Internet-Draft dry-run-dnssec July 2024
Thessalonikefs, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page]
DNSOP Working Group
Intended Status:
Standards Track
Y. Thessalonikefs
NLnet Labs
W. Toorop
NLnet Labs
R. Arends

dry-run DNSSEC


This document describes a method called "dry-run DNSSEC" that allows for testing DNSSEC deployments without affecting the DNS service in case of DNSSEC errors. It accomplishes that by introducing new DS Type Digest Algorithms that when used in a DS record, referred to as dry-run DS, signal to validating resolvers that dry-run DNSSEC is used for the zone. DNSSEC errors are then reported with DNS Error Reporting, but any bogus responses to clients are withheld. Instead, validating resolvers fallback from dry-run DNSSEC and provide the response that would have been answered without the presence of a dry-run DS. A further EDNS option is presented for clients to opt-in for dry-run DNSSEC errors and allow for end-to-end DNSSEC testing.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 January 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

DNSSEC was introduced to provide DNS with data origin authentication and data integrity. This brought quite an amount of complexity and fragility to the DNS which in turn still hinders general adoption. When an operator decides to publish a newly signed zone there is no way to realistically check that DNS resolution will not break for the zone.

Recent efforts that improve troubleshooting DNS and DNSSEC include Extended DNS Errors [RFC8914] and DNS Error Reporting [RFC9567]. The former defines error codes that can be attached to a response as EDNS options. The latter introduces a way for resolvers to report those error codes to the zone operators.

This document describes a method called "dry-run DNSSEC" that builds upon the two aforementioned efforts and gives confidence to operators to adopt DNSSEC by enabling production testing of a DNSSEC zone. This is accomplished by introducing new DS Type Digest Algorithms. The zone operator signs the zone and makes sure that the DS record published on the parent side uses the specific DS Type Digest Algorithm. Validating resolvers that don't support the DS Type Digest algorithms ignore it as per [RFC6840], Section 5.2. Validating resolvers that do support dry-run DNSSEC make use of [RFC8914] and [RFC9567] to report any DNSSEC errors to the zone operator. If a DNSSEC validation error was due to dry-run DNSSEC, validation restarts by ignoring the dry-run DS in order to give the real DNS/DNSSEC response to the client.

This allows real world testing with resolvers that support dry-run DNSSEC by reporting DNSSEC feedback, without breaking DNS resolution for the domain under test.

2. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119][RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

real DS
The actual DS record for the delegation.
dry-run DS
The DS record with the special DS type digest algorithm that signals dry-run DNSSEC for the delegation.
dry-run zone
A zone that is DNSSEC signed but uses a dry-run DS to signal the use of the dry-run DNSSEC method.
dry-run parent zone
A zone that supports dry-run DNSSEC for its delegation, that is support for publishing the dry-run DS.
dry-run resolver
A validating resolver that supports dry-run DNSSEC.
wet-run client
A client that has opted-in to receive the actual DNSSEC errors from the upstream validating resolver instead of the insecure answers.

3. Overview

Dry-run DNSSEC builds upon three previous experiences namely DMARC [RFC7489], Root Key Trust Anchor Sentinel [RFC8509] and Signaling Trust Anchor Knowledge [RFC8145]. The former enabled email operators to verify their configuration with real email servers by getting DMARC reports and understanding the impact on email delivery their configuration would have before committing to enable DMARC. Experience with the latter two showed that with only a small, up to date resolver population, the signaling is already quite substantial.

Dry-run DNSSEC offers zone operators the means to test newly signed zones and a turn-key action to conclude testing and commit to the tested DNSSEC records. Operators that want to use dry-run DNSSEC SHOULD support [RFC9567] and have a reporting agent in place to receive the error reports.

The only change from normal operations when signing a zone with dry-run DNSSEC is to not publish the real DS record on the parent but publish the dry-run DS record instead. See Section 4 for more information on the dry-run DS record itself, and Section 5 on the parent-child communication for the dry-run DS record.

Validating resolvers that don't support the DS Type Digest algorithm ignore it as per [RFC6840], Section 5.2. Validating resolvers that support dry-run DNSSEC are signaled to treat the zone as a dry-run zone. Validating resolvers that support dry-run DNSSEC SHOULD support [RFC9567] in order to report possible errors back to the operators.

Valid answers as a result of dry-run validation yield authentic data (AD) responses and clients that expect the AD flag can already benefit from the transition.

