Internet-Draft SLH-DSA-MTL-DNSSEC October 2024
Fregly, et al. Expires 7 April 2025 [Page]
DNSOP Working Group
Intended Status:
A.M. Fregly
Verisign Labs
J. Harvey
Verisign Labs
B. Kaliski
Verisign Labs
D. Wessels
Verisign Labs

Stateless Hash-Based Signatures in Merkle Tree Ladder Mode (SLH-DSA-MTL) for DNSSEC


This document describes how to apply the Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm in Merkle Tree Ladder mode to the DNS Security Extensions. This combination is referred to as the SLH-DSA-MTL Signature scheme. This document describes how to specify SLH-DSA-MTL keys and signatures in DNSSEC. It uses both the SHA2 and SHAKE family of hash functions. This document also provides guidance for use of EDNS(0) in signature retrieval.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 7 April 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), which are broadly defined in [RFC4033], [RFC4034] and [RFC4035], use cryptographic keys and digital signatures to provide data origin authentication and data integrity in the DNS. This document describes the application of Merkle Tree Ladder (MTL) Mode to the Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (SLH-DSA) as the SLH-DSA-MTL signature scheme for DNSSEC. SLH-DSA is described in the FIPS 205 standard [FIPS205] and MTL mode is described in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. As described herein, a DNSKEY resource record (RR) for an SLH-DSA-MTL key contains a SLH-DSA key. The SLH-DSA key is used for verifying signatures on Merkle tree ladders (MTLs). An RRSIG resource record for an SLH-DSA-MTL Signature contains a Merkle proof (authentication path) that is verifiable using a MTL, and optionally also contains the signed MTL.

The anticipation of quantum computers that can break the current signature algorithms led to NIST selecting post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) algorithms for standardization and developing specifications for the algorithms as NIST standards. These new algorithms are expected to replace classical digital signature algorithms (e.g., RSA and ECDSA) in IETF standards and to be widely implemented and deployed after that. NIST's proposed PQC algorithms have significantly larger signature sizes than RSA and ECDSA. The larger sizes may have a significant operational impact on DNSSEC. For example, the size of signed NSEC and NSEC3 responses may exceed UDP MTUs with this degrading the use of UDP as the prevalent DNSSEC transport. Larger signature sizes could also substantially increase memory requirements for in-memory zone databases used by authoritative name servers and for in-memory caches used by resolvers.

As described in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode], MTL mode is designed to reduce the size impact of PQC signature algorithms. For DNSSEC, the size impact reduction is achieved when signatures provided in RRSIG RRs are primarily comprised of "condensed signatures" (Merkle proofs / authentication paths) and are only occasionally comprised of "full signatures" that contain both a condensed signature and a signed MTL, where the signed ladder includes a signature using the underlying PQC signature algorithm. MTL mode reduces the memory requirements for PQC signatures as the signature data in the zone database or cache is primarily comprised of Merkle proofs and only occasionally of signed MTLs [CTRSAMTL].

SLH-DSA is a stateless hash-based PQC signature scheme selected by NIST for standardization [NISTSELECTIONS] in July 2022 and formally published as a standard in August 2024 [FIPS205]. This document specifies SLH-DSA for the initial application of MTL mode to DNSSEC based on three considerations: (1) SLH-DSA is also based on Merkle trees, and thus already has internal functions for computing leaf nodes and internal nodes; and (2) SLH-DSA has relatively large signature sizes and computational costs, and therefore can benefit significantly from the reductions offered by MTL mode; and (3) hash-based techniques are well understood and offer a conservative choice for long-term security relative to newer NIST selected signature schemes based on lattice-based cryptography. SLH-DSA is based on SPHINCS+ [SPHINCSPLUS], one of the submissions to NIST's PQC evaluation project [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] describes the combination of MTL mode with SLH-DSA.

This initial version of the draft focuses on the code-points applicable to DNSKEY and RRSIG formulation and a proposed DNSSEC protocol change to support retrieval of MTL mode condensed signatures and MTL mode full signatures as described in Section 3, Section 9.4, and Section 9.5 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. Later versions may describe DNSSEC protocol and/or operational changes related to zone signing, zone composition, zone updates, zone transfer, name server processing, resolver signature processing, and resolver caching.

2. Conventions Used in This Document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Double pipe characters, "||" are used in this document to indicate concatenation of the elements preceding and following the double pipe characters.

All numeric DNSKEY elements and RRSIG elements specified in this document are unsigned integers in network byte order (big endian order).

3. DNSKEY Resource Records

An SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S key consists of a 32-octet value, which is encoded into the Public Key field of a DNSKEY resource record as a simple bit string. SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S keys are generated as SLH-DSA keys using the SLH-DSA-SHA2-128s parameter set, as defined in 10.1 and 11 of [FIPS205].

An SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S key consists of a 32-octet value, which is encoded into the Public Key field of a DNSKEY resource record as a simple bit string. SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S keys are generated as SLH-DSA keys using the SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128s parameter set, as defined in 10.1 and 11 of [FIPS205].

4. RRSIG Resource Records

MTL mode signatures are either full or condensed as described in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S and SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S signatures utilize a one-octet prefixed MTL-Type field to indicate whether the signature is condensed (0) or full (1).

An SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S signature consists of a variable-length value, which is encoded into the Signature field of an RRSIG resource record as a simple bit string as the concatenation of the MTL-Type and a SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s signature as described in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]:

                     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|   MTL-Type    |                                               |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                               |
|                  SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s signature              |
/                                                               /
/                                                               /

An SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S signature consists of a variable-length value, which is encoded into the Signature field of an RRSIG resource record as a simple bit string as the concatenation of the MTL-Type and a SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s signature as described in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]:

                     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|   MTL-Type    |                                               |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                               |
|                  SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s signature             |
/                                                               /
/                                                               /

The signature and verification algorithms for both SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s and SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s are described in 9.1 and 9.2 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. The signature and verification algorithms for the underlying signature algorithms used for signing ladders in SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s and SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s full signatures, SLH-DSA-SHA2-128s and SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128s respectively, are described in 10.2 and 10.3 of [FIPS205].

