Digest::TransformPath - Implements the TransformPath concept

    A big thank you goes out to "coraline" (Richard Soderburg) for bringing
    the caching mechanism of ccache to my attention, which sparked the idea,
    and upon which this module is loosely (very) and conceptually (just
    barely) based.

      # Pull the original image from the database
      my $Image = Database->get('Image', 423);
      my $Path  = Digest::TransformPath->new('Image.423');
      # Resize the image if bigger than 800x600
      Image::Munge->constrain( $Image, 800, 600 );
      # Save the file
      my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( 'cropped', $Path->digest(15), $Image->type );
      File::Slurp::write_file( $filename, $Image->data );

    A TransformPath is a complex higher-order key that is designed for use
    with chains of functions that sequentially transform a piece of data.

    The concept starts with a sizable chunk of data, for example an image,
    for which we can determine a unique identifier, and for which we can
    cheaply determine if and when the source material has changed.

    A series of resource-intensive transforms might be applied to this
    original data to produce another piece of data. In the image example, we
    might auto-level, crop, scale, rotate, colour-balance and then thumbnail
    the image. This transformed data would be put into a cache.

    If at some future point we wish to obtain the same image, but would
    preferably like to use the cached version, we would have to take the
    original image, reapply the transforms, and then compare to the result
    the first time around.

    Alternatives to this general checking mechanism revolve around storing
    the identifier in parellel to the data file, in a database or data file,
    or similar schemes the involve similar amounts of complexity.

    In the TransformPath concept, a structure is created which contains the
    original source identifier, and a short, ordered and unique description
    of all of the transformations in the sequence.

    This description structure is then serialised and hashed to get a unique
    and generally cryptographically secure identifier for the transformed
    image. This identifier would typically be used as part of the file
    name/path for the transformed image.

    To check that the file is unchanged, we merely confirm that the original
    has not changed, and then rebuilt the TransformPath digest. If the
    TransformPath digest is unchanged, then the transformed image is
    unchanged, and we can use the version in the cache, saving ourselves the
    high expense of running the transforms again.

    If we cannot cheaply tell that the source image has changed, there is a
    clean fallback position. By including a digest of the original data
    inside the TransformPath object, the final digest changes automatically
    whenever the data inside the source file changes.

    While this still costs us a digest run each time, this is relatively
    affordable compared to doing the transforms as well.

    This can be done by either using the initial digest as the source id, or
    by adding it as the first transform step. The latter is recommended for
    most situations, as this ensures that the source id is static, and won't

    In many uses of Digest::TransformPath, this is likely to be highly

  new $id [, $string, ... ]
    The "new" constructor creates a new Digest::TransformPath object.

    Returns a new Digest::TransformPath object, or "undef" if not given a
    plain string for the identifier.

  add $string
    The "add" method adds a transform description, in the form of a string,
    to the TransformPath object.

    Returns true, or "undef" if not passed a string.

    Returns the original source identifier

  digest [ $chars ]
    The "digest" method generates an MD5 digest for the object. If passed
    the optional $chars integer value, it will trim the 32 byte digest (it
    uses hex) down to a shorter length.

    All bugs should be filed via the bug tracker at


    For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the

    Adam Kennedy <>, <>

    Thank you to Phase N (<>) for permitting the open
    sourcing and release of this distribution.

    Copyright (c) 2004 Adam Kennedy. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.