
September 1994


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

     This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not
     to be quoted in other publications without permission from the

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.

These reports should be submitted via network mail to:

     Ann Westine Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)

     NSF Regional reports - To obtain the procedure describing how to
     submit information for the Internet Monthly Report, send an email
     message to mailserv@is.internic.net and put "send imr-procedure" in
     the body of the message (add only that one line; do not put a

Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu".

     Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or
     EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-
     info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For

             To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
             Subject: getting imrs

             help: ways_to_get_imrs

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994



     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page   3

  Internet Projects

     ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING  . . . . . . . . . . . page   7
     FEDERAL NETWORKING COUNCIL (FNC). . . . . . . . . . . . . page   9
     INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  12
     ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  17
     NORTHWESTNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  24
     PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  25
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  26

  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  27
    Rare List of Meetings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  31

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


     1. The next IETF meeting will be held in San Jose, California from
        December 5-9, 1994. In fact, by the time this IMR is
        distributed, logistic information will have already been posted
        to the IETF-Announcement list. Following the San Jose meeting,
        the IETF will be meeting in Danvers (a suburb of Boston) from
        April 3-7, 1995.

        The summer 1995 IETF meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden
        from July 17-21, 1995. Closing out the year, it looks like the
        fall/winter meeting will be in Dallas, Texas. Once all the
        arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent to the
        IETF Announcement list.

        Remember that information on future IETF meetings can be always
        be found in the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF
        shadow directories. This information can also be viewed from the
        IETF Home Page on the Web. The URL is:


     2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly
        available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files
        are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory. They can also be accessed
        via the IETF Home Page on the Web.

        The following IESG minutes have been added:

           August 25, 1994 (iesg.94-08-25)
           September 8, 1995 (iesg.94-09-08)

     3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 13 Protocol
        Actions during the month of September, 1994:

        o  Post Office Protocol - Version 3 be published as a Draft

           a Proposed Standard.

        o  IMAP4 Authentication mechanisms be published as a Proposed

        o  IMAP4 COMPATIBILITY WITH IMAP2 AND IMAP2BIS be published as
           an Informational RFC.

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

           an Informational RFC.

        o  RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information be published
           as a Draft Standard.

        o  RIP Version 2 MIB Extension be published as a Draft Standard.

        o  RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis be published as an
           Informational RFC.

        o  RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement be published
           as a Draft Standard.

        o  Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification be
           reclassified as Historic.

        o  A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information Service be
           published as an Informational RFC.

        o  Using the Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol in the
           Internet Environment be published as an Informational RFC.

        o  Resource Transponders be published as an Informational RFC.

     4. The IESG issued 11 Last Calls to the IETF during the month of
        September, 1994:

        o  Uniform Resource Locators (URL) <draft-ietf-uri-url-07> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  AppleTalk Management Information Base II
           <draft-ietf-appleip-mib2-02> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  Requirements for Uniform Resource Names
           <draft-ietf-uri-urn-req-00> for consideration as an
           Informational document.

        o  Functional Requirements for Internet Resource Locators
           <draft-ietf-uri-irl-fun-req-01> for consideration as an
           Informational document.

        o  IEEE 802.5 MIB <draft-ietf-ifmib-tokenringmib-00> for
           consideration as a Draft Standard.

        o  POP3 AUTHentication command <draft-myers-pop3-auth-01> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

        o  Introducing Project Long Bud: Internet Pilot Project for the
           Deployment of X.500 Directory Information in Support of X.400
           Routing <draft-ietf-mhsds-long-bud-intro-02> for
           consideration as an Informational document.

        o  BGP4/IDRP for IP---OSPF Interaction
           <draft-ietf-idr-bgp4ospf-interact-07> for consideration as
           a Proposed Standard.

        o  Representing Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory
           <draft-ietf-mhsds-subtrees-06> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500 Directory
           Information Tree <draft-ietf-mhsds-infotree-06> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  Use of the X.500 Directory to support mapping between X.400
           and RFC 822 Addresses <draft-ietf-mhsds-supmapping-06> for
           consideration as an Experimental protocol.

     5. A total of 32 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month
        of September, 1994:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )
      (mhsds)    o  Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500
                    Directory Information Tree
                    <draft-ietf-mhsds-infotree-06.txt, .ps>
      (mhsds)    o  Representing Tables and Subtrees in the X.500
                    Directory <draft-ietf-mhsds-subtrees-06.txt, .ps>
      (mhsds)    o  Use of the X.500 Directory to support mapping
                    between X.400 and RFC 822 Addresses
                    <draft-ietf-mhsds-supmapping-06.txt, .ps>
      (avt)      o  Packetization of H.261 video streams
      (uri)      o  Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
      (mailext)  +  Characters and character sets for various languages
      (pppext)   o  PPP Stacker LZS Compression Protocol
      (mailext)  +  Tags for the identification of languages
      (pppext)   o  PPP BSD Compression Protocol
      (sipp)     o  IPv6 Security Architecture
      (none)     o  Internet Multilingual Text Encoding: ISO-2022-INT-*

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

      (pppext)   o  PPP LCP Option for Data Encapsulation Selection
      (oncrpc)   o  XDR: External Data Representation Standard
      (uri)      +  Requirements for Uniform Resource Names
      (mobileip) o  IP Mobility Support
      (none)     o  A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools
      (mailext)  o  SMTP 521 reply code
      (ospf)     o  OSPF MD5 Authentication <draft-ietf-ospf-md5-01.txt>
      (none)     +  IP Multicast over UNI 3.0 based ATM Networks.
      (none)     +  IPv6 Neighbor Discovery -- Design Requirements
      (none)     +  IPv6 Deployment <draft-simpson-ipv6-deploy-00.txt>
      (none)     +  IPv6 Header Compression
      (none)     +  TFTP Option Extension
      (ifmib)    +  IEEE 802.5 Station Source Routing MIB
      (none)     +  TFTP Blocksize Option
      (none)     +  Core Based Trees (CBT) Multicast -- Architectural
                    Overview and Specification --
                    <draft-ballardie-cbt-overview-00.txt, .ps>
      (nisi)     +  Network Information Center Guidelines
      (none)     +  The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation
                    Protocol <draft-ipng-recommendation-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Architecture
                    <draft-harney-gkmp-arch-00.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  Mobility Support in IPv6
      (none)     +  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Specification
                    <draft-harney-gkmp-spec-00.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  IPv6 Neighbor Discovery -- ICMP Message Formats

     6. There were no RFC's published during the month of September,

     Steve Coya (scoya@nri.reston.va.us)

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994



     Network Status Summary

     ANSnet total packet traffic increased by about 4% in September '94.
     An decrease in the ANSnet forwarding table size of .36% was
     observed during the month of September.