5. Algorithm Numbers for DS, DNSKEY, and RRSIG Resource Records

The algorithm number associated with the use of SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S in DS, DNSKEY, and RRSIG resource records is TBD. The algorithm number associated with the use of SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S in DS, DNSKEY, and RRSIG resource records is TBD. This registration is fully defined in the IANA Considerations section.

6. The mtl-mode-full EDNS(0) Option

MTL mode signatures are either full or condensed. A MTL mode-aware client MAY request that signatures be returned in the full format by providing the mtl-mode-full EDNS(0) option in the OPT meta-RR of its query [RFC6891].

6.1. Option Format

The mtl-mode-full option is encoded as follows:

0                       8                      16
|                  OPTION-CODE                  |
|                 OPTION-LENGTH                 |


The EDNS0 option code assigned to mtl-mode-full, TBD.
Always zero.

6.2. Use By Responders

When a query includes the mtl-mode-full option, the response requirement depends on the number of RRSIG records in the response that were produced in MTL mode:

  • If exactly one RRSIG record in the response was produced in MTL mode, then that RRSIG record MUST be returned in the full signature format.
  • If more than one RRSIG record in the response was produced in MTL mode, then enough of these RRSIG records MUST be returned in the full signature format to ensure that every other RRSIG in the response that was produced in MTL mode can be verified.

When the mtl-mode-full option is not included, every signature in the response that was produced in MTL mode MUST be returned in the condensed signature format.

As described in 9.2 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode], when a verifier receives a condensed signature, the verifier determines whether any of the MTLs it has previously verified includes a rung that is compatible with the authentication path in the condensed signature. If not, then the verifier requests a new signed ladder. Accordingly, a resolver SHOULD first query a name server without the mtl-mode-full option, and then, if needed, re-issue the query with the mtl-mode-full option. Since responses to queries with the mtl-mode-full option are expected to be large, it is RECOMMENDED that queries with the mtl-mode-full option be issued over transports (e.g., TCP, TLS, QUIC) that support large responses without truncation and/or fragmentation.

7. Implementation Considerations


8. Examples

Examples with detailed processing descriptions are found in Appendix A

9. IANA Considerations

This document updates the IANA registry for DNSSEC "Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Algorithm Numbers" located at The following entries are requested to be added to the registry subject to the Number update:

| Number       | TBD                            |
| Description  | SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s          |
| Mnemonic     | SLHDSAMTLSHA2128S              |
| Zone Signing | Y                              |
| Trans. Sec.  | *                              |
| Reference    | This specification             |

| Number       | TBD                            |
| Description  | SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s         |
| Mnemonic     | SLHDSAMTLSHAKE128S             |
| Zone Signing | Y                              |
| Trans. Sec.  | *                              |
| Reference    | This specification             |

10. Implementation Status

NOTE: Please remove this section and the reference to RFC 7942 prior to publication as an RFC.

This section records the status of known implementations of the protocol defined by this specification at the time of posting of this Internet-Draft, and is based on a proposal described in RFC 7942. The description of implementations in this section is intended to assist the IETF in its decision processes in progressing drafts to RFCs. Please note that the listing of any individual implementation here does not imply endorsement by the IETF. Furthermore, no effort has been spent to verify the information presented here that was supplied by IETF contributors. This is not intended as, and must not be construed to be, a catalog of available implementations or their features. Readers are advised to note that other implementations may exist.

According to RFC 7942, "this will allow reviewers and working groups to assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of running code, which may serve as evidence of valuable experimentation and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature. It is up to the individual working groups to use this information as they see fit".

Implementation details are discussed in Appendix A.

11. Security Considerations

The security considerations of [FIPS205] and [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] are inherited in the usage of SLH-DSA-MTL in DNSSEC.

SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s and SLH-DSA-MTL-SHAKE-128s are intended to operate at around the 128-bit security level against classical attacks and the 64-bit level against quantum attacks, consistent with NIST's security level I.

A private key used for a DNSSEC zone MUST NOT be used for any other purpose than for that zone. Otherwise, cross-protocol or cross-application attacks are possible.

12. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to the development of this document: Scott Hollenbeck, Swapneel Sheth. This I-D has drawn from helpful examples of document structure and specification text from various DNSSEC algorithm RFCs. The authors express their gratitude to the authors of those RFCs for their contributions.

13. References

13.1. Normative References

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), "Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Standard", FIPS PUB 205, DOI 10.6028/NIST.FIPS.205, , <>.
Harvey, J., Kaliski, B., Fregly, A., and S. Sheth, "Merkle Tree Ladder (MTL) Mode Signatures", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode-04, , <>.
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S. Rose, "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements", RFC 4033, DOI 10.17487/RFC4033, , <>.
Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S. Rose, "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions", RFC 4034, DOI 10.17487/RFC4034, , <>.
Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S. Rose, "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions", RFC 4035, DOI 10.17487/RFC4035, , <>.
Damas, J., Graff, M., and P. Vixie, "Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS(0))", STD 75, RFC 6891, DOI 10.17487/RFC6891, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.

13.2. Informative References

Kaliski, B., Fregly, A.M., Harvey, J., and S. Sheth, "Merkle Tree Ladder Mode: Reducing the Size Impact of NIST PQC Signature Algorithms in Practice", .
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), "Status Report on the Third Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process", , <>.
Bernstein, D., Huelsing, A., Koelbl, S., Niederhagen, R., Rijneveld, J., and P. Schwabe, "The SPHINCS+ Signature Framework", Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2019/1086, , <>.

