NAME Games::Poker::HandEvaluator - Perl extension for blah blah blah SYNOPSIS use Games::Poker::HandEvaluator qw(handval evaluate); use Games::Cards; my $Poker = new Games::Cards::Game; my $Deck = new Games::Cards::Deck ($Poker, "Deck"); $Deck->shuffle; # Deal out the hands my $hand = Games::Cards::Hand->new($Poker, "Hand") ; $Deck->give_cards($hand, 7); print $hand->print("short"), "\n"; # Hand: JC 7C 8C JH 3C 7S 5C print handval(evaluate($hand)), "\n"; # Flush (J 8 7 5 3) Or just: my $hand_a = evaluate("Jc 7c 8c Jh 3c 7s 5c"); my $hand_b = evaluate("9d 5d Ks 7h 5s 7s 4c"); if ($hand_a > $hand_b) { print handval($hand_a), " beats ", handval($hand_b); # Flush (J 8 7 5 3) beats TwoPair (7 5 K) } DESCRIPTION This is an XS wrapper around the "libpoker" library, found at <>. It provides two functions, which are not exported by default, "evaluate" and "handval". "evaluate" turns a hand, as described either by a "Games::Card::CardSet" object or a simple string, into an integer representing the best poker play for that hand. If the hand cannot be parsed, 0 is returned. This integer value can be compared with other hand evaluations; the higher the integer, the better the hand. "handval" turns that value into a short textual description. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Simon Cozens, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003 by Simon Cozens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.