     August Backbone Traffic Statistics

     The total inbound packet count for the ANSnet (measured using SNMP
     interface counters) was 70,954,833,675 on T3 ENSS interfaces, up
     4.04% from August.  The total packet count into the network
     including all ENSS serial interfaces was 84,235,044,204 up 3.98%
     from August.

     Router Forwarding Table Statistics

     The maximum number of destinations announced to ANSnet during
     September was 18,778 down .36% from August.

     The number of network destinations configured for announcement to
     the ANSnet but never announced (silent nets) during September was

     BGP-4/CIDR Deployment Status

     As of September 6th '94, we have observed the withdrawal of 8,793
     class based destinations from the ANSnet router forwarding tables
     that are now represented by 1,745 configured aggregates.  Among
     these configured aggregates:

         1,480 of these are top-level aggregates (not nested in another

         1,176 of these are actively announced to ANSnet.

         954 of these have at least one subnet configured (the other
         196 may be saving the Internet future subnet

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

         849 of these have resulted in the withdrawal of at least one
         configured more specific route.

         833 of these have resulted in the withdrawal of 50% of their
         configured more specific routes.

         800 of these have resulted in the withdrawal of most (80%+)
         of their more specific routes.

     For up-to-date information is available from merit.edu:

     For further details on these CIDR aggregates, see
     merit.edu:pub/nsfnet/cidr/nestings.announced for full listings.

     Routing Stability Measured on the T3 Network

     Internal routing stability measurements are made by monitoring
     short term disconnect times (disconnects of five minutes duration
     or less).  This is intended as a measure of overall system
     stability rather than complete connectivity.

     August was the most stable month recorded since this data was
     collected (since January 1993), with no software deployments and no
     major problems.  September was also quite stable.  An FDDI
     interface problem at the Washington DC POP was the most notable
     problem and the only problem effecting a core site.  The remaining
     problems were mostly end-node circuits.

            MONTH                  overall           excluding configs
            ------                 -------           -----------------
            January                99.1%                      99.5%
            February               99.0%                      99.5%
            March                  97.5%                      99.1%
            April                  96.1%                      97.2%
            May                    97.4%                      98.0%
            June                   95.5%                      96.6%
            July                   97.3%                      97.7%
            August                 97.5%                      97.9%
            September              98.1%                      98.5%
            October                98.0%                      98.3%
            November               97.2%                      97.9%
            December               96.6%                      96.8%
            January                98.7%                      99.0%
            February               96.6%                      97.6%
            June                   99.5%                      99.7%

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

            July                   98.7%                      99.5%
            August                 99.7%                      99.7%
            September              99.4%                      99.5%

     Monthly histograms of the number of nodes experiencing instability
     follows.  This month most of the nodes had under 15 minutes of
     instability.  All but CNSS58 had under 30 minutes of instability.
     During Septmeber, most of the nodes had under 15 minutes of
     instability.  All but CNSS58 had under 30 minutes of instability.
     The CNSS58 problems were due to Washington DC POP FDDI problems on
     September 23.  Again August was the best month on record with all
     of the nodes with any instability at all recording less than 15
     minutes of instability.

        MONTH   >5 hr    >2 hr   > 1hr  >30 min  >15 min  <=15min
               <98.7%   <99.7%  <99.87% <99.93%  <99.97% >99.97%
        January      0       0       1       8        19        55
        February     0       0       1      24        19        41
        March        0       4      18      23        23        22
        April        2       2       3      13        12        57
        May          0       4      33      32        15         5
        June         3      21      35      18        12         3
        July         0      12      28      44         6         1
        August       1       5      28      21        17        15
        September    1      38      25      10         4        13
        October      0       3       3      10        25        50
        November     1       2      15      25        24        26
        December     0       8      24      46         9         3
        January      0       0       4       9        15        54

     Notable Outages for September '94

     E136 (College Park) suffered an extended outage due to hardware
     problems on 09/15/94.

     Jordan Becker <becker@ans.net>


     The Federal Networking Council (FNC) and the National Science
     Foundation recently announced the next meeting of the FNC Advisory
     Committee, to be held on October 18-19, 1994, at the NSF in
     Arlington, Virginia.  The purpose of this meeting is for the
     Advisory Committee to provide the FNC with technical, tactical, and
     strategic advice, concerning policies and issues raised in the

Cooper                                                          [Page 9]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     implementation and deployment of the National Research and
     Education Network (NREN) Program.  The meeting is open to the

     The proposed agenda for the October meeting is below:

     Draft Agenda

     FNC Advisory Committee Meeting
     October 18-19, 1994
     National Science Foundation
     Room 1235
     4201 Wilson Blvd.
     Arlington, VA 22230
     (703) 306-1950

     October 18, 1994  (9:00 am - 5:30 pm)

     1.  Opening and Overview
         A.  Call to Order (Ken Klingenstein)
         B.  Introductions and Welcome (Ken Klingenstein)
         C.  Introduction of Chairman Designate (Ken Klingenstein)

     2.  FNC Reports
         A.  FNC/FNCAC Strategic Plan (Steve Wolff)
         B.  Report on Integration of Agency Networks within the New

                     Architecture (Tony Villasenor)

         C.  Security Working Group (Dennis Steinauer /
             Stephen L. Squires)
             - Status of Federal Internet Security Umbrella Plan
             - Working Strategy for FNC/FNCAC
             - Review Internet Security Policy

         D.  Next Generation IP
         E.  Policy Working Group Report (George Seweryniak)
         F.  Fat Pipe Response (Tony Villasenor)
         G.  Cost Accounting & Recovery Demonstration Project
             (Joe Bailey)
         H.  International Networking (Steve Goldstein)