Appendix A. MTL Mode for DNSSEC Example

This appendix gives an example. The appendix also provides a step-by-step overview of how to verify an example condensed signature and an example full signature from the signed zone file. See [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] for additional details on the cryptographic operations.

In the following, byte strings are written in hexadecimal. For readability, a space or line break is inserted after each group of four bytes (eight hexadecimal characters). For example, the six-byte string with decimal byte values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 is written

01020408 1020

The function toByte(x,n) converts the integer x to a n-byte string, most significant byte first. (The function is defined in [FIPS205].) For example, toByte(16,4) produces the four-byte string


toByte assumes that 0 <= x <= 2^{8y}-1. This assumption holds in all calls to toByte within this appendix.

NOTE: For purposes of illustration we assigned the numeric DNSSEC algorithm identifier 50 for SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s. We plan to change to an experimental identifier in a future version of this draft, and before publishing any code for MTL mode for DNSSEC.

A.1. Initial Signed Zone File

The example zone file below includes several RRsets associated with the zone. The SOA RRset has a full signature, while the A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, NSEC3 and TXT RRsets each has a condensed signature. The DNSKEY RRset is unsigned. In practice, the DNSKEY RRset would be signed with a key signing key. We omitted this step for simplicity in this version of the draft. We plan to add sign the DNSKEY RRset with a MTL mode key signing key in the next version of the draft.

Any number of the signed RRsets in the zone file could have a full signature. We associated the full signature with the SOA record because the SOA record is updated whenever the zone changes. The condensed signatures on the other RRsets are all relative to the signed ladder in the full signature in the SOA RRSIG record. The corresponding full signature on an RRset can be formed by concatenating the condensed signature on the RRset with the signed ladder in the SOA RRSIG record's full signature -- see Section 9.4 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. As a result, a name server that loads this zone file can form a full signature on any of the RRsets when requested per Section 6 above, without access to the signer's private key material.

The full signature is abridged in the example below. The complete value is given in Appendix A.6.

NOTE: The TXT record represented in the zone file below has been broken into two lines to fit in this Internet-Draft. Verifying the signature on the TXT record requires that the text (including spaces) match the source record which is a single line that reads: "This zone is an example input for SLH-DSA-MTL zone signing" with single spaces between each of the words. 3600 IN SOA (
                              1719858941 7200 3600 1209600 3600 ) 3600 IN RRSIG SOA 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              pS3J9JgTrXoAAAAIAAAACI ) # ... abridged 3600 IN A 3600 IN RRSIG A 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              hI= ) 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS 3600 IN RRSIG NS 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              hI= ) 3600 IN MX 10 3600 IN RRSIG MX 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              hI= ) 3600 IN TXT "This zone is an example input for
                              SLH-DSA-MTL zone signing" 3600 IN RRSIG TXT 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              wI= ) 3600 IN AAAA 2001:db8::1 3600 IN RRSIG AAAA 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              wI= ) 3600 IN DNSKEY 256 3 50 (
                              T/5/8= ;{id = 53939 (zsk), size = 0b} ) 3600 IN NSEC3 1 0 (
                              1 -  0lverorlcjoa2lji5rik0otij3lgoj3l
                              A NS SOA MX TXT AAAA RRSIG DNSKEY ) 3600 IN RRSIG (
                              NSEC3 50 3 3600 20250701183541
                              20240701183541 53939
                              wI= ) 3600 IN CNAME 3600 IN RRSIG CNAME 50 3 3600 (
                              20250701183541 20240701183541 53939
                              wI= ) 3600 IN NSEC3 1 0 (
                              1 -  9vq38lj9qs6s1aruer131mbtsfnvek2p
                              CNAME RRSIG ) 3600 IN RRSIG (
                              NSEC3 50 3 3600 20250701183541
                              20240701183541 53939
                              ACAAAAAgAAAAIAAA= )

A.2. Obtaining the Public Key

As usual in DNSSEC, the verifier obtains the public key for verifying signatures from the DNSKEY RRset (which in this example includes only one record): 3600 IN DNSKEY 256 3 50 (
                              T/5/8= ; key id = 53939 )

Following Section 2.2 of [RFC4034], the RDATA portion of this record (the fields to the right of "DNSKEY") includes the following fields:

  • Flag: 256 (zone key bit = 1)
  • Protocol: 3 (fixed value)
  • Algorithm: 50 (SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s)
  • Public Key: PawPGCKuykH6QOtfh6b8HoJZw4xMM+3QKvsTgoT/5/8= [44 characters in Base64]

The key tag for this public key, as shown in the comments, is 53939 (decimal). (The key tag is computed from the public key following Appendix B of [RFC4034].) The Base64 value of the Public Key field corresponds to the following byte string:

  3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E
  8259C38C 4C33EDD0 2AFB1382 84FFE7FF [32 bytes]

The verifier parses the byte string following [FIPS205] to obtain the public key components:

  3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E - PK.seed [16 bytes]
  8259C38C 4C33EDD0 2AFB1382 84FFE7FF - PK.root [16 bytes]

A.3. Verifying a Condensed Signature

This section illustrates how the example A RRSIG record can be verified. Other RRSIG records with condensed signatures can be verified similarly. The example A RRSIG record is: 3600 IN RRSIG A 50 2 3600 20250701183541 (
                              20240701183541 53939
                              hI= )

Following Section 3.2 of [RFC4034], the RDATA portion of this record includes the following fields:

  • Type Covered: A
  • Algorithm: 50 (SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s)
  • Labels: 2
  • Original TTL: 3600 seconds
  • Signature Expiration: 1 July 2025 18:35:41 UTC
  • Signature Inception: 1 July 2024 18:35:41 UTC
  • Key Tag: 53939
  • Signer's Name: ""
  • Signature: APnCCOkVSqjw6zKSPz40U6AAAEkgbrJ3DnyxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAOGVodklRgciVyAG660gDJAS/blgaqTfYU04u9LWETNe9PjWTkxvxviqKtdIWEZhhI= [120 characters in Base64]

The Base64 value of the Signature field corresponds to the following byte string:

  00F9C208 E9154AA8 F0EB3292 3F3E3453 A0000049 206EB277
  0E7CB100 00000000 00000000 00000700 03865687 6495181C
  895C801B AEB48032 404BF6E5 81AA937D 8534E2EF 4B5844CD
  7BD3E359 3931BF1B E2A8AB5D 21611986 12 [89 bytes]

Per Section 4 of this document, the initial 00 byte of the byte string indicates that the signature is in condensed format. The remaining 88 bytes are the condensed signature.

