Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Table - Higher level interface to Net::Amazon::DyamoDB::Lite


    use Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Table;

    my $table = Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Table->new(
        region      => 'us-east-1',  # required
        table       => $table,       # required
        hash_key    => 'planet',     # required
        range_key   => 'species',    # required if table has a range key
        access_key  => ...,          # default: $ENV{AWS_ACCESS_KEY};
        secret_key  => ...,          # default: $ENV{AWS_SECRET_KEY};

    # create or update an item
    $table->put(Item => { planet => 'Mars', ... });

    # get the item with the specified primary key; returns a hashref
    my $item = $table->get(planet => 'Mars');

    # delete the item with the specified primary key
    $table->delete(planet => 'Mars');

    # scan the table for items; returns an arrayref of items
    my $items_arrayref = $table->scan();

    # scan the table for items; returns items as a hash of key value pairs
    my $items_hashref = $table->scan_as_hashref();


A Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Table object represents a single table in DynamoDB.
This module provides a simple UI layer on top of Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Lite.

There are two features which make this class "simpler" than

The first is that you don't need to specify the TableName in every call.

The second is that you don't need to worry about types.  


## new()

Returns a Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Table object.  Accepts the following

        region      => 'us-east-1',  # required
        table       => $table,       # required
        hash_key    => $hash_key,    # required
        range_key   => $range_key,   # required if table has a range key
        access_key  => ...,          # default: $ENV{AWS_ACCESS_KEY};
        secret_key  => ...,          # default: $ENV{AWS_SECRET_KEY};

## put()

Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item.  This method
accepts the same parameters as those accepted by the AWS DynamoDB put\_item api
endpoint.  Note however, that you don't need to specify any types.  This module
does that for you.  For example:

        Item => {
            a => 1,                  # a Number
            b => "boop",             # a String
            c => [ "hi mom", 23.5 ], # a List composed of a String and Number
            d => {                   # a Map
                chipmunks       => [qw/alvin theodore/], # a List of Strings
                backstreet_boys => [qw/Nick Kevin/],     # a List of Strings
                thing           => 23,                   # a Number

## get()

Returns a hashref representing the item specified by the given primary key.
You can specify the primary key using the HashKey and RangeKey parameters
provided for convenience by this module:

    my $item = $dynamodb->get(
        planet  => 'Mars',
        species => 'green aliens',

Or you can explicitly specify the primary key and types using the Key parameter
like this:

    my $item = $dynamodb->get(
        Key => [ 
            { planet  => { S => 'Mars'         } },
            { species => { N => 'green aliens' } },

This method also accepts the same parameters as those accepted by the
AWS DynamoDB get\_item api endpoint.  For example:

    my $item = $dynamodb->get(
        planet         => 'Mars',
        species        => 'green aliens',
        ConsistentRead => 1,

## delete()

Deletes a single item from a table using the given primary key.  You can
specify the primary key using the HashKey and RangeKey parameters provided for
convenience by this module:

    my $item = $dynamodb->delete(
        planet  => 'Mars',
        species => 'green aliens',

Or you can explicitly specify the primary key and types using the Key parameter
like this:

    my $item = $dynamodb->get(
        Key => [ 
            { planet  => { S => 'Mars'         } },
            { species => { N => 'green aliens' } },

This method also accepts the same parameters as those accepted by the
AWS DynamoDB get\_item api endpoint.  For example:

    my $item = $dynamodb->get(
        planet                    => 'Mars',
        species                   => 'green aliens',
        ConditionExpression       => "planet := :p",
        ExpressionAttributeValues => { ':p' => { S => 'Mars' } },

## scan()

This method accepts the same parameters as those accepted by the
AWS DynamoDB scan api endpoint.  It returns an arrayref of item hashrefs.

## scan\_as\_hashref()

This method accepts the same parameters as those accepted by the
AWS DynamoDB scan api endpoint.  It returns the results as a hashref that looks
like this:

    # { $hash_key_value1 => $item1,
    #   $hash_key_value2 => $item2, 
    #   ...,
    # }


Thanks to [DuckDuckGo](http://duckduckgo.com) for making this module possible.


Copyright (C) Eric Johnson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Eric Johnson <eric.git@iijo.org>