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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     3.  Education and Library Issues
         - State Team Progress Report (Connie Stout)
         - Education Statement (Connie Stout)
         - Public Libraries and the Internet
         - K-12 Connectivity Pricing Models (Russell Rothstein)
         - FNC Report on Federal Programs and Activities for Educational

     October 19, 1994 (9:00 am - 12 noon)

     4.  FNCAC Information Server Policies, Procedures, and Mechanisms
         for Security (Scott Behnke)

     5.  NRENaissance Report (Len Kleinrock/Marjorie Blumenthal)


     6.  FNC/FNCAC Responsibilities, Deliverables and Work Schedule
         (Ken Klingenstein, Stephen Wolff)

     7.   Membership Terms (Ken Klingenstein, Stephen Wolff)


     Members of the FNC Advisory Committee represent a broad range of
     constituencies with interests in the NREN Program and the National
     Information Infrastructure.  Libraries, K-12 education,
     supercomputing centers, service providers, cable and wireless
     industry, medicine, hardware vendors, and academia are all
     represented by the present Advisory Committee membership.

     After completing a nomination process, the FNC recently announced
     the selection of three new members to the FNC Advisory Committee.
     Those selected to serve, beginning in early 1995, are Kenneth S.
     Flamm, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense; John Gage, Sun
     Microsystems; and Marc Rotenberg, Electronic Privacy Information

     For more information on the FNC, the Advisory Committee, or on the
     October meeting, contact Lynn Behnke at the FNC Coordination
     Office, DynCorp-Meridian, 4001 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 200,
     Arlington, Virginia 22203.  Telephone is (703) 522-6410 or email

     Lynn Behnke <behnke@ARPA.MIL>

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994



     Contact Information:

     Reference Desk Information
          Phone                 +1 619 455-4600
          email                 info@internic.net
          Fax                   +1 619 455-4640

     InterNIC Suggestions or Complaints
          Suggestions     suggestions@internic.net
          Complaints      complaints@internic.net

     NSF Network News
          newsletter subscriptions    newsletter-request@internic.net
          newsletter comments         newsletter-comments@internic.net

          General Information         info@internic.net
          Problems/bugs               niclink-bugs@is.internic.net

     InterNIC Seminar Series
          General Information         seminars@internic.net

     Listserv lists
          net-happenings   majordomo@is.internic.net
          net-resources    majordomo@is.internic.net
          scout-report     majordomo@is.internic.net

          Host Name        is.internic.net
          Host Address
          URL:             http://www.internic.net/

     Postal address
          InterNIC Information Services
          General Atomics
          P.O. BOX 85608
          San Diego, CA 92186-9784


     The InterNIC InfoGuide is a comprehensive online information
     service which provides information about the Internet and online

Cooper                                                         [Page 12]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     Internet resources. Accessible through gopher and the WorldWideWeb,
     the InterNIC InfoGuide replaces the older InterNIC information
     server, the InfoSource. The InfoGuide includes new services such as
     the Scout Report and an online hypertext version of the _NSF
     Network News_.

     To access the InterNIC InfoGuide, point your WorldWideWeb client


     or your gopher client to:



     The net-happenings list is a service of InterNIC Information
     Services and the list moderator, Gleason Sackman of North Dakota's
     SENDIT Network. The purpose of the list is to distribute to the
     community announcements of interest to network staffers and end
     users. This includes conference announcements, call for papers,
     publications, newsletters, network tools updates, and network
     resources. Net-happenings is a moderated, announcements-only
     mailing list which gathers announcements from many Internet sources
     and concentrates them onto one list.

     To access net-happenings, point your gopher client to:


     and search the InterNIC InfoGuide for Net-Happenings.

     A Weekly Summary of Internet Highlights

     Presently the Scout Report is now reaching over 10,000 subscribers
     and the HTML versions on the InfoGuide are receiving thousands of
     accesses each week.  A new mailing list was created for easier
     distribution of the HTML Scout Report, which is located at scout-

     The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered to the Internet
     community as a fast, convenient way to stay informed on network
     activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place the highlights
     of new resource announcements and other news which occurred on the
     Internet during the previous week.

Cooper                                                         [Page 13]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     The Scout Report is released every Friday in multiple formats --
     electronic mail, gopher, and WorldWideWeb.  WorldWideWeb versions
     of the Report include links to all listed resources allowing
     instantaneous browsing of items of interest.  Comments and
     contributions to the Scout Report are encouraged and can be sent to

     How to Get the Scout Report

     To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each
     Friday, join the scout-report mailing list. This mailing list will
     be used only to distribute the Scout Report once a week. Send mail


     In the body of the message, type:

     subscribe scout-report youremailaddress

     To access the hypertext version of the Report, point your WWW
     client to:


     Gopher users can tunnel to:  is.internic.net/Information Services


     "Learning the Whole Internet" is now available for users needing
     Internet training. The InterNIC has already presented a beta
     version of the course which includeded a copy of _The Whole
     Internet_ as well as class handouts of the PowerPoint presentation.
     Evaluations of this first course presentation were generally
     positive with attendees citing the hands-on exercises as especially

     The next phase of development will focus on creating notes to
     accompany the PowerPoint presentation.  This phase will make the
     course materials fully self-contained and will give even the newest
     Internet user comprehensive instruction on the Internet.
     Presentation of the course will procede in conjuction with
     production of the class notes.  This high quality course is ready
     to introduce the new Internet users to the networking community.