A.3.1. Parsing the Condensed Signature

The verifier parses the condensed signature to obtain the randomizer, the series identifier, the authentication path and other information following Section 9.5 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].

For the example A RRSIG record, the parsing produces these fields:


  F9C208E9 154A8F0 EB32923F 3E3453A0 - randomizer R_mtl [16 bytes]

Authentication Path

  0000 - flags (must be 0 per [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]) [2 bytes]
  49206EB2 770E7CB1 - series identifier SID [8 bytes]
  00000000 - leaf index: i = 0 [4 bytes]
  00000000 - rung left index: 0 [4 bytes]
  00000007 - rung right index: 7 [4 bytes]
  0003 - sibling hash count: 2 [2 bytes]
      Sibling node hash values
  86568764 95181C89 5C801BAE B4803240 - V[1:1] [16 bytes]
  4BF6E581 AA937D85 34E2EF4B 5844CD7B - V[2:3] [16 bytes]
  D3E35939 31BF1BE2 A8AB5D21 61198612 - V[4:7] [16 bytes]

The authentication path for this signature connects the leaf node hash value V[0:0] to the ladder rung V[0:7] (see Appendix A.4.1). The sibling node hash values are denoted V[1:1], V[2:3] and V[4:7]. (In an implementation, a verifier may receive an authentication path with a different number of hash values and/or different actual values than the signer intended. The authentication path verification operation, e.g., Section 8.8 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode], would check that both the number and values are correct.)

A.3.2. Forming the MTL Mode Message Input

The verifier forms the message input M[i] to the MTL mode verification operation following DNSSEC conventions specified in Section of [RFC4034]: it is the concatenation of the wire format of the RDATA portion of the associated RRSIG record excluding the Signature field, and the wire format of the associated RRset. The value produced by this step for the example A RRset and its associated RRSIG record is:

  M[0] = 00013202 00000E10 68642A7D 6682F6FD D2B30765 78616D70
         6C650363 6F6D0007 6578616D 706C6503 636F6D00 00010001
         00000E10 0004C000 0201 [58 bytes]

NOTE: For cryptography implementers not familiar with DNSSEC, the message bytes of M[0] can be parsed as follows:

RDATA portion of RRSIG (excluding Signature field) wire format

  0001 - Type Covered: 1 (A) [2 bytes]
  32 - Algorithm: 50 (SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s) [1 byte]
  02 - Labels: 2 [1 byte]
  00000E10 - Original TTL:  3600 seconds [4 bytes]
  68642A7D - Sig Expiration: 1 July 2025 18:35:41 UTC [4 bytes]
  6682F6FD - Sig Inception: 1 July 2024 18:35:41 UTC  [4 bytes]
  D2B3 - Key Tag: 53939 [2 bytes]
  07657861 6D706C65 03636F6D 00 - Signer's Name:
                                  "" [variable]

RRset wire format

  07657861 6D706C65 03636F6D 00 - Owner Name:
                                  "" [variable]
  0001 - Type:  1 (A) [2 bytes]
  0001 - Class:  1 (IN) [2 bytes]
  00000E10 - Time to Live:  3600 seconds [4 bytes]
  0004 - length in bytes of RDATA portion: 4 [2 bytes]
  C0000201 - RDATA portion: Host Address ( [4 bytes]

A.3.3. Computing the Leaf Node Hash Value

The verifier computes the leaf node hash value V[i] from the message M[i], the per-message randomizer R_mtl[i] and certain other information following Sections 5.1 and 8.2.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. The process has two steps:

  • Hash the message M[i] together with the randomizer R_mtl[i], the public key seed PK.seed, the public key root PK.root, and an address field to obtain a data value d[i] following Section 5.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]
  • Hash the data value d[i] together the public key seed PK.seed and a compressed address field to obtain a leaf node hash value V[i] following Section 8.2.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]

For SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s, the steps simplify to the following operations:

  ADRS[i] = toByte(0,8) || SID || toByte(16,4) || toByte(0,8) ||
            toByte (i,4)
  d[i] = MGF1-SHA2-256 (R_mtl[i] || PK.seed || SHA2-256 (R_mtl[i] ||
            PK.seed || PK.root || toByte(128,1) || toByte (0,1) ||
            ADRS[i] || M[i]), 16)
  ADRS^c[i] = toByte(0,1) || SID || toByte(17,1) || toByte(0,8) ||
            toByte (i,4)
  V[i] = SHA2-256 (PK.seed || toByte(0,48) || ADRS^c[i] || d[i])
            truncated to the first 16 bytes

The leaf node hash value V[i] is alternatively denoted V[i:i] when input to the internal node hash value operations in the next section.

