~ March 1995 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not to be quoted in other publications without permission from the submitter. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to: Ann Cooper (IMR@ISI.EDU) Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu". Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting imrs help: ways_to_get_imrs Cooper [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Internet Projects ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15 MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 MIDNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 Rare List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 Cooper [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS ------------------------- INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- 1. By the time this is submitted, we will be attending the first IETF meeting of 1995 in Danvers, Massachusetts. The summer IETF meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden the week of July 17- 21, 1995. Due to the meeting costs, the IETF attendance fee for the Stockholm meeting will be US$300. Hotel information has already been sent to the Announcement list, and attendees are encouraged to make their plane and hotel reservations. The IETF Secretariat is NOT accepting registrations for the Stockholm meeting at this time. Following Stockholm, the IETF will be meeting in Dallas, Texas on December 4-8, 1995. Our local host for this meeting is MCI. Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg- sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories. This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on the Web. The URL is: http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/ 2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory. The following IESG minutes have been added: February 23, 1995 (iesg.95-02-23) March 9, 1995 (iesg.95-03-09) 3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 14 Protocol Actions during the month of March, 1995: o A Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3) has been reclassified as Historic. o Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet has been reclassified as Historic. o The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service is now a Standard. Cooper [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 o Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth Version of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4) using SMIv2 is now a Draft Standard. o TFTP Option Extension be published as a Proposed Standard. o TFTP Blocksize Option be published as a Proposed Standard. o TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis be published as an Informational RFC. o TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options be published as a Proposed Standard. o Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is now a Draft Standard. o The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes is now a Draft Standard. o Using the OSI Directory to Achieve User Friendly Naming be published as a Proposed Standard. o A String Representation of Distinguished Names is now a Draft Standard. o Extending OSPF to support demand circuits be published as a Proposed Standard. o MHS use of the X.500 Directory to support MHS Routing be published as an Experimental protocol. 4. The IESG issued five Last Calls to the IETF during the month of March, 1995: o The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service <RFC1209> for consideration as a Standard. o RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-07> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers <draft-ietf-rreq-cidr-02> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0 Cooper [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 <draft-ietf-html-spec-01> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o MHS use of the X.500 Directory to support MHS Routing <draft-ietf-mhsds-routdirectory-06> for consideration as an Experimental Protocol. 5. Two Working Groups were created during this period: RWhois Operational Development (rwhois) IPv6 MIB (ipv6mib) Additionally, six Working Groups were concluded: Commercial Internet Protocol Security Option (cipso) MHS-DS (mhsds) Network Access Server Requirements (nasreq) Authorization and Access Control (aac) Address Lifetime Expectations (ale) Printer MIB (printmib) 6. A total of 142 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month of March, 1995: (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) ) (wnils) o Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service <draft-ietf-wnils-whois-04.txt> (pem) o MIME Object Security Services <draft-ietf-pem-mime-08.txt> (avt) o RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-07.txt, .ps> (avt) o RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control <draft-ietf-avt-profile-04.txt, .ps> (avt) o RTP Packetization of H.261 Video Streams <draft-ietf-avt-video-packet-04.txt> (iplpdn) o Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs <draft-ietf-iplpdn-frmib-dte-04.txt> (cat) o FTP Security Extensions <draft-ietf-cat-ftpsec-06.txt> (iiir) o Publishing Information on the Internet with Anonymous FTP <draft-ietf-iiir-publishing-03.txt> (notary) o SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications <draft-ietf-notary-smtp-drpt-03.txt> (mailext) o SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages Cooper [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 <draft-ietf-mailext-smtp-binary-06.txt> (pppext) o PPP Stacker LZS Compression Protocol <draft-ietf-pppext-stacker-03.txt> (rsvp) o Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1 Functional Specification <draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-05.txt, .ps> (ipngwg) + IPv6 Security Architecture <draft-ietf-ipngwg-sec-00.txt> (ipngwg) + IPv6 Authentication Header <draft-ietf-ipngwg-auth-00.txt> (none) + IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) <draft-ietf-ipngwg-esp-00.txt> (ospf) o IP Forwarding Table MIB <draft-ietf-ospf-cidr-route-mib-05.txt> (none) o Conventional IP over ATM <draft-ohta-ip-over-atm-01.txt> (avt) o RTP Payload Format of CellB Video Encoding <draft-ietf-avt-cellb-profile-04.txt> (mobileip) o IP Mobility Support <draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-09.txt> (wnils) o Architecture of the WHOIS++ service <draft-ietf-wnils-whois-arch-03.txt> (none) o A Chemical Primary Content Type for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. <draft-rzepa-chemical-mime-type-01.txt> (none) o MIME/ESMTP Profile for Voice Messaging <draft-umig-mime-voice-02.txt> (none) o Shared Media Architecture for the Internet <draft-ohta-shared-media-02.txt> (none) o Accounting Meter Services MIB <draft-brownlee-acct-meter-mib-02.txt> (cat) o The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism (SPKM) <draft-ietf-cat-spkmgss-02.txt> (mailext) o SMTP 521 reply code <draft-ietf-mailext-smtp-521-03.txt> (whip) o A Specification for the Simple Internet White Pages Service <draft-ietf-whip-iwps-design-spec-01.txt> (ospf) o OSPF Cryptographic Authentication <draft-ietf-ospf-md5-03.txt> (wnils) o How to interact with a Whois++ mesh <draft-ietf-wnils-whois-mesh-01.txt> (ipngwg) o An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation <draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-addr-loc-01.txt> (uri) o Relative Uniform Resource Locators <draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-06.txt> (tftpexts) o TFTP Option Extension <draft-ietf-tftpexts-option-ext-03.txt> (tftpexts) o TFTP Blocksize Option Cooper [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 <draft-ietf-tftpexts-blksize-opt-02.txt> (ipngwg) + DNS Extensions to support IP version 6 <draft-ietf-ipngwg-dns-00.txt> (ipngwg) + IPv6 Program Interfaces for BSD Systems <draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-00.txt> (st2) o Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol Specification - Version ST2+ <draft-ietf-st2-spec-04.txt, .ps> (asid) o Schema Publishing in X.500 Directory <draft-ietf-asid-schema-01.txt> (ipngwg) o Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification <draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-spec-01.txt> (ipsec) o Simple Key-Management For Internet Protocols-Plus (SKIPP) <draft-ietf-ipsec-aziz-skip-01.txt> (aft) o SOCKS Protocol Version 5 <draft-ietf-aft-socks-protocol-v5-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Introduction to Version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework <draft-ietf-snmpv2-intro-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-conf-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-smi-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tc-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Security Protocols for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-sec-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Party MIB for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-party-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-proto-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tm-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Administrative Model for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-adminv2-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Manager-to-Manager Management Information Base <draft-ietf-snmpv2-m2m-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-mib-ds-01.txt> Cooper [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 (snmpv2) o Coexistence between Version 1 and Version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework <draft-ietf-snmpv2-coex-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-ip-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tcp-ds-01.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-udp-ds-01.txt> (asid) o Definition of an X.500 Attribute Type and Object Class to Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) <draft-ietf-asid-x500-url-01.txt> (ripv2) o RIP-II Cryptographic Authentication <draft-ietf-ripv2-md5-01.txt> (bmwg) o Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices <draft-ietf-bmwg-methodology-01.txt> (cat) o Generic Security Service Application Program Interface, Version 2 <draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-01.txt> (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcp-01.txt> (none) o Accounting: Usage Reporting Architecture <draft-brownlee-acct-arch-report-01.txt> (pppext) o The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) <draft-ietf-pppext-encryption-03.txt> (ngtrans) + Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers <draft-ietf-ngtrans-trans-mech-00.txt> (uri) o URC Scenarios and Requirements <draft-ietf-uri-urc-req-01.txt> (ipngwg) o An IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format <draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-addr-fmt-01.txt> (none) o A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System <draft-davis-dns-loc-01.txt> (dnsind) o Incremental Transfer in DNS <draft-ietf-dnsind-ixfr-01.txt> (cat) o Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (IDUP-GSS-API) <draft-ietf-cat-idup-gss-01.txt> (avt) o RTP Encapsulation of JPEG-compressed video. <draft-ietf-avt-jpeg-01.txt> (mobileip) o Route Optimization in Mobile IP <draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-01.txt> (uri) o Uniform Resource Locators for Z39.50 <draft-ietf-uri-url-irp-02.txt> (rreq) o Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers <draft-ietf-rreq-cidr-02.txt> (dnsind) o Notify: a mechanism for prompt notification of authority zone changes Cooper [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 <draft-ietf-dnsind-notify-01.txt> (tftpexts) o TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options <draft-ietf-tftpexts-options-01.txt> (ipsec) o The ESP DES-CBC Transform <draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-des-cbc-03.txt> (none) o Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) <draft-metzger-esp-01.txt> (none) o Authentication Header (AH) <draft-metzger-ah-01.txt> (ipsec) o IP Authentication using Keyed MD5 <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-md5-02.txt> (mailext) o Requirements for Internet Mail Transport Agents <draft-ietf-mailext-smtpas-01.txt> (none) o Stratum-based Aggregation of Routing Information <draft-rekhter-stratum-aggregation-01.txt> (snmp) o SNMP MIB Extension for Narrow-Band ISDN Interfaces <draft-ietf-snmp-isdn-netmode-01.txt> (none) o The ESP Triple DES-CBC Transform <draft-metzger-esp-3des-cbc-01.txt> (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-01.txt> (addrconf) o IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration <draft-ietf-addrconf-ipv6-auto-01.txt> (none) o TCP MD5 Signature Option <draft-heffernan-tcp-md5-01.txt> (dnsind) o Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS) <draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-01.txt> (uri) o finger URL Specification <draft-ietf-uri-url-finger-02.txt> (none) o ICMP Domain Name Messages <draft-simpson-icmp-domain-name-01.txt> (mailext) o Additional RFC 822 header fields <draft-ietf-mailext-new-fields-01.txt> (mailext) + Common Internet Message Attributes <draft-ietf-mailext-mail-attributes-00.txt> (rolc) o NHRP Protocol Applicability Statement <draft-ietf-rolc-nhrp-appl-01.txt> (none) + Router Architecture Extensions for ATM : Overview <draft-katsube-router-atm-overview-00.txt> (cat) + Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos <draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt> (iab) + Routing in a multi-provider Internet <draft-iab-routing-multi-provider-00.txt> (cat) + Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings <draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-cbind-00.txt> (http) + Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0 <draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-00.txt, .ps> (ipngwg) + IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture <draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-00.txt> Cooper [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 (iab) + IPv6 Address Allocation Management <draft-iab-iesg-ipv6-address-alloc-00.txt> (http) o A Proposed Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication <draft-ietf-http-digest-aa-01.txt> (none) + A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh routing <draft-haskin-bgp-idrp-mesh-routing-00.txt> (none) + Location-Independent Data/Software Integrity Protocol <draft-rubin-lid-sip-00.txt> (asid) + An LDAP URL Format <draft-ietf-asid-ldap-format-00.txt> (rolc) + NHRP Management Information Base <draft-ietf-rolc-nhrp-mib-00.txt> (none) + DHCP Home Address option <draft-perkins-homeaddr-dhcpopt-00.txt> (none) + Unicast Allocation by Exchange <draft-simpson-exchanges-00.txt> (snmpv2) + The Basic Configuration Model for SNMPv2 <draft-ietf-snmpv2-bcm-ds-00.txt> (rip) + Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Circuits <draft-ietf-rip-demand-rip-00.txt> (none) + The Common Indexing Protocol <draft-weider-comindex-00.txt> (snmpv2) + The Simplified Configuration Model for SNMPv2 <draft-ietf-snmpv2-scm-ds-00.txt> (uri) + The Path URN Specification <draft-ietf-uri-urn-path-00.txt> (aft) + Username/Password Authentication for SOCKS V5 <draft-ietf-aft-username-password-00.txt> (none) + Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) <draft-nsa-isakmp-00.txt, .ps> (uri) + Uniform Resource Agents (URA's) <draft-ietf-uri-ura-00.txt> (uri) + Uniform Resource Agents (URA's) <draft-ietf-uri-ura-00.txt> (uri) + Uniform Resource Names (URNs) <draft-ietf-uri-yaurn-00.txt> (idr) + BGP AS Path Metrics <draft-ietf-idr-bgp-metrics-00.txt, .ps> (none) + The IPv6 Payload Header <draft-kre-ipv6-payload-00.txt> (idmr) + The Trade-offs of Multicast Trees and Algorithms <draft-ietf-idmr-mtree-00.txt, .ps> (none) + SCE: an Architecture for Reliable Multicasting <draft-talpade-sce-00.txt> (rip) + Applicability Statement for Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Circuits <draft-ietf-rip-demand-rip-appl-00.txt> (aft) + GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5 Cooper [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 <draft-ietf-aft-gssapi-00.txt> (ipsec) + IP Authentication Header <draft-ietf-ipsec-auth-00.txt> (ipsec) + Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol <draft-ietf-ipsec-arch-00.txt> (ipsec) + IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) <draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-00.txt> (none) + Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol MIB <draft-thaler-dvmrp-mib-00.txt> (atommib) + Definitions of Supplemental Managed Objects for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-atm2-00.txt> (none) + IP/ATM Integrated Routing & Addressing (IRA) Model <draft-fink-ipatm-ira-00.txt> (intserv) + Specification of Controlled Delay Quality of Service <draft-ietf-intserv-control-del-svc-00.txt> (none) + Provider Independent IPv6 Addressing Architecture <draft-ohta-ipv6-addr-arch-00.txt> (cat) + GSS-API V1 MS Windows Dynamic Link Library Interface <draft-ietf-cat-wingss-00.txt> (intserv) + Network Element Service Specification Template <draft-ietf-intserv-svc-template-00.txt> (snmp) + IBM ISDN MIB Extensions <draft-ietf-snmp-isdn-ibm-00.txt> (intserv) + Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service <draft-ietf-intserv-guaranteed-svc-00.txt> (sdr) + Source Demand Routing: Packet Format and Forwarding Specification (Version 1). <draft-ietf-sdr-packet-spec-00.txt> (none) + OSPF with Digital Signatures <draft-murphy-ospf-signature-00.txt> (intserv) + Specification of Predictive Quality of Service <draft-ietf-intserv-predictive-svc-00.txt> (none) + The auto-submitted e-mail header field <draft-palme-autosub-00.txt> (pppext) + PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) <draft-ietf-pppext-eap-auth-00.txt> (rip) + RIPng for IPv6 <draft-ietf-rip-riping-00.txt> (mmusic) + SDP: Session Description Protocol <draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-00.txt, .ps> (cat) + Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service Application Program Interface: C-bindings <draft-ietf-cat-idup-cbind-00.txt> (none) + A DNS RR for specifying the location of services <draft-gulbrandsen-dns-rr-srvcs-00.txt> Cooper [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 7. There were 25 RFCs published during the month of March, 1995: RFC St WG Title ------- -- -------- ------------------------------------- RFC1759 PS (printmib) Printer MIB RFC1762 DS (pppext) The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP) RFC1763 PS (pppext) The PPP Banyan Vines Control Protocol (BVCP) RFC1764 PS (pppext) The PPP XNS IDP Control Protocol (XNSCP) RFC1765 E (ospf) OSPF Database Overflow RFC1766 PS (mailext) Tags for the Identification of Languages RFC1767 PS (edi) MIME Encapsulation of EDI Objects RFC1768 E (tuba) Host Group Extensions for CLNP Multicasting RFC1769 I (none) Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) RFC1770 I (none) IPv4 Option for Sender Directed Multi-Destination Delivery RFC1771 DS (idr) A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) RFC1772 DS (bgp) Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet RFC1773 I (idr) Experience with the BGP-4 protocol RFC1774 I (idr) BGP-4 Protocol Analysis RFC1775 I (none) To Be "On" the Internet RFC1777 DS (asid) Lightweight Directory Access Protocol RFC1778 DS (asid) The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes RFC1779 DS (asid) A String Representation of Distinguished Names RFC1780 S (none) INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS RFC1781 PS (asid) Using the OSI Directory to Achieve User Friendly Naming RFC1782 PS (tftpexts) TFTP Option Extension RFC1783 PS (tftpexts) TFTP Blocksize Option RFC1784 PS (tftpexts) TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options RFC1785 I (tftpexts) TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis RFC1786 I (none) Representation of IP Routing Policies in a Routing Registry (ripe-81++) St(atus): ( S) Internet Standard (PS) Proposed Standard (DS) Draft Standard ( E) Experimental ( I) Informational Steve Coya (scoya@nri.reston.va.us) Cooper [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING ---------------------------------- March Backbone Traffic Statistics The total inbound packet count for the ANSnet (measured using SNMP interface counters) was 64,344,705,613 on T3 ENSS interfaces, up 12.05% from February. The total packet count into the network including all ENSS serial interfaces was 81,409,309,441 up 12.97% from February. Router Forwarding Table Statistics The maximum number of destinations announced to ANSnet during March was 22,326 up .51% from February. The number of network destinations configured for announcement to the ANSnet but never announced (silent nets) during February was 24,718. Jordan Becker, ANS <becker@ans.net> INTERNIC -------- Internic Directory And Database Services ========================================= As noted in last month's report, the scout-report and net-happenings mailing lists have been moved to the DS machines. These are quite large mailing lists - the Scout Report has 21,000+ subscribers and net-happenings has 10,000+ (counting both the digest and non-digest versions). We have made a number of changes to our MajorDomo server to accomodate these lists. We are batching subscription requests so they can be processed more efficiently. This may result in a delay of up to a day before a request to be added to the list will be processed, but we have set up the timing so that the day's additions are normally processed before the day's mail is sent out. Other changes have been made to the internals of MajorDomo, but they should not affect the mailing list as it appears to users. Subscribe and unsubscribe requests should continue to be sent to majordomo@dsmail.internic.net. Cooper [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 We have also borrowed a more powerful machine from Sun (with thanks for their help) until more powerful permanent equipment can be obtained. These lists now appear to be stable and are operating normally. A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and we will send information about listing your resource in the Directory of Directories. Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net> InterNIC Registration Services ============================== I. Significant Events InterNIC Registration Services assigned over 11,012 network addresses and registered over 6,757 domains. Three top level domains were registered this month for Mongolia (MN), Nigeria (NG), and Uganda (UG). The suit that Knowledgenet has filed against Network Solutions and David L. Boone over the knowledgement.com domain is still pending. This case could establish precedence that refutes InterNIC Registration Service's current policy of first-come first served by binding trademarked names with a domain name. During the month of March, the increase of domain requests increased from an average of 200+ to 300+ new submissions per day. We have made adjustments in domain processing and staffing, as well as the implementation of additional equipment to aid in reducing the backlog. At the close of March 1995, the processing time decreased from a high of 15 days to 12 days. II. Current Status During the month of March 1995, InterNIC Registration Services received communications as shown below. The majority of the correspondence concerned the assignment and re-assignment of network numbers and the registration or change of domain names. Cooper [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 E-mail 16,118 (hostmaster@internic.net) Postal/Fax 352 (primarily IP number requests) Phone 5,873 The Registrations Services host computer supported a large volume of information retrieval requests during the month of February. Connections Retrievals Gopher 63,690 98,114 WAIS 89,589 75,443 FTP 19,405 78,132 Mailserv 5,535 Telnet 81,677 In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were: Client Server 398,623 1,363,259 ISI --- ISI TUNNEL ========== ISI "Tunnel" Extensions in Response to the CERT IP Spoofing Advisory Background: The ISI Tunnel is a special router that provides smooth seamless internet access from a closed environment, the "inside", to the "outside", while restricting the access from the outside to the inside. The advantage of the Tunnel, in comparison with traditional firewalls, is that it supports any IP-based communication; not just terminal access, file transfer, and electronic mail. The Tunnel allows sites that are hidden behind "firewalls", also known as "gatekeepers" or "mail-bridges", to have IP-based internet access without being open to attacks over the internet. It was implemented at ISI in August, 1993. Potential Attack: The Tunnel firewall software, which is implemented in the Sun kernel IP code, uses the IP source and destination address for authentication on incoming packets. The CERT Advisory CA-95:01, "IP Spoofing Attacks and Hijacked Terminal Connections", dated January 23, 1995, outlines an attack in which IP source addresses are spoofed. Cooper [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 The ISI Tunnel was vulnerable to this attack on two levels: a. The workstation that the Tunnel software is running on might accept a forged packet, allowing the forger to take control of the workstation and subvert the Tunnel software once root access has been gained. b. IP forwarding decisions are made based on the source and destination addresses found in the IP header of a packet, so the Tunnel could be tricked into forwarding packets that should be discarded. Solution: Functionality has been added to the ISI Tunnel to address this problem. In particular, the Tunnel packet filtering scheme has been modified to drop all packets that didn't come in on the interface suggested by their source address. This change was implemented inside of the the kernel that runs on the Tunnel router. For each incoming packet, the standard kernel routine that is used to look up routes is called with the packet's IP source address. The interface that is returned is compared with the interface on which the packet arrived, and if the two interfaces don't match, the packet is dropped. This technique can be applied to any Sun workstation, and has nothing specifically to do with the Tunnel software. There are several limitations associated with this approach. In order for the routing lookup to yield the correct incoming interface, it must be assumed that packets are routed the same way in both directions. Also, if a source address is spoofed in such a way that the packet is entering the gateway via the correct interface, it will not be detected using this method. The latest version of the Tunnel software is available via anonymous FTP from venera.isi.edu, "pub/tunnel/tunnel_2.0.tar.Z". Annette DeSchon <deschon@isi.edu> Cooper [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 THE US DOMAIN ============= US DOMAIN ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ EMAIL/FAX 951 PHONE 219 ---------------------------- Total Contacts 1170 DELEGATIONS 159 DIRECT REGISTRATIONS: 12 OTHER US DOMAIN MSGS: 999 --------------------------- Total 1170 SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED -------------------- K12 CC TEC STATE LIB MUS GEN DST COG =================================================================== 47 33 31 45 33 22 21 7 1 =================================================================== OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and whois listings. The list of delegations below does not reflect the entire number of registrations and delegations in the whole US Domain. Many subdomains have been delegated and administrators of those subdomains register applicants in their domains. Below are direct registrations in the US Domain. To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and subdomains you can ftp the file in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt from ftp.isi.edu, via anonymous ftp. Cooper [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 ----------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD LEVEL US DOMAIN DELEGATIONS THIS MONTH ----------------------------------------------------------------- DST.UT.US DISTRICT, Utah COG.UT.US COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT, Utah DST.IL.US DISTRICTS, Illinois MUS.IL.US MUSEUMS, Illinois CC.NM.US COMMUNITY COLLEGES, New Mexico TEC.NM.US TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, New Mexico LIB.NM.US LIBRARIES, New Mexico LIB.RI.US LIBRARIES, Rhode Island CC.VA.US COMMUNITY COLLEGES, Virginia GEN.VA.US GENERAL INDEPENDENT ENTITIES, Virginia MUS.VA.US MUSEUMS, Virginia GVMT.VI.US TERRITORY GOVERNMENT, Virgin Islands LOCALITIES ========== ABQ.NM.US STANFORD.CA.US EVERGREEN.CO.US MONTEZUMA.CO.US ARCHULETA.CO.US BAYFIELD.CO.US CORTEZ.CO.US DOLORES.CO.US DURANGO.CO.US GREELEY.CO.US IGNACIO.CO.US LAPLATA.CO.US MANCOS.CO.US PAGOSA.CO.US SILVERTON.CO.US SANJUAN.CO.US WHEATRIDGE.CO.US AMES.IA.US BLOOMINGTON.IN.US ADAMS.MA.US AGAWAM.MA.US ALFORD.MA.US AMHERST.MA.US ASHFIELD.MA.US BECKET.MA.US BELCHERTOWN.MA.US BERNARDSTON.MA.US BERKSHIRE.MA.US BLANFORD.MA.US BRIMFIELD.MA.US BUCKLAND.MA.US CHARLEMONT.MA.US CHESHIRE.MA.UA CHESTER.MA.US CHESTERFIELD.MA.US CHICOPEE.MA.US COLRAIN.MA.US CONWAY.MA.US CUMMINGTON.MA.US DALTON.MA.US DEERFIELD.MA.US EAST-LONGMEADOW.MA.US EASTHAMPTON.MA.US EGREMONT.MA.US ERVING.MA.US FRANKLIN.MA.US FLORIDA.MA.US GILL.MA.US GOSHEN.MA.US GRANVILLE.MA.US GREAT-BARRINGTON.MA.US GREENFIELD.MA.US HADLEY.MA.US HAMPDEN.MA.US HAMPSHIRE.MA.US HANCOCK.MA.US Cooper [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 HARDWICK.MA.US HOLLISTON.MA.US HOLYOKE.MA.US HUNINGTON.MA.US LANESBOROUGH.MA.US LEE.MA.US LENOX.MA.US LEVERETT.MA.US LEYDEN.MA.US LONGMEADOW.MA.US LUDLOW.MA.US MIDDLEFIELD.MA.US MILLERS-FALLS.MA.US MONROE.MA.US MONTAGUE.MA.US MONTEREY.MA.US MONTGOMERY.MA.US MOUNT-WASHINGTON.MA.US NEW-ASHFORD.MA.US NEW-MARLBOROUGH.MA.US NORTH-ADAMS.MA.US NORTHAMPTON.MA.US OTIS.MA.US PALMER.MA.US PELHAM.MA.US PITTSFIELD.MA.US PLAINFIELD.MA.US RICHMOND.MA.US ROWE.MA.US RUSSELL.MA.US SANFISFIELD.MA.US SAVOY.MA.US SHEFFIELD.MA.US SHELBURNE.MA.US SHUTEBURY.MA.US SOUTH-HADLEY.MA.US SOUTHAMPTON.MA.US SOUTWICK.MA.US SPRINGFIELD.MA.US STOCKBRIDGE.MA.US SUNDERLAND.MA.US TOLLAND.MA.US TYRINGHAM.MA.US WALES.MA.US WARE.MA.US WARREN.MA.US WASHINGTON.MA.US WEST-SPRINGFIELD.MA.US WEST-STOCKBRIDGE.MA.US WESTFIELD.MA.US WESTHAMPTON.MA.US WHATLEY.MA.US WILBRAHAM.MA.US WILLIAMSBURG.MA.US WORTHINGTON.MA.US BEXAR.TX.US GALVESTON.TX.US MCLENNAN.TX.US TRAVIS.TX.US WACO.TX.US LAKE-PLACID.NY.US ST-LAWRENCE.NY.US HAMPTON.VA.US SHERIDAN.WY.US SALT-RIVER.PIMA-MARICOPA.NSN.US -------------------------------------- OTHER US DOMAIN DELEGATIONS THIS MONTH -------------------------------------- LIB.CI.RICHARDSON.TX.US TRADER.BRADENTON.FL.US CO.TRAVIS.TX.US CI.LAWRENCE.KS.US CI.BLUE-SPRINGS.MO.US TAPAS.FORT-SMITH.AR.US NEWPORT.SANTA-ANA.CA.US MALIBU.CONCORD.CA.US CO.HUDSON.NJ.US CO.DAVIS.UT.US SUPER.ARLINGTON.VA.US GABRIEL.CAMBRIDGE.MA.US N2ELL.COLUMBIA.MD.US CI.WEST-VALLEY.UT.US RIVERSIDE.LIB.CA.US WREN.CAMBRIDGE.MA.US CLOVIS.CC.NM.US MARINET.LIB.CA.US ENMUROS.CC.NM.US STMS.STERLING.VA.US Cooper [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 OMEGA.STANFORD.CT.US RCN.RICHARDSON.TX.US CONGRESS.ALEXANDRIA.VA.US MTA.STATE.NY.US BHI.HOLLYWOOD.CA.US SHAWSHEEN.TEC.MA.US For more information about the US Domain please request an application via the RFC-INFO service. Send a message to RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU with the contents "Help: us_domain_application". For example: To: RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU Subject: US Domain Application Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU) MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING ------------------------ This report summarizes recent activities of Merit's Internet Engineering and Network Management groups on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) Project and the NSFNET Backbone Service Project. The process of dismantling the NSFNET Backbone Service began this month, as ENSSs 138, 136, and 133 were turned off on March 11, March 22, and March 31, respectively. Located in College Park and Atlanta, ENSSs 138 and 136 were the NSFNET connection points for SURAnet. Located in Ithaca, NY, ENSS 133 was the NSFNET connection point for NYSERNet, the Cornell Theory Center, and PSI. These terminations of service mean that SURAnet and NYSERNet are the first regionals to be totally dependent on their new service providers, internetMCI and SprintLink. In addition, the Cornell Theory Center is the first supercomputer center to terminate its dependence on the NSFNET Backbone Service. ENSS 136 was also the NSFNET interconnection point with MAE-East. The NSFNET Backbone Service will continue to have connectivity to MAE-East+ until April 30, 1995. Merit has also discontinued the T1 "safety net" to 10 sites that have migrated to alternate service providers. Packet counts for the various access points to the NSFNET service show that most ENSSs have seen a reduction in traffic during the last six months. A significant amount of traffic is still traversing the NSFNET, however. Merit has posted a histogram that shows the number of packets into the nodes of the backbone from September 1994 to February 1995. The histogram is available at: ftp://nic.merit.edu:/nsfnet/statistics/top10.transition.ps Cooper [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 http://www.ra.net/stats.html http://www.ra.net/transpage.html The 10 nodes shown on the graph