Cooper                                                         [Page 14]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


     The _NSF Network News_ Vol. 1, No. 4 (September/October 1994) is
     scheduled for publication for the end of October.  The newsletter
     will spotlight educational resources on the Internet.  Highlights
     will include: a survey of the best resources on the net for the
     classroom; suggestions from educators about how they have used the
     Internet;how to evaluate resources on the Internet; a seminar
     spotlight on the newest addition to the Internic Seminar Series,
     "Learning _The Whole Internet_"; and the regular features of the
     _NSF Network News_ such as the InterNIC Event Calendar and updates
     from InterNIC partners.  To subscribe, send email to newsletter-

     The July/August issue of the _NSF Network News_ is available on the
     WorldWideWeb at


     The newsletter is also available via gopher to the InterNIC
     InfoGuide at is.internic.net and mailserv to
     mailserv@is.internic.net with the following text in the body of the

     get /about-internic/newsletter/nsfnews-aug94.txt


     The following table gives a summary of Reference Desk contacts for

               Method      Contacts      % of Total
               -------     --------      ---------
               Email           267           25
               Phone           490           47
               Fax             289           27
               US Mail          26           <1
               Referral          1           <1
               -------     --------      ---------
               Total          1073        100.0

     by Anna Knittle <aknittle@is.internic.net>

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


     Our servers support a "guest" login which has a menu-oriented
     interface to most of our services.  When users exit this login,
     they are given the opportunity to enter comments and questions.
     Here are a few of the top questions with answers:

     - How can I get a login of my own on this system so I don't have to
     use guest?

     You don't need an individual login.  The information on our servers
     is freely available to all, and can be accessed a number of
     different ways.  In particular, the guest login is not simply for
     brief trial use; you can use it whenever you want to access our

     - How can I get more information about the services offered?

     If you log in to one of our servers as "guest", you will see
     information on how to access the tutorial.  If you use gopher to
     access our machine, select item 4 (InterNIC Directory and Database
     Services) on the first menu, then select 1 (About InterNIC
     Directory and Database Services).  You will now have a list of
     information items to choose from.  If you use FTP, change to the
     directory internic.info and look at the files whose names end in
     ".info".  If you are using mail to access our system, send a mail
     message to mailserv@ds.internic.net which includes the word "help"
     on a line by itself in the body of the message.

     - Why can't I find a given organization in the directory?

     Briefly, we support tools that access a number of different
     directory systems, but some organizations do not choose to make
     their directories available on line or do not include all of their
     employees/faculty/students in the directory.  Also, for security
     reasons, many organizations do not allow probes into their systems
     to try to find people.  There is more information on this issue in
     the June 1994 IMR.

     A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
     a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and
     we will send information about listing your resource in the
     Directory of Directories.

     by Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net>

Cooper                                                         [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


     I.  Significant Events

     InterNIC Registration Services assigned over 6,000 network
     addresses and registered over 1,736 domains.  Three top-level
     country domains were registered during the month; Kazakhstan (KZ),
     Guyana (GY), Armenia (AM).

     II. Current Status

     During the month of September 1994, InterNIC Registration Services
     received communications as shown below.  The majority of the
     correspondence concerned the assignment and re-assignment of
     network numbers and the registration or change of domain names.

        E-mail        6,073  (hostmaster@internic.net)
        Postal/Fax      279  (primarily IP number requests)
        Phone         1,824

     The Registrations Services host computer supported a large volume
     of information retrieval requests during the month of September.

                   Connections   Retrievals
        Gopher       63,203        36,129
        WAIS         55,002        55,827
        FTP          10,965        44,950
        Mailserv      3,434

     In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were:

                     Client        Server
                    227,190       786,117

     Debbie Fuller  <debbief@internic.net>



     Work this month focused on X-Display server investigation and
     display device farbication.

     Last month, the network interfaces were shown capable of handling
     up to 60K pkt/sec, for circa 120 byte packets. A remaining question

Cooper                                                         [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     concerning the display device is the likely load in RPC/sec sent
     across the network to the display device.

     To that end an instrumented version of the X-Display server is
     being built that looks at the number of RasterOp() calls that are
     made to the screen frame buffer and the size of the pixel
     rectangles moved.  Figures obtained from this should be available
     by the end of October.

     The display testing platform design is nearly finished and the
     component memory and JPEG plug-in cards are being sent out for

     Gregory Finn attended the ARPA Santa Fe investigators conference
     Sept.  25-28, where he gave a short presentation.

     Greg Finn <finn@isi.edu>,  Bruce Parham <parham@isi.edu>, and S.K.
     Munnangi <munnangi@isi.edu>.

     MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCING =======================

     A new release of ISI's Multimedia Conference Control program (mmcc)
     for telephone-style conference calling over the Multicast Backbone
     (MBone) is available.  This fixes a bug which prohibited mmcc from
     spawning the current version 3.3 of the nv (network video) tool
     properly.  The new version (mmcc v.55a) can be retrieved via
     anonymous FTP from ftp.isi.edu:confctrl/mmcc as files "mmcc-
     *.tar.Z", and is available for the dec5k, decalpha, hp, sgi and
     sparc platforms.  The solaris version should follow shortly.

     Eve Schooler <schooler@isi.edu>, Steve Casner <casner@isi.edu>


     At ISI, Steve Berson has been concentrating on preparing an RSVP
     release, including the rsvp daemon, the API, and the sd, vat, and
     nv applications that MIT modified to call RSVP.  At the end of the
     month, a preliminary version of this release was provided to four
     sites, to debug the release.  General release is expected early in

     Meanwhile, work is in progress on two important updates to the
     first RSVP release.

         (1) An rsvpd <-> mrouted interface is being debugged Berson at
             ISI and by Ajit Thyagarajan (UDEL).  This interface will
             allow rsvpd to query the pruning version of mrouted (3.3)

Cooper                                                         [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

             for multicast routes.

         (2) The RSVP API is being updated by Don Hoffman at Sun
             Microsystems and Bob Braden at ISI, to match the current
             protocol spec.

     John Wroclawski at MIT has been continuing to work with Steve
     Casner at ISI to prepare an up-to-date DARTnet kernel that will
     include the CSZ code.  Casner has recently made progress in
     producing a driver for the HSI/S board that is not subject to
     overruns; this is being merged with Wroclawski's double-buffered
     driver logic.  This should allow for the non-trivial CPU processing
     that is required by packet scheduling.

     Preparations are in progress to demonstrate RSVP on DARTnet from
     the MM '94 conference in San Francisco, October 19-20.

     Daniel Zappala at ISI continued investigating routing support for
     RSVP.  He has developed a preliminary architecture and designed
     routing functions to support hierarchical encoding using multiple
     multicast groups.