For the example record, the values involved are:

  SID = 49206EB2 770E7CB1 [8 bytes]
  ADRS[0] = 00000000 00000000 49206EB2 770E7CB1
            00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 [32 bytes]
  R_mtl[0] = F9C208E9 154AA8F0 EB32923F 3E3453A0 [16 bytes]
  PK.seed = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E [16 bytes]
  PK.root = 8259C38C 4C33EDD0 2AFB1382 84FFE7FF [16 bytes]
  M[0] = 00013202 00000E10 68642A7D 6682F6FD D2B30765 78616D70
          6C650363 6F6D0007 6578616D 706C6503 636F6D00 00010001
          00000E10 0004C000 0201 [58 bytes]
  SHA-256 input within MGF1-SHA2-256 call = F9C208E9 154AA8F0
          EB32923F 3E3453A0 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E
          8259C38C 4C33EDD0 2AFB1382 84FFE7FF 80000000 00000000
          00004920 6EB2770E 7CB10000 00100000 00000000 00000000
          00000001 32020000 0E106864 2A7D6682 F6FDD2B3 07657861
          6D706C65 03636F6D 00076578 616D706C 6503636F 6D000001
          00010000 0E100004 C0000201  [140 bytes]
  SHA-256 full output within MGF1-SHA-256 call = 020D9241 F02420F6
          5855C6AA DAA82B18 F9F4E13E 78BF6C63 7ABA745A 593B5DB4
          [32 bytes]
  MGF1-SHA-256 input = F9C208E9 154AA8F0 EB32923F 3E3453A0 3DAC0F18
          22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E 020D9241 F02420F6 5855C6AA
          DAA82B18 F9F4E13E 78BF6C63 7ABA745A 593B5DB4 [64 bytes]
  d[0] = MGF1-SHA2-256 output = 3564B082 F8E79D9D 31B8BA7C B05E9EB7
          [16 bytes]
  ADRS^c[0] = 0049206E B2770E7C B1110000 00000000 00000000 0000
          [22 bytes]
  SHA2-256 input for V[0] = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          0049206E B2770E7C B1110000 00000000 00000000 00003564
          B082F8E7 9D9D31B8 BA7CB05E 9EB7 [102 bytes]
  V[0:0] = V[0] = SHA2-256 output truncated to 16 bytes = 79A501F4
          14725345 409890E0 6DC1EC60 [16 bytes]

Note. The simplified operations given above for SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s can be derived from [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] as follows:

  1. The address value ADRS[i] has type MTL_MSG = 16 per Section 4.6 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].
  2. The randomized hash function H_mtl_msg is the MGF1-SHA2-256 / SHA-256 combination defined in Section 10.2.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. The output of the call to SHA2-256 within this combination is not truncated; it remains 32 bytes when input to MGF1-SHA2-256.
  3. The message input to H_mtl_msg is a message domain separator of type MTL_MSG_SEP = 128 with an empty context string, followed by ADRS[i], followed by the actual message M[i], per Section 5.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].
  4. The compressed address value ADRS^c[i] has type MTL_DATA = 17 per Section 4.6 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].
  5. The leaf node hash function F is SHA2-256 where PK.seed is padded with zeroes on the right to 64 bytes per Section 10.2.3 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].

A.3.4. Checking the Authentication Path

The verifier checks the authentication path from the leaf node hash value V[i:i] to a ladder rung following Section 8.8 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. The ladder rung is obtained separately, either by requesting a full signature on the same RRset as described in Section 6 of this document (see also Appendix A.1), or from a full signature previously requested (and remembered) for a different RRset.

The authentication path checking process involves one or more iterations of this step:

  • Hash a left node hash value and a right node hash value together with the public key seed PK.seed and an address field to obtain an internal node hash value

For SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s, the step simplifies to one or more operations of the following form:

  • ADRS^c[L:R] = toByte(0,1) || SID || toByte(18,1) || toByte(0,4) || toByte (L,4)|| toByte (R,4)
  • V[L:R] = SHA2-256 (PK.seed || toByte(0,48) || ADRS^c[L:R] || V[L:M-1] || V[M:R]) truncated to the first 16 bytes

Here, V[L:R] is the internal node hash value being computed and V[L:M-1] and V[M:R] are its child left and right node hash values. Following [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode], M is the unique integer between L+1 and R that is divisible by the largest power of two.

For the example record, the process involves two iterations (following the Merkle node set structure in Appendix A.5.2 from leaf to rung):

  • Hash V[0:0] and V[1:1] together with PK.seed and an address field to obtain V0:1
  • Hash V[0:1] and V[2:3] together with PK.seed and an address field to obtain V0:3
  • Hash V[0:3] and V[4:7] together with PK.seed and an address field to obtain V0:7

V[0:0] = V[0] was computed in Appendix A.3.3, while V[0:1], V[2:3] and V[4:7] were obtained from the authentication path in Appendix A.3.1.

The values involved are:

  SID = 49206EB2 770E7CB1 [8 bytes]
  ADRS^c[0:1] = 0049206E B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000000 0001
             [22 bytes]
  PK.seed = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E [16 bytes]
  V[0:0] = 79A501F4 14725345 409890E0 6DC1EC60 [16 bytes]
  V[1:1] = 86568764 95181C89 5C801BAE B4803240 [16 bytes]
  SHA2-256 input = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0049206E
             B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000000 000179A5 01F41472
             53454098 90E06DC1 EC608656 87649518 1C895C80 1BAEB480
             3240 [118 bytes]
  V[0:1] = SHA-256 output truncated to 16 bytes = 8ABE74C1 29655E09
             AD8A5673 62A35736 [16 bytes]
  ADRS^c[2:3] = 0049206E B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000002 0003
             [22 bytes]
  V[2:3] = 4BF6E581 AA937D85 34E2EF4B 5844CD7B [16 bytes]
  SHA2-256 input = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0049206E
             B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000000 00038ABE 74C12965
             5E09AD8A 567362A3 57364BF6 E581AA93 7D8534E2 EF4B5844
             CD7B [118 bytes]
  V[0:3] = SHA2-256 output truncated to 16 bytes = D20DAF5A 51C76F0D
             D82941C2 65F48F02 [16 bytes]
  ADRS^c[4:7] = 0049206E B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000004 0007
             [22 bytes]
  V[4:7] = D3E35939 31BF1BE2 A8AB5D21 61198612 [16 bytes]

  SHA2-256 input = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
             00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0049206E
             B2770E7C B1120000 00000000 00000000 0007D20D AF5A51C7
             6F0DD829 41C265F4 8F02D3E3 593931BF 1BE2A8AB 5D216119
             8612 [118 bytes]
  V[0:7] = SHA2-256 output truncated to 16 bytes = 4C2A8070 45D0559F
             A52DC9F4 9813AD7A [16 bytes]

Figure 1

The internal node hash value V[0:7] matches the corresponding rung in the ladder (see Appendix A.4.1), so the authentication path is verified.