Invalid answers yield the response that would have been answered when no dry-run DS would have been present in the parent instead of SERVFAIL. For zones that had only dry-run DS RRs in the parent, an invalid answer yields an insecure response. This is not proper data integrity but the delegation SHOULD NOT be considered DNSSEC signed at this point. For zones that had other non dry-run DS RRs in the parent, validation MUST restart by using those RRs instead.

[RFC9567] is used for invalid answers and it can generate reports for errors in dry-run DNSSEC zones. This helps with monitoring potential DNS breakage when testing a DNSSEC configuration for a zone. This is also the main purpose of dry-run DNSSEC.

The newly signed zone is publicly deployed but DNSSEC configuration errors cannot break DNS resolution yet. DNS Error Reports can pinpoint potential issues back to the operator. When the operator is confident that the DNSSEC configuration under test does not introduce DNS breakage, the turn-key action to conclude testing and commit to the singed zone is to replace the dry-run DS with the real DS record on the parent zone.

3.1. Use cases

Dry-run DNSSEC can be used to test different DNSSEC scenarios. From adopting DNSSEC for a zone, which is the main goal of this document, to testing experimental DNSSEC configurations and key rollovers. Dry-run resolvers generate error reports in case of validation errors in dry-run zones and they fallback to the non-dry-run part of the zones to complete validation.

3.1.1. DNSSEC adoption

This use case tests DNSSEC adoption for an insecure zone. The zone is signed and a single dry-run DS record is published on the parent. Validation errors yield error reports but invalid answers do not result in SERVFAIL responses to clients. In the absence of real DS records, resolvers fallback to no DS records for the zone. Essentially treating the zone as insecure, the same as before the dry-run DS publication.

3.1.2. Experimental DNSSEC configuration

This use case can test a completely different DNSSEC configuration for an already signed zone. The zone is doubly signed and there are at least two DS RRs in the parent zone. Dry-run resolvers try to use the dry-run part of the zone. In case of validation errors they fallback to the real DS and restart validation which may or may not lead to further validation errors depending on the real DNSSEC status of the zone.

3.1.3. Key rollover

As with the experimental case above, but for the benefit of testing a key rollover before actually committing to it. The rollover can be tested by introducing the real DS also as a dry-run DS record as the first step. Normal key rollover procedures can continue by introducing the new key as another dry-run DS record. In case of validation errors, dry-run resolvers fallback to the real DS and restart validation. When testing was successful, the same exact procedure can be followed by replacing the dry-run DS steps with real DSes.

A special key rollover case could be for the root. This can be made possible by specifying the dry-run DS Digest Type in the <DigestType> element in or a different way of indicating in the xml file.

3.2. NOERROR report

This section is WIP (more/clearer text that conveys the following)

We need NOERROR reporting. The upstream can send the unsolicited TBD_no EDNS option back next to the Report-Channel (18) EDNS0 option from [RFC9567]. In case of no real error reports we could at least be comfortable that support is out there and nothing is wrong (yet). Privacy concerns of identifying resolvers are the same as with an upstream that purposely serves bogus data with dry-run DNSSEC and/or DNS Error Reporting. Ultimate choice up to the resolver operator. This could be implicit with dry-run support with no explicit EDNS0 option.

3.2.1. EDNS0 Option Specification

This method uses an EDNS0 [RFC6891] option to indicate that the domain would like to receive NOERROR reports. The option is structured as follows:

                     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|        OPTION-CODE = TBD_no   |       OPTION-LENGTH = 0       |

Field definition details:

2 octets; an EDNS0 code that is used in an EDNS0 option to indicate willingness to receive NOERROR reports. The name for this EDNS0 option code is Dry-Run NOERROR.
2 octets; 0 value as this option has no content.

3.2.2. Feedback from IETF 114

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

This is addressed feedback as a result of IETF 114. We keep it here for future reference while the document is advancing. What is the error rate
  • Feedback by Ben Schwartz.

  • During IETF 114 and based on this draft, DNS Error Reporting had a flag in its specification that allowed domains to signal resolvers that they would like to receive NOERROR reports. This would have helped identify that resolvers that see and support the option are out there but there are no errors to report.

  • The NOERROR report is now part of this specification.