     Shai Herzog at ISI has completed the first part of his work on cost
     allocation and accounting for multicast/RSVP, and he is currently
     preparing it for publication.  The work defines the ground rules
     and tradeoffs in receiver-based cost allocation for multicast
     distributions.  He presented this work as part of the ISI seminar
     series and also as a thesis proposal in his qualifying exam at USC.

     Bob Braden <braden@isi.edu>

Cooper                                                         [Page 19]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994



     EMAIL/FAX               654
     PHONE                    54
     Total Contacts          708

     DELEGATIONS              46
     Total                   708

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: modifications, application
     requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions
     about names, referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic,
     resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and
     whois listings.

     The list of delegations below does not reflect the entire number of
     registrations and delegations in the whole US Domain.  Many
     subdomains have been delegated and administrators of those
     subdomains register applicants in their domains.  Below are direct
     registrations in the US Domain.

     To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and
     subdomains you can ftp the file in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt
     from venera.isi.edu, via anonymous ftp.

Cooper                                                         [Page 20]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     Third Level US Domain Delegations this month

     K12.MA.US               Massachusetts K12 Schools
     LIB.KS.US               Kansas Libraries
     LIB.WA.US               Washington, Libraries
     SCOTTS-VALLEY.CA.US     Scotts-Valley, California, locality
     ALAMOSA.CO.US           Alamosa, Colorado, locality
     ARVADA.CO.US            Arvada, Colorado, locality
     WASHOE.NV.US            Washoe County, Nevada
     MANSFIELD.OH.US         Mansfield, OH, locality
     CORVALLIS.OR.US         Corvallis, Oregon, locality
     MARION.OR.US            Marion, Oregon, locality
     SALEM.OR.US             Salem, Oregon, locality
     GLOUSTER.VA.US          Gloucester, Virginia, locality
     VIRGINIA-CITY.NV.US     Virginia City, Nevada, locality

     Other US Domain Delegations this month

     GCCC.CC.KS.US           Garden City Community College
     BUCC.CC.KS.US           Butler County Community College
     BARTON.CC.KS.US         Barton County Community College
     PCCC.CC.AR.US           Phillips County Community College
     BURL.CC.NJ.US           Burlington County Community College
     DAS.STATE.CT.US         Dept. of Administrative Services, CT
     APT.STATE.AL.US         Alabama Public Television
     MONT-AVV.GEN.VA.US      Monticello Area Virtual Village
     HOT.SF.CA.US            Hot Software, Palo Alto, CA
     KEITHLEY.BELMONT.MA.US  Private Individual
     NEXIS.PROVO.UT.US       Infonaut Communication Serv.
     PUB-LIB.CI.ERVING.TX.US Irving Public Library System
     DEVRY.WOODBRIDGE.NJ.US  Devry Technical Institute
     MPS.PVT.K12.CT.US       Miss Porter's Schools, Farmington, CT
     MEMPHIS.LIB.TN.US       Memphis Shelby County Public Library
     NEWPORT.LIB.CA.US       Newport Beach, CA - Public Library
     CHW.KENTFIELD.CA.US     Private Individual
     PELAVIN.NW.DC.US        Pelavin Associates
     BOKNET.LA.CA.US         Bok's Network, Los Angeles
     MPH.REDWOOD-CITY.CA.US  Private Individual
     MAF.MOBILE.AL.US        Mobile Area Freenet, Inc.
     DAVINCI.READING.MA.US   Private Individual
     BBN.SAN-DIEGO.CA.US     BBN Systems and technologies, San Diego
     AFPL.LIB.GA.US          Atlanta-Fulton Public Library
     ACVB.ABQ.NM.US          Alburquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau
     EDCOE.CO.EL-DORADO.CA.US        El Dorado County Office of Educ.
     CHESTER-COUNTY.LIB.PA.US        Chester County Library

Cooper                                                         [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     PIXELS.ALEXANDRIA.VA.US         PIXels, Incorporated
     PHILANTHROPY.WASHINGTON.DC.US   The Chronicle of Philanthropy
     NONPROFIT.WASHINGTON.DC.US      The Chronicle of Philanthropy
     WYCO-AIR-QUALITY.DST.KS.US Dept   Air Quality, Wyandotte County


             K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN
     AK                              X
     AL       X
     AR       X
     AZ       X      X       X       X       X
     CA       X      X       X       X
     CO       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     DC       X
     DE                              X
     FL       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     GA       X              X       X       X
     IA       X      X       X               X
     ID       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     IL       X      X       X       X       X
     IN       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     KS                              X       X
     KY       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     LA       X      X       X       X       X
     MA       X                      X
     MD       X      X       X               X
     ME       X                      X
     MI       X      X       X       X       X
     MN       X      X       X       X       X       X       X

Cooper                                                         [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

             K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN
     MO       X      X               X       X       X       X
     MS       X                      X       X               X
     MT                      X
     NC       X      X       X       X       X
     ND       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     NE       X      X               X       X
     NH       X              X
     NJ       X
     NM       X                      X               X
     NY       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     OH       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     OR       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     PA       X
     RI       X      X               X
     SC       X      X       X       X       X               X
     SD       X                      X
     TN                              X
     TX       X      X               X       X
     UT       X                      X       X               X
     VA       X      X       X       X
     VT       X                      X
     WA                                      X
     WI       X              X       X
     WV       X      X       X       X       X       X       X
     WY       X                      X

     For more information about the US Domain please request an
     application via the RFC-INFO service.  Send a message to RFC-
     INFO@ISI.EDU with the contents "Help: us_domain_application". For
                  To: RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU
                  Subject: US Domain Application

                  help: us_domain_application

     Ann Westine Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)

Cooper                                                         [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

Cooper                                                         [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


                   NorthWestNet's Eighth Annual Meeting

                        "Passport to Productivity"

                          November 8-10, 1994
                   Portland Hilton ** Portland, Oregon

     The Internet has fundamentally changed how we conduct our day-to-
     day business as well as how we plan for the future. These changes
     influence our productivity and, in some cases, redefine how we
     measure our successes. The dramatic expansion of services and the
     increasing diversity of connected organizations are critical
     factors. We will explore the nature of these changes, how the
     Internet influences and supports our daily activities, as well as
     how we perceive and plan for its role in our organizations. What is
     available today? What can we expect for tomorrow?