Note. The simplified operations given above for SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s can be derived from [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]as follows:

  1. The compressed address value ADRS^c[i] has type MTL_TREE = 18 as defined in Section 4.6 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].
  2. The leaf node hash function H is SHA-256 where PK.seed is padded with zeroes on the right to 64 bytes, as defined in Section 10.2.3 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].

A.4. Verifying a Full Signature

The RRSIG record for the example SOA RRset includes a full signature. The abridged Base64 value of the signature field of the RRSIG record is:

  B6w3N7mZva9FQDM ...

This value corresponds to the following abridged byte string:

  01639715 EB0DE60A EF835564 FD313764 D1000049 206EB277
  0E7CB100 00000200 00000000 00000700 036C56A9 A604D2DF
  1E8D89F2 79D9CFE9 1C8ABE74 C129655E 09AD8A56 7362A357
  36D3E359 3931BF1B E2A8AB5D 21611986 12000049 206EB277
  0E7CB100 02000000 00000000 074C2A80 7045D055 9FA52DC9
  F49813AD 7A000000 08000000 088A80AD EF0D345C B8F1372C
  F7A42424 A000001E B0DCDEE6 66F6BD15 00CC ...

The complete Base64 value and byte string are given in Appendix A.6. Per Section 4 of this document, the initial 01 byte of this string indicates that the signature is in full format. The remaining 7856 bytes are the full signature.

A.4.1. Parsing the Full Signature

The verifier parses the full signature to obtain the randomizer, the series identifier, the authentication path, the ladder, the underlying signature on the ladder and other information following Section 9.4 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].

For the example record, the parsing produces these fields:


  639715EB 0DE60AEF 835564FD 313764D1 - randomizer R_mtl [16 bytes]

Authentication Path

  0000 - flags (must be 0 per [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]) [2 bytes]
  49206EB2 770E7CB1 - series identifier SID [8 bytes]
  00000002 - leaf index: i = 2 [4 bytes]
  00000000 - rung left index: 0 [4 bytes]
  00000007 - rung right index: 7 [4 bytes]
  0003 - sibling hash count: 2 [2 bytes]
        Sibling node hash values
  6C56A9A6 04D2DF1E 8D89F279 D9CFE91C - V[3:3] [16 bytes]
  8ABE74C1 29655E09 AD8A5673 62A35736 - V[0:1] [16 bytes]
  D3E35939 31BF1BE2 A8AB5D21 61198612 - V[4:7] [16 bytes]


  0000 - flags (must be 0 per [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]) [2 bytes]
  49206EB2 770E7CB1 - series identifier SID [8 bytes]
  0002 - rung count: 2 [4 bytes]
  00000000 - rung left index: 0 [4 bytes]
  00000007 - rung right index: 7 [4 bytes]
  4C2A8070 45D0559F A52DC9F4 9813AD7A - rung hash V[0:7] [16 bytes]
  00000008 - rung left index: 8 [4 bytes]
  00000008 - rung right index: 8 [4 bytes]
  8A80ADEF 0D345CB8 F1372CF7 A42424A0 - rung hash V[8:8] [16 bytes]

Signature on ladder

  00001EB0 - length in bytes of underlying signature: 7856 [4 bytes]
  DCDEE666 F6BD1500 CC ...  - underlying signature

The authentication path for this signature connects the leaf node hash value V[2:2] to the ladder rung V[0:7]. The sibling node hash values are therefore assumed to be V[3:3], V[0:1] and V[4:7]. (See Appendix A.3.1)

The rungs included in the ladder are V[0:7] and V[8:8].

The values produced by this step are:

i =
R_mtl[2] =
639715EB 0DE60AEF 835564FD 313764D1 [16 bytes]
49206EB2 770E7CB1 [8 bytes]
V[3:3] =
6C56A9A6 04D2DF1E 8D89F279 D9CFE91C [16 bytes]
V[0:1] =
8ABE74C1 29655E09 AD8A5673 62A35736 [16 bytes]
V[4:7] =
D3E35939 31BF1BE2 A8AB5D21 61198612 [16 bytes]
ladder =
00004920 6EB2770E 7CB10002 00000000 00000007 4C2A8070 45D0559F A52DC9F4 9813AD7A 00000008 00000008 8A80ADEF 0D345CB8 F1372CF7 A42424A0 [60 bytes]
V[0:7] =
4C2A8070 45D0559F A52DC9F4 9813AD7A [16 bytes]
V[8:8] =
8A80ADEF 0D345CB8 F1372CF7 A42424A0 [16 bytes]
underlying signature on ladder (abridged) =
DCDEE666 F6BD1500 CC ... [7856 bytes]

A.4.2. Verifying the Underlying Signature

The verifier verifies the underlying signature on the ladder following Section 9.2 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode].

For SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s, the steps simplify to the following operation:

  • Verify the underlying signature on the byte string toByte(129,1) || toByte(0,1) || ladder using SLH-DSA-SHA2-128s's internal verification operation.

The details of SLH-DSA-SHA2-128s are not included here.