3.3. Opt-in end-to-end DNSSEC testing

For further end-to-end DNS testing, a new EDNS0 option code TBD_w (Wet-Run DNSSEC) is introduced that a client can send along with a query to a validating resolver. This signals dry-run resolvers that the client has opted-in to DNSSEC errors for dry-run zones. Dry-run resolvers that support opt-in MUST respond with the dry-run DNSSEC error if any and MUST attach the same EDNS0 option code TBD_w in the response to mark the error response as coming from a dry-run zone.

Dry-run resolvers that support opt-in MUST cache the DNSSEC status of the dry-run validation next to the actual DNSSEC status. This enables cached answers to both regular and opt-in clients, similar to cached answers to clients with and without the CD flag set.

Additional Extended DNS Errors can still be attached in the error response by the validating resolver as per [RFC8914].

Dry-run resolvers that do not support opt-in MUST ignore the TBD_w EDNS0 option and MUST NOT attach the TBD_w EDNS0 option code in their replies.

3.3.1. Feedback from IETF 114

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

This is addressed feedback as a result of IETF 114. We keep it here for future reference while the document is advancing. Client can send its own trust anchor (DS) with an EDNS0 option to resolver instead
  • Feedback by Nils Wisiol.

  • This is way more complex since it won't work for cached answers and will need to restart validation for that particular client query and probably also not cache the result. Other clients with the same query (but no EDNS0 DS) must not be mixed with whatever is happening with the injected trust anchor.

4. Signaling

Signaling to dry-run resolvers that a delegation uses dry-run DNSSEC happens naturally with the DS record returned from the parent zone by specifying new DS Digest Type Algorithm(s).

Each algorithm has a potential dry-run equivalent. This can be realised by either burning a bit in the DS Digest Type Algorithm (the most significant bit) so that all current and future algorithms have a dry-run DNSSEC equivalent, or by explicitly specifying algorithms for select current and future algorithms. The convention for this document is to only specify a new one for SHA-256 at the moment; this will likely change in a future version.

Resolvers that do not support dry-run DNSSEC and have no knowledge of the introduced DS Digest Type Algorithms ignore them as per [RFC6840], Section 5.2.

4.1. Feedback from IETF 114

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

This is addressed feedback as a result of IETF 114. We keep it here for future reference while the document is advancing.

4.1.1. Burn a bit for dry-run DS Digest Type Algorithms

  • Viktor Dukhovni:

    • Saner than variable variant.
    • Hash algorithms are introduced exceedingly rarely, symmetric hashes are very stable.
    • No evidence that SHA2 will be compromised in the next 100 years; we may have SHA3 at some point but little demand.
  • Peter Thomassen:

    • Better to sacrifice a bit than variable length. Also for post quantum crypto, in response to Paul Hoffman below, even if keys are large the hash value will have a constant length.
  • Libor Peltan: (mailing list)

    • Only a few code points in use now, it seems viable.

4.1.2. Use a single DS Digest Type Algorithm for dry-run

  • Need to encode the actual algorithm and data in the DS record; results in variable length DS record for a single algorithm.

  • May hinder adoption due to EPP checks/requirements (known record length for each algorithm).

  • Mark Andrews:

    • Variable length will be needed for private algorithm types so we may as well support it here.
  • Paul Hoffman:

    • Recommends going to variable length to pave the way for post quantum crypto and the surprising length it may need.

5. Provisioning

This section discusses the communication between a dry-run DNSSEC zone and the parent domain and the procedures that need to be in place in order for the parent to publish a dry-run DS record for the delegation. Most of the burden falls with the parent zone since they have to understand the delegation's intent for use of dry-run DNSSEC. If the parent does not accept DS records, they need to provide a means so that the child can mark the provided DNSKEY(s) as dry-run DNSSEC. This can be achieved either by a flag on the parent's interface, or their willingness to accept and inspect DS records that accompany DNSKEYs for use of the DRY-RUN DS Type Digest Algorithm. The case of CDS/CDNSKEY is discussed below.

5.1. Feedback from IETF 114

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

This is addressed feedback as a result of IETF 114. We keep it here for future reference while the document is advancing.

5.1.1. dry-run DS records could linger in the parent

  • Feedback from Lars-Johan Liman.

  • Peter Thomassen:

    • Registry or parent authority need to have a local policy to remove or not dry-run records after a while.
  • We also think that no action is necessary for this document.