     The meeting will begin with plenary presentations by nationally-
     renowned speakers on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
     Wednesday afternoon and all-day Thursday will be devoted to focus
     workshops and presentations in which attendees can explore issues
     affecting productivity including: Getting Connected, Internet
     Search Strategies, Security, Hot Technical Topics, Gopher
     Implementation, WWW Implementation, Laying Foundations for K-12 &
     the Internet, and Commercial Use of the Internet. In addition,
     there will be Birds of a Feather interest groups and ample
     opportunities to meet your fellow NorthWestNet attendees.

     Please send all correspondence regarding the Annual Meeting to
     info@nwnet.net or call the NorthWestNet offices, (206) 562-3000.

     NorthWestNet Training Series

     In a continuation of our autumn Internet training series, classes
     were held at the NorthWestNet training facility.  These classes are
     open to the public with special pricing available for NorthWestNet
     members.  For more information on NorthWestNet's training series
     connect via Gopher or anonymous FTP as follows:

             Gopher:         gopher.nwnet.net port 3333
             directory:      5. NorthWestNet Information and Resources
                                1. NorthWestNet Internet Training Series

Cooper                                                         [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

             FTP Host:       ftp.nwnet.net
             directory:      /training
             filename:       course-descriptions.txt

     NorthWestNet                           E-mail: info@nwnet.net
     15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202         Phone: (206) 562-3000
     Bellevue, WA 98007                     Fax: (206) 562-4822

     Dr. Eric S. Hood, Executive Director
     Jan Eveleth, Director of User Services
     Dan L. Jordt, Director of Technical Services
     Anthony Naughtin, Director of Member Relations

     NorthWestNet serves the six state region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana,
     North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington.


     PREPnet New Members

     - Black Box, Pittsburgh, PA

     With this addition, PREPnet now totals 191 members.

     PREPnet News

     PREPnet Internet Gateways

     PREPnet now has two 4 Mbps SMDS gateways to the rest of the
     Internet; One located in Pittsburgh, the other in Philadelphia.

     PREPnet Annual Member Meeting

     PREPnet's Annual Member Meeting was held on September, 21, 1994 in
     Pittsburgh.  Approximately 250 people attended this year's meeting
     for which the theme was "The Internet in Transition."

     During the plenary session at the member meeting, Pennsylvania
     Governor Robert P. Casey was presented with the PREPnet Special
     Appreciation Award.  PREPnet Steering Committee Chair Gary

Cooper                                                         [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

     Augustson of Penn State presented this award to Brian Walsh, Deputy
     Chief of Staff for Operations and Administration, who accepted the
     award on behalf of Governor Casey.  This award was given to
     recognize the Casey administration's support and commitment which
     was instrumental in bringing Internet access to locations
     throughout Pennsylvania.


     Felicia Ferlin gave a What is PREPnet? presentation at the Business
     Opportunities on the Internet seminar held in Pittsburgh on
     September 22.


     On Sept. 29, Felicia Ferlin, conducted PREPnet's Introduction to
     the Internet training session at the Westmoreland County
     Intermediate Unit.  With the help of the intermediate unit's staff,
     live demos and hands-on training were done using site software and

     For information regarding connectivity options in the Commonwealth
     of Pennsylvania, contact the PREPnet NIC:

     305 S. Craig St.            E-Mail:     nic@prep.net
     2nd Floor                   Telephone:  (412) 268-7870
     Pittsburgh, PA  15213

     PREPnet NIC (nic@prep.net)


     Two pieces of work:

     1.  A comparison of various IDCT implementations was done, and a
     report written and is available in:

     2.  A multicast based shared text editor (called NT) has been
     implemented, based around ideas presented by Van Jacobson in his
     SIGCOMM 94 tutorial on multicast and multimedia on the Internet. This
     is partly described in the document above as well, and will be
     available shortly.

Cooper                                                         [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994


     Peter Kirstein attended the ARPA PI meeting, and visited various ARPA
     collaborative partners in the US.  J. Crowcroft spent a week
     recovering from running SIGCOMM.

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)


Last update 10/4/94

The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat
as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are
requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this
calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to:


Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information
for the events listed below.

FYI - New Dates for Email World Spring 1995



Oct. 2-5          IEEE Leading Edge Comp. Ntwg    Minneapolis, MN
Oct. 4-6          IFIP TC6 SEACOMM '94 Conf.
                   on SE Asia Commun.             Kuala Lumpur, Malasia
Oct. 4-7          IFIP WG6.1 FORTE'94             Bern, Switzerland
Oct. 6-8          Parallel & Dist. Compt. Sys     Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 15-20        ACM Conference on Multimedia    San Francisco, CA
Oct. 16-20        ACM SIGUCCS
Oct. 24-28        NetWorld+Interop '94            Paris, France
Oct. 25-28        ICNP'94, Int'l Conf. on
                  Network Protocols               Boston, MA
Oct. 27-28        Participatory Design Conf.
                   (PDC '94)                      Chapil Hill, NC
Oct. 31-Nov. 1    1st Intntl ACM/SIGCAPH Conf.
                   Assistive Technolgies (ASSETS) Marina del Rey, CA
Oct. 31-Nov. 3    EDUCOM
Nov. 2-4          Gigabit Testbed Jamboree        Reston, VA
Nov. 2-4          ACM Conf. of Computer & Commun
                   Security                       Fairfax, VA

Cooper                                                         [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