For the example record, the values involved are:

  • message input = 81000000 49206EB2 770E7CB1 00020000 00000000 00074C2A 807045D0 559FA52D C9F49813 AD7A0000 00080000 00088A80 ADEF0D34 5CB8F137 2CF7A424 24A0 [62 bytes]
  • underlying signature (abridged) = DCDEE666 F6BD1500 CC ... [7856 bytes]
  • public key input = 3DAC0F18 22AECA41 FA40EB5F 87A6FC1E 8259C38C 4C33EDD0 2AFB1382 84FFE7FF [32 bytes]

Once the signature on the ladder is verified, the rungs of the ladder can be used to verify authentication paths, e.g., as in Appendix A.3.4.

Note. The simplified operation given above for SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s can be derived from [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] as follows:

  1. The message input to SLH-DHA-SHA-128s's internal verification operation is the ladder prepended with a domain separator of type MTL_LADDER_SEP = 129 and a context string length of 0, following Section 9.2 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. (The context string is empty.)

A.4.3. Forming the Message, Computing the Leaf Node Hash Value and Checking the Authentication Path

These steps are the same as in Sections A.2.2, A.2.3 and A.2.4 for condensed signatures.

A.5. How the Example Signed Zone File was Generated

A.5.1. Generating the Signed Zone File

We started with the following unsigned zone file: IN SOA 1719172701 (
                              7200 3600 1209600 3600 ) IN A IN AAAA 2001:db8::1 IN MX 10 IN TXT "This zone is an example input for SLH-DSA-MTL
                              zone signing" IN CNAME IN NS IN NS

The zone file includes seven RRsets. We added two NSEC3 records to provide proof of the non-existence of other RRtypes for and of, and of other domain names in the zone, bringing the number of RRsets to be signed to nine. As mentioned in Appendix A.1, we did not sign the DNSKEY RRset.

We generated a new SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s public key / private key pair. The public key is the one in Appendix A.1.

We decided to sign all nine non-DNSKEY RRsets in a single message series. We also decided to order the messages within the series according to the canonical order of the domain names per [RFC4034] ( followed by and within a given domain name, by the numeric values of the RRtypes:

  • A (1)
  • NS (2)
  • SOA (6)
  • MX (15)
  • TXT (16)
  • AAAA (28)
  • NSEC3 (50)

Implementations may group and order the messages differently.

For the single message series, we generated the series identifier SID = 49206EB2 770E7CB1.

For each RRset message M[i], we then performed the following steps:

  • We formed the messages M from the RRset and the RDATA portion of the anticipated RRSIG record excluding the Signature field following Appendix A.3.2.
  • We computed a randomizer R_mtl[i] following Section 5.1 of [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode]. (The details of this step are omitted for simplicity.)
  • We computed a leaf node hash value V[i] from the message M[i], the randomizer R_mtl[i] and certain other inputs following Appendix A.3.3.

As we computed the leaf node hash values, we also computed internal node hash values in the Merkle node set following the same hashing steps as for checking authentication paths in Appendix A.3.4. We then formed a Merkle tree ladder from the internal node hash values following the binary rung strategy in [I-D.harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode] and signed the ladder with the SLH-DSA-MTL-SHA2-128s private key.

We next formed condensed signatures to be included in the RRSIG records associated with each of the messages being signed, other than the SOA record. We finally formed a full signature to be included in the RRSIG record associated with the SOA record.

A.5.2. Merkle Node Set Structure

The nine-message series that we signed produced a Merkle node set with the structure shown below. Following the binary rung strategy, the node set includes two binary trees: an eight-leaf tree with root hash value V[0:7] and a one-leaf tree with root hash value V[8:8]. In the diagram, an asterisk indicates that a node hash value is a rung in the Merkle tree ladder. The symbol T is shorthand for the H_msg_mtl function call. For simplicity, the randomizers and other inputs to the functions H, F and H_msg_mtl are not shown.

            V[0:3]                  V[4:7]
              |                       |
             |H|                     |H|
         /----^----\             /----^----\
      V[0:1]      V[2:3]      V[4:5]      V[6:7]
        |           |           |           |
       |H|         |H|         |H|         |H|
      /-^-\       /-^-\       /-^-\       /-^-\
    V[0]  V[1]  V[2]  V[3]  V[4]  V[5]  V[6]  V[7]  V[8]*
     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|   |F|
     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    d[0]  d[1]  d[2]  d[3]  d[4]  d[5]  d[6]  d[7]  d[8]
     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|   |T|
     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    M[0]  M[1]  M[2]  M[3]  M[4]  M[5]  M[6]  M[7]  M[8]

