NAME MooseX::CachingProxy - Send LWP requests through a caching proxy server SYNOPSIS package MyDownloader; use Moose; use WWW::Mechanize; with 'MooseX::CachingProxy'; has url => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => ''); sub BUILD {$self->start_caching_proxy} # this method retrieves web pages via the caching proxy sub get_files { my $response = WWW::Mechanize->new()->get(''); } # this method retrieves web pages directly from sub get_fresh_files { $self->stop_caching_proxy; my $response = WWW::Mechanize->new()->get(''); $self->start_caching_proxy; } DESCRIPTION This is a Moose role that allows you to easily cache responses from remote servers. For this to work, use either LWP or a library that uses LWP (like WWW::Mechanize). The implementation is a mashup of Plack::App::Proxy, Plack::Middleware::Cache, and LWP::Protocol::PSGI. It intercepts any LWP requests made and routes them to a PSGI app. The PSGI app will return a cached response if available or send the request on to the intended server. This role requires a 'url' attribute or method. ATTRIBUTES url Required. All requests are proxied to this server. Example: caching_proxy_dir Optional. The directory on the local filesystem where responses are cached. The default location is '/tmp/caching-proxy'. METHODS start_caching_proxy() Start intercepting LWP requests with a caching proxy server stop_caching_proxy() Start intercepting LWP requests with a caching proxy server TODO Add an option to remove the cache directory? THANKS Thanks to Foxtons Ltd for providing the opportunity to write and release the original version of this module. SEE ALSO Plack::App::Proxy, Plack::Middleware::Cache, LWP::Protocol::PSGI AUTHOR Eric Johnson <cpan at iijo dot org> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Eric Johnson. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.