are the top 10 originators of traffic into the backbone in February 1995. If you are attached to one of the nodes highlighted on the graph, please be aware that these attachments will be retired as of April 30, 1995. More detailed information about NSFNET Backbone Service traffic can be found at nic.merit.edu:/nsfnet/statistics/*. The Routing Arbiter Project has added four new attributes to the RIPE-181 (RFC 1786) syntax, which is used to express routing policy in the Routing Arbiter Database. The new attributes are: extended-as-in extended-as-out extended-interas-in extended-interas-out The "as-in" and "as-out" attributes, which are described in RFC 1786, make it possible to specify routing policy at an AS granularity. That is, if two ASs exchange routes, as-in and as-out describe the total of what routes are accepted and announced. The "interas-in" and "interas-out" attributes, also described in RFC 1786, are similar to as-in and as-out, but they make it possible to specify routing policy at a routing-session granularity. The new attributes, extended-as-in, extended-as-out, extended- interas-in, and extended-interas-out, have the added capability of allowing the expression of routing policies that are based on AS paths. The Routing Arbiter Project has placed a second Route Server at MAE-East/MAE-East+. Among the NSPs and ISPs receiving actual routes from the MAE-East/MAE-East+ Route Servers are NetCom, MCI, PIPEX, and Net 99. Many thanks to these AS's for helping move the new technology along! --Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu) MIDNET ------ MIDnet Announces Additional WWW Interfaces ------------------------------------------- MIDnet announced the availability of two new WWW interfaces to popular Internet resources: The NEWSLTR mailing list, a moderated list for distribution of Cooper [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 various Internet-related newsletters, was previously available only to subscribers of the list. With MIDnet's new interface, the newsletters can be accessed using the point-and-click technology of the Web. Newsletters are archived by date (day and month) and may be searched by title, keyword or newsletter name. News sources include Edupage, Alawon, Infosys, the Scout Report, and Webster. ANNOUNCE is a WWW view of the Usenet newsgroup comp.infosystems.www.announce. The newsgroup focuses on announcing the availability of new WWW resources. MIDnet's WWW interface archives the announcements and provides a mechanism for searching the archive by title, keyword, author, or subject. The MIDnet interface also provides individual hyperlinks to the resources being announced. These two resources can be found at: http://www.mid.net:80/NEWSLETTER/ http://www.mid.net:80/ANNOUNCE/ Both may also be accessed from MIDnet's Library of Information Services option on our WWW home page at: http://www.mid.net MIDnet NIC <info@mid.net> UCL ---- An Internet Draft was distributed on the Session Description Protocol for the MMUSIC group. UCL presented three paers at the IEE's International Telecommuncations Conference, one on Internet futures, one on Multiple Domain Management of ATM Networks, and one a version of a paper on Geographic Spread multicast for ATM networks of which a fuller version will be at INFOCOM, by James Kadirire. UCL gave presentations at the UK Networkshop (a cross between IETF and INET) on MICE, and on ATM experiments. John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) Cooper [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 CALENDAR -------- Last update 4/11/95 The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: <meeting-planning@cnri.reston.va.us> Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for the events listed below. FYI - New Dates for U.S. APPC/APPN (AATC) Technical Conf. moved from July to May 1995. - New Dates for ULPAA in 1995, was Dec. 4-8, 1995 NOW Dec. 11-15, 1995 - The 6th MD Wkshp on Very High Speed Networks will be rescheduled for sometime in June (date TBD), original date had been: March 20-21, 1995 ************************************************************************ 1995 --------- Apr. 9-14 ATM Forum Denver, CO Apr. 11-12 Intntl Congress of Internet Service Providers San Diego, CA Apr. 17-21 Email World (Firm) Santa Clara, CA Apr. 19-21 5th Network & Operating System Support (NOSSADV) Workshop Boston, MA Apr. 24-25 IFIP TC6 Wkshp Personal Wireless Commun. Prague, Czech Republic May 1-4 APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW) San Jose, CA May 1-5 Fourth IFIP/IEEE Intl Symp. on Integrated Ntwk Mgt ISINM95 Santa Barbara, CA May 5 CPI-C Implementers Wkshp (CIW) San Jose, CA May 8-10 IEEE Symp. on Sec. & Privacy Oakland, CA May 10-12 IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting Oakland, CA May 15-19 Joint European Ntwkg Conf. Tel Aviv, Israel May 18-19 RARE Council of Admin. Tel Aviv, Israel May 22-25 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) Chicago, IL May 28-Jun. 2 NetWorld+Interop '95 Frankfurt, Germany JUNE 6th MD Wkshp on Very High Speed Networks Baltimore, MD Jun 4-9 ATM Forum Orlando, FL Cooper [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 Jun. 5-7 Digital World Los Angeles, CA Jun. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Rochester, MN Jun. 12-16 OIW (Firm) Jun. 13-16 IFIP WG6.1 PSTV-XV Warsaw Jun. 16-17 CCIRN Singapore Jun. 18-22 ICC '95 Seattle, WA Jun. 18-24 ISOC Developing Country Wkshp Hawaii Jun. 20-22 2nd Intntl Wkshp on Community Netwkg multimedia to the home Princeton, NJ Jun. 25-27 ISOC K-12 Workshop Hawaii Jun. 26-27 ISOC Trustees & Council Hawaii Jun. 26-30 Advanced Broadband Comm. Madrid, Spain Jun. 28-30 INET '95 Hawaii Jul. 4 Independence Day Jul. 10-13 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) Maui, HI JULY 14 BASTILLE DAY Jul. 13-14 1st Intntl Wkshp on Intellig. & Multimodality in Multimedia Interface Edinburgh, Scotland Jul. 17-21 33rd IETF Stockholm, Sweden Jul. 17-21 NetWorld+Interop Tokyo, Japan Jul. 17-Aug. 3 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 Ottawa, Ontario Aug. 1-4 4th IEEE Symp. on High Perform. Distributed Computing (HPDC-4) Pentagon City, VA Aug. 6-11 ATM Forum Toronto, CA Aug. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 14-18 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 19-21 14th Intntl Conf. on AI (IJCAI-95) Montreal, CA Aug. 21-24 APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW) RTP, NC Aug. 23-25 IEEE Wkshp on Arch. & Implement of HPC Subsystems HPCS'95 Mystic, CT Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Windows Solutions San Fran. San Francisco, CA Aug. 30-Sep. 1 ACM SIGCOMM '95 Cambridge, MA SEPTEMBER Windows Solutions Paris Paris, France Sep. 12-14 IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting Atlanta, GA Sep. 25-29 7th SDL Forum Oslo, Sweden FALL 1995 Seybold Europe Sep. 4-6 8th IFIP WG6.1 Intntl Wkshp on Protocol Test Systems Every, France Sep. 4-7 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) London, England Sep. 11-15 6th IFIP High Performance Networking, HPN'95 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Sep. 11-15 OIW (Firm) Sep. 18-22 7th Annual Comp. Security Incident Handling Workshop Karlsruhe, Germany Sep. 20-23 4th Intntl Conf. Computer Commun. & Networks (IC3N'95) Las Vegas, NV Cooper [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 Sep. 25-29 NetWorld+Interop Atlanta, GA Sep. 26-29 Seybold San Francisco San Francisco, CA Oct. 1-6 ATM Forum Honolulu, HI Oct. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Oct. 3-11 Telecom '95 Geneva, Switzerland Oct. 10-11 ANSI X3T11 Oct. 11-13 Intntl Symp. on Multimedia Comm. & Video Coding New York City, NY Oct. 15-18 20th Conf. on Local Computer Netwks (sponsored by IEEE) Minneapolis, MN Oct. 16-19 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) Sydney, AU Oct. 17-20 IFIP WG6.1 FORTE '95 Montreal, Quebec Oct. 31-Nov. 2 APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW) RTP, NC Nov. 3 CPI-C Implementers Wkshp (CIW) RTP, NC Nov. 5-9 ACM Multimedia '95 San Francisco, CA Nov. 6-9 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) Montreal, Quebec Nov. 6-10 NetWorld+Interop Paris, France Nov. 7-10 ICNP '95 Tokyo, Japan Nov. 13-17 GLOBECOM '95 Singapore Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Email World (Definite) Boston, MA Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Windows Solutions Germany Frankfurt, Germany Dec. 3-6 ACM SIGOPS Dec. 4-8 OIW (Firm) Dec. 4-8 34th IETF (Firm) Dallas, TX Dec. 4-8 ANSI X3T11 (Possible) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Supercomputing '95 (Firm) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Windows Solutions Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Dec. 4-8 X/Open Security Dec. 10-15 ATM Forum London, UK Dec. 11-15 11th Comp. Sec. Applications New Orleans, LO Dec. 11-15 ULPAA (upper layers) Sydney, AU 1996 ----------- Jan. 23-15 IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting Salt Lake City, UT Feb. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Feb. 5-9 ATM Forum (Tentative) Feb. 27-Mar. 1 ICDP '96-IFIP/IEEE Intntl Conf. on Distributed Platforms Dresden, Germany Mar. 11-14 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 11-15 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 OIW (Firm) Apr. 8-13 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA Apr. 15-19 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA Apr. 15-19 ATM Forum (Tentative) May. 13-29 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 Cooper [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 WGs and Plenary (Firm) Kansas City, MO Jun. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Jun. 10-14 ANSI X3T11 Jun. 10-14 ATM Forum (Tentative) Jun. 24-27 ICC '96 Dallas, TX Jul. 8-12 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 22-26 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 29-Aug. 2 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Aug. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Aug. 19-23 ATM Forum (Tentative) Sep. 2-6 14th IFIP Conf. Canberra, AU Sep. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 24-27 IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration) Oct. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 St. Petersburg Bch, FL Oct. 7-11 ATM Forum (Tentative) Nov. 11-15 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 Supercomputing '96 (Firm) Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Dec. 2-6 ATM Forum (Tentative) Dec. 9-13 OIW (Firm) 1997 ----------- Mar. 10-13 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Jun. 8-12 ICC '97 Montreal Jun. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 8-12 OIW (Firm) Dec. 8-12 OIW (Firm) 1998 ----------- Aug. 23-29 15th IFIP World. Com. Conf. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary --------- Via ftp: /ietf/1events.calendar.imr.txt on ietf shadow directories Via gopher: "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF Meetings / Scheduling Calendar" on ietf.cnri.reston.va.us ====================================================================== Cooper [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 ********************************************************************** Subject: TERENA Calendar Ref. TSec(95)001 April 1995 This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have additions/corrections/comments, please mail <secretariat@terena.nl>. ********************************************************************** MEETING/DATE LOCATION ============ ======== TERENA Executive Committee -------------------------- 3 April Amsterdam (Secretariat) TERENA General Assembly ----------------------- GA3 18/19 May Tel Aviv TERENA Working Groups --------------------- WG-NOI (Network Operational Issues) 10-11 May Tel Aviv WG-QMN (Quality Management for Networking) 12 May Tel Aviv WG-NMA (Network Multimedia Applications) 14 and 17 May Tel Aviv WG-SEC (Securit 15 May Tel Aviv Cooper [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 RIPE ---- 8-10 May Rome April/May 1996 Berlin VARIOUS ======= ECCO (Ebone Consortium of Contributing Organisations) 26 April Paris EMC (Ebone Management Committee) 8 June Amsterdam European Commission ------------------- World Wide Web Meeting 7 April Brussels CCIRN ----- 14-25 June Honolulu, USA IETF ---- 3-7 April Danvers, Massachusetts 17-21 July Stockholm, Sweden 4-8 December Dallas Texas, USA EWOS ---- Technical Assembly 16/17 May Brussels 19/20 September Brussels 12/13 December Brussels Steering Committee 6 June Brussels 26 September Brussels 19 December Brussels Cooper [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 ETSI ---- GA22 5-6 December Nice, France GA23 25-26 April, 1996 " GA24 10-11 December, 1996 " TA22 19-20 June Nice, France TA23 7-9 November " TA24 22-24 April, 1996 " TA25 23-25 October, 1996 " TCC20 30 May-01 June Nice, France TCC21 29-31 August " CONFERENCES ******************************************************************* JENC6 - 6th Joint European Networking Conference 15-18 May 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel To be added to the conference email distribution list, send a message to <jenc6-request@terena.nl>. For information, email <jenc6-sec@terena.nl>. To submit a paper, email <jenc6-submit@terena.nl> NETWORK SERVICES CONFERENCE 95 Autumn 1995 (tbc) JENC7 - 7th Joint European Networking Conference 13-16 May 1996 in Budapest, Hungary ******************************************************************* OTHER