A.6. Full Signature

The full signature byte string is: 01639715 EB0DE60A EF835564 FD313764 D1000049 206EB277 0E7CB100 00000200 00000000 00000700 036C56A9 A604D2DF 1E8D89F2 79D9CFE9 1C8ABE74 C129655E 09AD8A56 7362A357 36D3E359 3931BF1B E2A8AB5D 21611986 12000049 206EB277 0E7CB100 02000000 00000000 074C2A80 7045D055 9FA52DC9 F49813AD 7A000000 08000000 088A80AD EF0D345C B8F1372C F7A42424 A000001E B0DCDEE6 66F6BD15 00CC8B96 E8A56A67 C13C4325 08C3C29D FFD98566 37C4B60D 6874508C 078363C1 48CCE173 179DCCDB 06A08E5E 2FC65C12 0D39141F 7ABFAEF0 7CEFA113 595CA3EA 1B696C57 7984E4E4 25A35556 09C9F105 F11246E1 A2DD2286 006D0267 B13C72CB 765400E0 09F40283 211D7576 632836A7 F0240FE8 33FCC73D B067E874 DE4D53BE 3B74AE9B 2AFD2820 B60F0BB1 0373C958 7A627B38 9E7F9CE0 2241709C 2BE68B7A 4FC70EA4 2218743C 0023BADF 2264709F 41428E0E 1D7AD877 8330E058 899E7A3F 2415E5BF 811796EB 97A71BAA 8D21EAAD 6EE15C7D B79E2145 B0DE85BC 97B71121 E2F86C90 9A445950 651C973C E18B25CF 07D779BA 2A0C43C3 51A1B24C 3E6FAAD8 A5599D9E 12260856 F9C7F132 2F9BD297 1A5CF48C 58F87AF9 028C1CCF EBCBDA83 5DCB04C5 B794CCED 43D40963 EBD56F47 35D9B36F FFE2B144 85C2EA40 020FE108 455AF337 8FED7569 EF6278F4 B048C391 5F17DA4E EF01E77B D585007E F34C14D5 BE41ADA1 24AAAAB1 02D6662E 05D45915 8B81FBBD 0D07F2E4 9A32CAF6 4E6EB3D3 318BFBAF 3576547D B258D910 73074D28 1E3F1E9F 08F3C498 09691724 0CC6F09A D2BEA46F 67491B27 6A03F40D 600877CA 2709E914 94004FCD 8E500B3B C441456D 3D6CC46C 31B91968 E255BE46 21C6C75A BE21FA7A 99897481 8F0C57D4 A7B385ED 10A9559C CC88AE68 25899BCE 15AF960D 37B3884A 1351FD87 92912F2C C3EBC824 B06BEAF2 41B5972F 05C5EC6B 5C346D01 D935D75E 887A0590 57B85893 BA879ED2 1B135A47 048DB9BC 7C10CC1C D596C675 C3C2DC29 2BF3A0CE A48DAA7F 6F23D0E4 1405FDE0 F04B4BA8 F7E80AD9 435306CF 2B8AE120 D638B29C C3146515 CFE4855E 91F604C4 C6DE4C41 54DEB6F7 2CCDCDDE 5E247B71 795ADB25 8CCEE545 A9AC0013 B2C68822 3665DB45 A6328361 B19B6B22 27982D95 8FE46979 A058665A DDBE64A8 8D7C4E12 3BCA8792 A89DC673 6D6AE4A9 81909EE3 DBD5482B 44FD9552 48A220CD 629E5E42 1934C4D5 205BFE4A FB9ADB4D F330F08D F9E7BB35 BE4E782D 5F5DEAA4 15184240 3B26843E EE3C2B8F B2814E6F D9EA0088 6CB8E233 4E159D47 D8B77E4A DD315A21 3A828DAE 526847E9 9C414BD9 BA9E3558 F11DB57B 9228BEBB 7560EEF4 50209260 A3611C5C 347823D9 3B8280DE 242035AC 89C7FEAB 49123849 75CD41D5 312B7FB3 C76CF446 989D32FF D2E23770 92D0920B 62BD8E4B 9593047C 28667D81 A95043F1 09AE89D9 3ED6D676 63D5C337 BD41B176 2E5F1AA8 6B2D4521 2C46731C 0420484A BB464C1C FD397C94 C791668D 715ADBCE AD488A4D ABC1FF2B 15188214 9B68613D F0ADA730 8C1C2F97 330FD4AE 022110A7 E3197368 52AF0C64 FDFAB881 D19E7552 97A970A0 ECB899C9 9BB30B9A 66D94951 F57CEE19 DD6229BB 1C195369 A48BABE6 0CD51B37 8CDA53A7 4C5D5A74 1C244058 A888C0A0 6EE61DC2 CA0AC2B3 34B8F74C C3514EED A8E7614E E3265BBD 36B76C97 FE6A62C4 0A20E494 5AE7C9A2 3F32D09D 05EA4A00 9F7CC2D7 CF083EFB D1FACCC7 77F5E29F 528DCA42 0D4A5FB1 F3EEA9DD 436C6B17 21BF6901 3338FFD2 4921E433 6618595E 3C85341A EEE90D14 F7752481 78785507 1BEEE94E 045D3584 E54434BD 62D75796 0383148D F549233F 24CEE6B8 14722A28 BA377C9F FB0F212A F6EED10D C1E433A6 E04CB874 DCA5D93B B93AA536 FBBA8A10 9DDD3BFA B3C42EAB 4C4637E8 70E3430A DBAAC146 7FA39DA9 3416EFB7 C968CAEC BBF2BD68 6E8125CB E4DCB994 495A659B A3C4D705 2902FFEF 73AA11E3 F2FD8CDF BEDD94E6 3CF14DC7 977F5632 00F74683 A15FAF81 3C95415C FF6D7A44 FD133E46 7B828F3D E9DEDD7A 6F8646F7 C16EF195 F6F16766 B3272897 90821964 21CA7759 3340E37C 9E89F96B 779B22CE 4BB6DAA0 94838285 AD0A82CF F5A2C042 6009E109 DA186D6F BE50FCC4 7C252209 341E693F 66AC2B21 9CBBEFE9 9979E705 8689137E A66B36C1 C549AAF7 E4294BCB 1EAE94C3 AA227A2F 5C3D1441 9D62C9DF 952C9E74 D7FB50CC 35C59597 B59D7DA6 BE0120F3 640BEC53 BF5599A0 AC683DB9 BF33E3FC 922B802F BB5F96EA DB85ECC6 73D4D9C7 A917BF3B FBEBC20F 98A84F9F 56A35D71 9E0EA3F0 98AF596D 5C0E6497 23E25663 4012E8C9 C1CA4DA5 F9D0D574 888DD7E0 41803553 8E2F8CEB 23B618C9 DBFBB80C 972C91DC 2C04F1F3 830CA090 25CFD16E 588351A3 1A04DBC9 6FFD2736 F699102F 17D4D1A1 D4C38E9A 491BD133 D7BD3741 54131B2F A8E9FC12 A0ED10F9 A35FF3CC D062484F 4142F2F4 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The Base64 encoding of the full signature is: 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

Appendix B. Change Log

Authors' Addresses

A. Fregly
Verisign Labs
12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190
United States of America
J. Harvey
Verisign Labs
12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190
United States of America
B. Kaliski
Verisign Labs
12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190
United States of America
D. Wessels
Verisign Labs
12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190
United States of America