Nov. 7-11         IEEE P802.11 Plenary            Incline Village, NV
Nov. 8-10         7th IFIP WG6.1 Int'l Workshop
                  on Protocol Test Systems        Boston, MA
Nov. 8-11         OPENNET '94 German Soc. of
                   Internet Users                 Munich
Nov. 11-14        ICCCN '94                       San Francisco, CA
Nov. 14-15        CEC Cist 237 M-media            Vienna, Austria
Nov. 14-18        Supercomputing '94              Washington, DC
Nov. 14-18        USENIX/ACM SIGOPS               Monterey, CA
Nov. 15-16        CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Conf.          Brussels
Nov. 18-29        Nerdathon '94 - Windows into
                   the Internet                   Lake Tahoe
Nov. 28-29        ICT Standardization Pol. Wkshp  Belgium
Nov. 28-30        Ntwk. Svs. Conf. (NSC'94)       London, UK
Nov. 28-Dec. 1    Globecom'94, See IEEE Publ.     San Francisco, CA
Nov. 28-Dec. 2    Email World                     Boston, MA
Nov. 28-Dec. 2    Windows Solutions               Frankfurt, Germany
Nov. 29-Dec. 2    ATM Forum                       Kyoto, Japan
Nov. 29-Dec. 2    Cause
Dec. 1-2          RARE Working Groups             London, UK
Dec. 1-2          Wkshp on European Reqs for
                   Internationalisation of IT
                   and Charset Technology         Luxembourg
Dec. 5-7          Australian Telecom Networks and
                   Applications Conf. ATNAC 94    Melbourne, AU
Dec. 5-9          31st IETF (Definite)            San Jose, CA
Dec. 5-9          ANSI X3T11                      San Jose, CA
Dec. 5-9          10th Comp. Sec. Applications    Orlando, FL
Dec. 7-9          Windows Solutions               Tokyo, JP
Dec. 7-9          IEEE R/T Systems Symposium      San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dec. 12-16        OIW (confirmed)
Dec. 30-Jan. 2    IFIP Intl. Conf. Networks       Madras, India


Dec. 30-Jan. 2    IFIP Intl. Conf. Networks       Madras, India
Jan. 16-20        USENIX                          New Orleans, LA
Feb. 5-11         IS&T/SPIE Symposium on
                   Electronic Imaging             San Jose, CA
Feb. 6-10         ANSI X3T11                      St. Petersburg Bch, FL
Feb. 16-17        ISOC Symposium on Ntwk &
                   Distribruted System Security   San Diego, CA
Feb. 20-24        UniForum                        Dallas CC, Dallas, TX
Feb. 22-24        ICODP '95                       Brisbane
Feb. 26-Mar. 3    SHARE (IBM)                     Los Angeles, CA
Mar. 6-10         IEEE 802 Plenary (Tentative)
Mar. 13-17        OIW (confirmed)

Cooper                                                         [Page 29]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

Mar. 13-24        ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6                Tokyo, JP
Mar. 16-19        3rd Intntl Telecom. Systems
                   Modelling & Analysis           Nashville, TN
Mar. 27-31        NetWorld+Interop                Las Vegas, NV
Mar. 28-31        Seybold Seminars                Boston, MA
Apr. 2-6          IEEE Infocom '95                Boston, MA
Apr. 3-7          ANSI X3T11                      Monterey, CA
Apr. 3-7          32nd IETF (Definite)            Danvers, MA
Apr. 17-21        Email World (confirmed)         Santa Clara, CA
Apr. 19-21        5th Network & Operating System
                   Support (NOSSADV) Workshop     Boston, MA
Apr. 24-25        IFIP TC6 Wkshp Personal
                   Wireless Commun.               Prague, Czech Republic
May 15-19         Joint European Ntwkg Conf.      Tel Aviv, Israel
May 18-19         RARE Council of Admin.          Tel Aviv, Israel
May 28-Jun. 2     NetWorld+Interop '95            Frankfurt, Germany
Jun.              ISO/IEC JTC 1SC 21
                    WGs and Plenary (tentative)   Turkey
Jun.              ISOC Wkshop for Tech.
                   Emerging Countries
Jun. 5-7          Digital World                   Los Angeles, CA
Jun. 5-9          ANSI X3T11                      Rochester, MN
Jun. 12-16        INET '95 (tentative)            Singapore
Jun. 12-16        OIW (confirmed)
Jun. 13-16        IFIP WG6.1 PSTV-XV              Warsaw
Jun. 16-17        CCIRN                           Singapore
Jun. 18-22        ICC '95                         Seattle, WA
Jun.              INET95
Jul. 4            Independence Day
Jul. 10-14        IEEE 802 Plenary (Tentative)
Jun. 13-16        IFIP WG6.1 PSTV-XV              Warsaw
Jun. 18-22        ICC'95, See IEEE Publ.          Seattle, WA
JULY 14           BASTILLE DAY
Jul. 17-21        33rd IETF                       Stockholm, Sweden
Jul. 17-21        NetWorld+Interop                Tokyo, Japan
Aug. 7-11         ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Denver area
Aug. 14-18        ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Denver area
Aug. 29-Sep. 1    Windows Solutions San Fran.     San Francisco, CA
SEPTEMBER         Windows Solutions Paris         Paris, France
FALL 1995         Seybold Europe
Sep. 4-6          8th IFIP WG6.1 Intntl Wkshp on
                   Protocol Test Systems          Every, France
Sep. 11-15        OIW (confirmed)
Sep. 25-29        NetWorld+Interop                Atlanta, GA
Sep. 26-29        Seybold San Francisco           San Francisco, CA
Oct. 2-6          ANSI X3T11                      Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oct. 3-11         Telecom '95                     Geneva, Switzerland
Oct. 10-11        ANSI X3T11

Cooper                                                         [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

Oct. 17-20        IFIP WG6.1 FORTE '95            Montreal
Nov. 6-10         ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21             Dallas, Texas
Nov. 6-10         IEEE 802 Plenary (Tentative)
Nov. 6-10         NetWorld+Interop                Paris, France
Nov. 13-17        34th IETF (Tentative)           Dallas, TX
Nov. 27-Dec. 1    Email World (Definite)          Boston, MA
Nov. 27-Dec. 1    Windows Solutions Germany       Frankfurt, Germany
Dec. 4-8          OIW (confirmed)
Dec. 4-8          34th IETF (Tentative)
Dec. 4-8          ANSI X3T11 (Possible)           San Diego, CA
Dec. 4-8          Supercomputing '95 (Possible)   San Diego, CA
Dec. 11-15        11th Comp. Sec. Applications    New Orleans, LO
Dec. 4-8          ULPAA (upper layers)            Sydney, AU
Dec. 4-8          Windows Solutions Tokyo         Tokyo, Japan
**                GLOBECOM'95, See IEEE Publ.     Singapore