CONFERENCES nb. For some of the following events, full text information is available from the TERENA Document Store under the directory calendar, in which case the file name is specified under the information presented below. The files may be retrieved via: Cooper [Page 29] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 anonymous FTP: ftp.terena.nl Email: server@terena.nl gopher: gopher.terena.nl World Wide Web: http:/www.terena.nl/ EUSIDIC Spring Meeting ---------------------- 5-7 April InterContinental Hotel, Luxembourg For information and registration: Eusidic, P.O. Box 1416, L-1014 Luxembourg THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORLD WIDE WEB CONFERENCE --------------------------------------------- 10-14 April Darmstadt, Germany For information and registration <www95_office@igd.fhg.de> URL: http:/www.igd.fhg.de/www95.html tel: +49 6151 155 126. fax: +49 6151 155 440 1995 INTERNET SOCIETY SUMMIT ---------------------------- 11-12 April Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel, San Diego, California, USA Registration to: <summit-registration@isoc.org> Information to: Tony Rutkowski <amr@linus.isoc.org> FIRST AUSTRALIAN WWW CONFERENCE / AusWeb95 ------------------------------------------ 29 April - 2 May Ballina Beach Resort, Ballina, Far North Coast of New South Wales, Australia Registration http://www.scu.edu.au/ausweb95/ For information, email <AusWeb95@scu.edu.au> IDA "Electronic Directories for European Administrations" ----------------------------------------------------- - an initiative of the European Commission - DG III 3-4 May Sheraton Hotel, Brussels, Belgium. Registrations and information to: EEMA Executive Office in the U.K. <eemaoffice@attmail.com> Cooper [Page 30] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 tel: +44 1386 793 028. fax: +44 1386 793 268 THIRD ANNUAL RURAL DATAFICATION CONFERENCE ------------------------------------------ 22-24 May Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation) Deadline for submission of papers is 15 January. Submit to <ruraldata-submit@cic.net> EEMA 8th ANNUAL CONFERENCE -------------------------- 6-9 June RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands For registration and information: <eemaoffice@attmail.com tel: +44 386 793 028. fax: +44 386 793 268 INET Workshop on Network Technology for Developing Countries ------------------------------------------------------------ 18-24 June Manoa Campus,University of Hawaii - Honolulu, Hawaii For information contact: <workshop-info@isoc.org> INET 95 - Annual Meeting of the Internet Society ------------------------------------------------ 27-30 June. Sheraton Waikiki Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Registration (incl. hotel reservations) via www at: http://www.isoc.org/inet95.html or email registration at: <inet-registration@isoc.org> and email hotel bookings: <inet-hotel@isoc.org> For further information contact: URLs: http://www.isoc.org/inet95.html gopher: //gopher.isoc.org/11isoc/inet95 ftp: //ftp.isoc.org/isoc/inet95 Email: <inet95@isoc.org tel: +1 703 648 9888 fax: +1 703 648 9887 Cooper [Page 31] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 THIRD INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON ADVANCED BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------------------ 26-30 June Madrid, Spain. Aveiro, Portugal. Naples, Italy. For information contact <ABC95@dit.upm.es tel: +34 1 33 67 332. fax: +34 1 33 67 333. 95 FIRST Conference/Workshop ---------------------------- The Forum of Incident Handling and Security Teams (FIRST) will hold its annual conference from: 18-22 September University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Abstracts due by 1 April For information contact Christoph Fischer <fischer@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de> JOINT WORKING CONFERENCE IFIP TC-6 TC-11 and AUSTRIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY -------------------------------------------- 20-21 September Graz, Austria on professional communication and multimedia application in relation to security aspects. Deadline paper submission 28 February to <rposch@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at> For further information contact Dr. Peter Lipp at: <plipp@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at> tel: +43 316 82 65 88 13. fax:+43 316 85 0144 IC3N'95 - FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS ----------------------------------------- 20-23 September Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Call for Papers information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu> or URL: http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/. Paper submission deadline is 17 March. For conference information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu> or WWW home page. URL is http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/. Cooper [Page 32] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 1995 IFIP International Working Conference on User Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications (ULPAA) --------------------------------------------------------------- 11-15 December Sydney, Australia Deadline for submission of papers by 15 May For further info-> http:/www.ee.uts.edu.au/ifip/ULPAA95.html INTERNATIONAL ZURICH SEMINAR ON DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------- Broadband Communiations: Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions 19-23 February 1996 Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland Deadline for submission of papers is 15 May 1995 For further information, email Prof. Dr. Bernhard Plattner <izs96-pc-chair@tik.ethz.ch>, fax.+41 1 632 1035 Call for Papers on TERENA Document Server under rare/information/calendar. The file is called izs96-cfp.txt. ================== updated 03.04.1995 ================== ========================== Madeleine Oberholzer TERENA Secretary Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association TERENA - Established by merger of RARE and EARN TERENA Secretariat Singel 466 - 468 NL - 1017 AW AMSTERDAM Voice : + 31 20 639 11 31 Fax : + 31 20 639 32 89 Email : secretariat@terena.nl - for general matters bookkeeping@terena.nl - for financial matters ========================== Cooper [Page 33] Internet Monthly Report March 1995 Madeleine Oberholzer TERENA Secretary Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association TERENA - Established by merger of RARE and EARN TERENA Secretariat Singel 466 - 468 NL - 1017 AW AMSTERDAM Voice : + 31 20 639 11 31 Fax : + 31 20 639 32 89 Email : secretariat@terena.nl - for general matters bookkeeping@terena.nl - for financial matters Cooper [Page 34]