5.2. Parent zone records

The only change that needs to happen for dry-run DNSSEC is for the parent to be able to publish the dry-run DS record. If the parent accepts DS records from the child, the child needs to provide the dry-run DS record. If the parent does not accept DS records and generates the DS records from the DNSKEY, support for generating the dry-run DS record, when needed, should be added to the parent if dry-run DNSSEC is a desirable feature.

When the child zone operator wants to complete the DNSSEC deployment, the parent needs to be notified for the real DS record publication.

5.2.1. CDS and CDNSKEY Consideration

CDS works as expected by providing the dry-run DS content for the CDS record. CDNSKEY cannot work by itself; it needs to be accompanied by the aforementioned CDS to signal dry-run DNSSEC for the delegation. Thus, parents that rely only on CDNSKEY need to add support for checking the accompanying CDS record for the DRY-RUN DS Type Digest Algorithm and generating a dry-run DS record if such a record is encountered.

Operators of a dry-run child zone are advised to publish both CDS and CDNSKEY so that both cases above are covered.

6. Security Considerations

For the use case of DNSSEC adoption, dry-run DNSSEC disables one of the fundamental guarantees of DNSSEC, data integrity. Bogus answers for expired/invalid data will become insecure answers providing the potentially wrong information back to the requester. This is a feature of this proposal but it also allows forged answers by third parties to affect the zone.

This should be treated as a warning that dry-run DNSSEC is not an end solution but rather a temporarily intermediate test step of a zone going secure.

Thus, a dry-run only zone (only dry-run DSes on the parent) SHOULD NOT be considered as DNSSEC signed since it does not offer all the DNSSEC guarantees.

7. IANA Considerations

7.1. DRY-RUN DS Type Digest Algorithm

This document defines a new entry in the "Delegation Signer (DS) Resource Record (RR) Type Digest Algorithms" registry:

Table 1
Value Digest Type Status Reference
TBD_ds SHA-256 DRY-RUN OPTIONAL [this document]

7.2. Dry-Run NOERROR EDNS0 Option

This document defines a new entry in the "DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT)" registry on the "Domain Name System (DNS) Parameters" page:

Table 2
Value Name Status Reference
TBD_no Dry-Run NOERROR Optional [this document]

7.3. Wet-Run EDNS0 Option

This document defines a new entry in the "DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT)" registry on the "Domain Name System (DNS) Parameters" page:

Table 3
Value Name Status Reference
TBD_wet Wet-Run DNSSEC Optional [this document]

8. Acknowledgements

Martin Hoffmann contributed the idea of using the DS record of an already signed zone also as a dry-run DS in order to facilitate testing key rollovers.

9. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Weiler, S., Ed. and D. Blacka, Ed., "Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNS Security (DNSSEC)", RFC 6840, DOI 10.17487/RFC6840, , <>.
Damas, J., Graff, M., and P. Vixie, "Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS(0))", STD 75, RFC 6891, DOI 10.17487/RFC6891, , <>.
Kucherawy, M., Ed. and E. Zwicky, Ed., "Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)", RFC 7489, DOI 10.17487/RFC7489, , <>.
Wessels, D., Kumari, W., and P. Hoffman, "Signaling Trust Anchor Knowledge in DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC)", RFC 8145, DOI 10.17487/RFC8145, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
Huston, G., Damas, J., and W. Kumari, "A Root Key Trust Anchor Sentinel for DNSSEC", RFC 8509, DOI 10.17487/RFC8509, , <>.
Kumari, W., Hunt, E., Arends, R., Hardaker, W., and D. Lawrence, "Extended DNS Errors", RFC 8914, DOI 10.17487/RFC8914, , <>.
Arends, R. and M. Larson, "DNS Error Reporting", RFC 9567, DOI 10.17487/RFC9567, , <>.

Appendix A. Implementation Status

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

In the following implementation status descriptions, "dry-run DNSSEC" refers to dry-run DNSSEC as described in this document.

None yet.

Appendix B. Change History

Note to the RFC Editor: please remove this entire section before publication.

Initial public draft.

Document restructure and feedback incorporation from IETF 113.

Document restructure and feedback incorporation from IETF 114; mainly:

Use explicit dry-run algorithm types for DS.

Introduce NOERROR reporting.

Authors' Addresses

Yorgos Thessalonikefs
NLnet Labs
Science Park 400
1098 XH Amsterdam
Willem Toorop
NLnet Labs
Science Park 400
1098 XH Amsterdam
Roy Arends