Feb. 5-9          ANSI X3T11
Mar. 11-14        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 18-22        OIW (confirmed)
Apr. 8-13         ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Irvine, CA
Apr. 15-19        ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Irvine, CA
May               ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21
                   WGs and Plenary (tentative)    Kansas City, US
Jun. 10-14        OIW (confirmed)
Jun. 10-14        ANSI X3T11
Jun. 24-27        ICCC'96, See IEEE Publ.         Dallas, Texas
Aug. 5-9          ANSI X3T11
Sep. 2-6          14th IFIP Conf.                 Canberra, AU
Sep. 9-13         OIW (confirmed)
Oct. 7-11         ANSI X3T11                      St. Petersburg Bch, FL
Dec. 2-6          ANSI X3T11
Dec. 9-13         OIW (confirmed)

Mar. 10-13        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 10-14        OIW (confirmed)
Jun. 8-12         ICC'97, See IEEE Publ.          Montreal
Jun  9-13         OIW (confirmed)
Sep. 8-12         OIW (confirmed)
Dec. 8-12         OIW (confirmed)


Cooper                                                         [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

Aug. 23-29        15th IFIP World. Com. Conf.     Vienna, Austria and
                                                   Budapest, Hungary

** means no definitive information available at this time.

Via ftp: /ietf/1events.calendar.imr.txt on ietf shadow directories
Via gopher: "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF Meetings /
            Scheduling Calendar" on ietf.cnri.reston.va.us


Ref. RSec(94)001-ac                              October 1994

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the
meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the
chair of the meeting or the RARE Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail Anne Cozanet
(e.mail address: cozanet@rare.nl).

MEETING/DATE                   LOCATION
============                   ========

RARE Executive Committee

RARE Council of Administration
20/21 October 1994             Amsterdam

NewOrg General Assembly
20/21 October 1994             Amsterdam
18/19 May 1995                 Tel Aviv (tbc)

27 October                     Interop, Paris
(from 18.30 till 20.30 hrs)

4th Framework & Telematics for Research
30 November (afternoon)        London

RARE Technical Committee / WG Convenors

Cooper                                                         [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

7 November (12.00 till 14.00)  Telephone meeting

RARE Working Groups
19-20 October                  Zurich

MHS Managers
20-21 October                  Zurich

1/2 December                   London

1 December (morning)           London

1 December (morning)           London

1 December (afternoon)         London

12 December (all day)          Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

25-27 January                  Amsterdam (NIKHEF, WCW)


3/4 October                    Vienna

EuroCAIRN Consultation Meeting
8 November                     Brussels (Sheraton Hotel)

(DANTE EuroCAIRN project team
and representatives of the
national networks meet to
discuss work done for EuroCAIRN
to date. closed, by invitation


Cooper                                                         [Page 33]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

(experts and interested parties)
8-9 November                   Hamburg

PHARE Meeting
13/14 October                  Budapest

CEENet General Assembly
14/15 October                  Budapest


Consortium of Contributing Organisations
02 November                    Munich

EBONE Management Committee
11 October                     Paris

EOT (Ebone Operations Team)
10 October                     Paris

Board of Directors
30 November - 1 December       London

16/17 June 1995                Singapore

INTERNET SOCIETY Board of Trustees
15/16 December                 Washington DC

5-9 December                   San Jose, California
3-7 April 1995                 Danvers, Massachusetts
Summer 1995                    Stockholm, Sweden

Technical Assembly
22-23 November                 Brussels

Steering Committee
6 December                     Brussels

10-14 October                  Brussels

Cooper                                                         [Page 34]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

General Assembly
22/23 November                 Nice, France

Technical Assembly
18-20 October                  Nice, France

JENC6 - 6th Joint European Networking Conference
15-18 May 1995     in Tel Aviv, Israel

To be added to the conference email distribution list, send a message
to <jenc6-request@rare.nl>.

For information, email <jenc6-sec@rare.nl>.
To submit a paper, email <jenc6-submit@rare.nl>



(nb. For some of the following events, full text information is
available from the RARE Document Store under the directory calendar,
in which case the file name is specified under the information
presented below. The files may be retrieved via:

anonymous FTP: ftp.rare.nl
Email:         server@rare.nl
Gopher:        gopher.rare.nl)

from 15-20 October 1994 in San Francisco, California
For programme and registration information, please check
or email <multimedia.dok@notes.compuserve.com>

OPENNET'94 - German Society of Internet Users (DIGI e.V.)
from 8-11 November in Goettingen (Park Hotel Ropeter)
For further information contact the DIGI board via email:


Cooper                                                         [Page 35]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

on 15 and 16 November 1994
in the European Parliament, Brussels.
Information from Kristien Van Ingelgem, fax.+32 2 519 6819

28, 29 and 30 November 1994
Chateau du Lac, Genval, Belgium
organised by the European Commission with logistic
support from EWOS.
For information, email <ewos@sp1.y-net.be>

from 28 to 30 November 1994
in London (UK)
For further information contact David Sitman (PC Vice Chairman) via
email: <A79@TAUNIVM.bitnet>;
Paper submissions to: <NSC94@EARNCC.EARN.NET>

The Mail Enabled Technologies Conference
from 29 November to 1 December 1994
Hynes Convention Center, Boston MA, USA
For further information, email <expo@dic-inc.com>
Tel. +1 508 470 3880; Fax. +1 508 470 0526

on 1 and 2 December 1994
in Luxembourg.
Organised by CEN/TC304, sponsored by CEC/DGIII,
Registrations before 30 September 1994
For information, email <tobbi@iti.is>

from 5 till 11 February 1995
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California USA
-> Multimedia Computing and Networking 1995 -> Digital Video
Compression: Algorithms & Technologies 1995
Tel.(206)676 3290 - Fax.(206)647 1445


Cooper                                                         [Page 36]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1994

16-17 February 1995
Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, California USA
Deadline for submission of papers is 15 August 1995.
For further information, email David Balenson


Winter Conference
15-17 November          Luxembourg

Cooper                                                         [Page 37]