was sent to JHSN,
     and a paper on a Security Analysis of Intern-Dmain Routing
     Protocols was sent to ACM CCR. Details again avaialble on request
     [have to locate postscript].

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)

Cooper                                                         [Page 38]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate
for this calendar section.  Please send your submissions to


     Oct             INTEROP93, Paris, France
     Oct 5-6         IFIP WG 6.6 Intl Workshop on Distributed Systems:
                     Operations and Management DSOM'93.
     Oct 12-14       Conference on Network Information Processing,
                     Sofia, Bulgaria;  Contact: IFIP-TC6
     Oct 14-16       6th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan
                     Area Networks, San Diego, Del Mar, CA
     Oct 18-20       International Workshop on Applications of
                     Neural Networks to Telecommunications
                     Princeton, NJ
     Oct 18-22       TCOS WG, Atlanta, GA (tentative)
     Nov 1-5         IETF Houston, TX.
     Nov 2-4         ANSI  X3S3.3, TBD
     Nov 2-4         EMAIL World
                     Contact: Einar Steffurd <stef@nma.com>
     Nov 9-13        IEEE802 Plenary, Crown Sterling Suites,
                     Ft. Lauderdale, FL
     Nov 15-19       Supercomputing 93, Portland, OR
     Dec 6-10        OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD


     Feb 3-4         ISOC Symposium on network and Distributed
                     System Security, San Diego, (nessett@llnl.gov)
     Mar 29-Apr 1    IETF, Seattle, Washington
     May 2-6         NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Las Vegas, Nevada
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
     Jun 1-3         IFIP WG 6.5 ULPAA, Barcelona, Spain
                     Einar Stefferud (stef@nma.com)
     Jun 6-10        NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Berlin, Germany
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
     Jul 25-29       NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Tokyo, Japan
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
     Jul             IETF Toronto, Canada
     Aug 28-Sep 2    IFIP World Computer Congress
                     Hamburg, Germany; Contact: IFIP
     Aug 29-Sep 2    ACM SIGCOMM 94, UCL, London, England
                     Contact J. Crowcroft@cs.ucl.ac.uk. or ACM

Cooper                                                         [Page 39]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

     Sep 12-16       NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Atlanta, Georgia
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
     Fall            IETF San Francisco, California
     Oct 24-28       NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Atlanta, Georgia
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)


     Sep 18-22       INTEROP95, San Francisco, CA
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)


     Sep 2-6         14th IFIP World Computer Congress
                     Canberra, Australia  Contact: IFIP

                      RARE LIST OF MEETINGS
                      november 93 edition

Ref. RSec(92)102-ac

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the
meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the
chair of the meeting or the RARE Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail Anne Cozanet (e.mail
address: cozanet@rare.nl).

MEETING/DATE                               LOCATION
============                               ========

RARE Executive Committee
12 November                                Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)
17 December                                Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

RARE Council of Administration
3/4 February 1994                          Brussels
19/20 May 1994                             Darmstadt
18/19 May 1995                             Tel Aviv

RARE Technical Committee
3 December                                 Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

Cooper                                                         [Page 40]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

RARE Working Groups
2 December                                 Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

24-26 January                              Amsterdam (NIKHEF)
16-18 May                                  Amsterdam (NIKHEF)

3 December                                 Brussels

DANTE Steering Committee
16 December                                Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

DANTE Shareholders
4 February                                 Brussels

EBONE Management Committee
9 November                                 Copenhagen

EBONE Consortium of Contributing Organisations

EAT (Ebone Action Team)
29 November                                 Bonn (GMD)

EOT (Ebone Operations Team)
30 November                                 Bonn (GMD)


20/21 June                                  TBD (in Europe)

INTERNET SOCIETY Board of Trustees
13/14 June                                  Prague

1-5 November                                Houston
28 March - 1 April                          Seattle

Cooper                                                         [Page 41]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

Technical Assembly
23-24 November                             Brussels
1-2 March                                  Brussels
17-18 May                                  Brussels
13-14 September                            Brussels
22-23 November                             Brussels

Steering Committee
14 December                                Brussels

17-21 January                              Brussels
11-15 April                                Brussels
27 June - 1 July                           Brussels
10-14 October                              Brussels


General Assembly
9-10 November                              Nice, France

Technical Assembly
21-23 March                                Nice, France

Board of Directors
18-19 May                                  Darmstadt

INET'94/JENC5 Organising Committee
1 December                                 Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

INET'94/ 5th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC5)

13 -> 17 June 1994                       Prague, Czech Republic

The annual conference of the Internet Society held in conjunction with
the 5th Joint European Networking Conference.

To be added to the conference email distribution list, send a
message to <inet-jenc-request@rare.nl>.

Cooper                                                         [Page 42]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

Deadline for submission of contributions and proposals for
demonstrations is 15 December 1993 - email <inet-jenc-sec@rare.nl>.


(nb.  For some of the following events, full text information is
available from the RARE Document Store under the directory calendar,
in which case the file name is specified under the information presented
The files may be retrieved via:

anonymous FTP: ftp.rare.nl
Email        : server@rare.nl
Gopher       : gopher.rare.nl)

The German-speaking countries conference on Internetworking
from 8 to 11 November in Munich
for information, please email <Dave.Morton@ecrc.de>
22-26 November in Vienna, Austria
organised by Vienna University, supported by Digital Equipment Corp.
and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research.

More information available from:
Mrs. Elisabeth Zoppoth <zoppoth@cc.univie.ac.at>
tel.+43 1 4065822-351/fax.+43 1 4065822-170
and by anonymous FTP from ftp.univie.ac.at:
/at.local/aconet/i-aconet-sem-5.ps (invitation and registration form) and
/at.local/aconet/p-aconet-sem-5.ps (preliminary program)

(From RARE Document Store, both in ASCII and postscript:
ftp.rare.nl  /rare/info/calendar/aconet-seminar.invitation.22.11.93

Workshop organised by the Advisory Group on Computer Graphics
from 29 November to 1 December in Abingdon, UK
for more information please email Dr. Anne Mumford

Cooper                                                         [Page 43]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993

organised by RARE with support from the CEC
on 2 February 1994 in Brussels
*** CALL FOR PAPERS *** to be sent to the High Speed Symposium
Secretariat <hssec@rare.nl> before 21 November 1993.
Participation is free of charge; registration forms can be
obtained from <hssec@rare.nl>.
To be added to the symposium email distribution list, send a
message to <high-speed-request@rare.nl>.

on 3 and 4 February 1994
at the Catamaran Hotel in San Diego, California
more information from Mr. Robert Shirey of the MITRE Corporation
email <shirey@mitre.org>
(also on RARE Document Store, file name <isoc-security.03.02.94>)

from 18 to 21 April 1994 in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal
For information, please email Prof. Pedro Veiga <pmv@inesc.pt>

organised by the Computer Science Department of the Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Austria, in cooperation with the European
Association for Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
from 24 till 26 May 1994 in Schaerding, Austria
*** CALL FOR PAPERS *** deadline 15 January 1994
For further information, contact Michel Tauber

NORDUnet 94
from 31 May to 2 June 1994
in Umea, Sweden
for information, email <nordunet94@umdac.umu.se>

from 18 to 20 October 1994
in Bournemouth (UK)

Cooper                                                         [Page 44]
Internet Monthly Report                                     October 1993


23/24 November        Winter Conference Meeting                 Athens
                      "Electronic Messaging - The Business Benefits,
                      with illustrations from the Transport Industry"


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